2004 Law Review and Bar Journal Articles


Title: Focusing on American Indians in Cultural Resource Preservation Laws
Author: Wright, Lauryne
Source: Advocate, Vol. 47 (2004).
NILL ID: 14274 Blue book cite: 47-AUG Advocate (Idaho) 20

Title:Cultural resource preservation law: The enhanced focus on American Indians
Author: Wright, Lauryne
Source: The Air Force Law Review, Vol. 54 (2004).
NILL ID: 14300 Blue book cite: 54 A.F. L. Rev. 131

Title: Treatment as tribe, treatment as state: the Penobscot Indians and the Clean Water Act
Author: Rodgers, William H., Jr.
Source: Alabama Law Review, Vol. 55 (2004).
NILL ID: 14252 Blue book cite: 55 Ala. L. Rev. 815

Title: Cheyenne way of peace and justice: The post Lewis and Clark period to Oklahoma statehood.
Author: Hart, Lawrence H.
Source: American Indian Law Review, Vol. 28 (2004).
NILL ID: 14017 Blue book cite: 28 Am. Indian L. Rev. 261

Title: Closing remarks; Symposium: United States v. Billy Jo Lara: A constitutional crisis in Indian law?
Author: Furlong, Trevor J.
Source: American Indian Law Review, Vol. 28 (2004).
NILL ID: 14284 Blue book cite: 28 Am. Indian L. Rev. 325

Title: The Competent ward.
Author: Fitzpatrick, Jeremy R.
Source: American Indian Law Review, Vol. 28 (2004).
NILL ID: 14014 Blue book cite: 28 Am. Indian L. Rev. 189

Title: Death of a monster: Laws may finally kill Gila River adjudication
Murphy, Lindsay
Source: American Indian Law Review, Vol. 28 (2004).
NILL ID: 14013 Blue book cite: 28 Am. Indian L. Rev. 173

Title: Employment law: Dawavendewa v. Salt River Project Agricultural Improvement and Power District: The need for congressional change in Native American hiring preferences
Author: Mazzarella, Elizabeth Zaiden
Source: American Indian Law Review, Vol. 28 (2004).
NILL ID: 14288 Blue book cite: 28 Am. Indian L. Rev. 413

Title: Ethical implications in Indian law
Author: Murdock, Dan
Source: American Indian Law Review, Vol. 28 (2004).
NILL ID: 14283 Blue book cite: 28 Am. Indian L. Rev. 313

Title: Everglades, dirty water, and the Miccosukee Tribe: Will the Supreme Court say enough is enough?
Author: Delaney, Casey Tippens
Source: American Indian Law Review, Vol. 28 (2004).
NILL ID: 14285 Blue book cite: 28 Am. Indian L. Rev. 349

Title: Has Oregon tightened the perceived loopholes of the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act?: Bonnichsen v. United States
Author: Sibley, Michelle
Source: American Indian Law Review, Vol. 28 (2004).
NILL ID: 14011 Blue book cite: 28 Am. Indian L. Rev. 141

Title: Indian law in the last thirty years: How cases get to the Supreme Court and how they are briefed
Author: Kneedler, Edwin
Source: American Indian Law Review, Vol. 28 (2004).
NILL ID: 14292 Blue book cite: 28 Am. Indian L. Rev. 274

Title: The United States government's side of the case; Symposium: United States v. Billy Jo Lara: A constitutional crisis in Indian law?
Author: Robertson, Lindsay
Source: American Indian Law Review, Vol. 28 (2004).
NILL ID: 14280 Blue book cite: 28 Am. Indian L. Rev. 293

Title: Introduction to Edwin Kneedler; Symposium: United States v. Billy Jo Lara: A constitutional crisis in Indian law?
Author: Robertson, Lindsay
Source: American Indian Law Review, Vol. 28 (2004).
NILL ID: 14294 Blue book cite: 28 Am. Indian L. Rev. 273

Title: Introduction to Frank Pommersheim; Symposium: United States v. Billy Jo Lara: A constitutional crisis in Indian law?
Author: Pommersheim, Frank
Source: American Indian Law Review, Vol. 28 (2004).
NILL ID: 14281 Blue book cite: 28 Am. Indian L. Rev. 299

Title: O Centro v. Ashcroft: American Indians' efforts to secure religious freedoms are paving the way for other minority religious groups
Author: Eason, Christopher A.
Source: American Indian Law Review, Vol. 28 (2004).
NILL ID: 14293 Blue book cite: 28 Am. Indian L. Rev. 327

Title: Overcoming the politics of reform: The story of the Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma Constitutional Convention
Lemont, Eric
Source: American Indian Law Review, Vol. 28 (2004).
NILL ID: 14006 Blue book cite: 28 Am. Indian L. Rev. 1

Title: Parental ratification: Legal manifestations of cultural authenticity in cross-racial adoption
Maillard, Kevin N.
Source: American Indian Law Review, Vol. 28 (2004).
NILL ID: 14010 Blue book cite: 28 Am. Indian L. Rev. 107

Title: A primer on the criminal penalty provisions of the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act
Author: Iraola, Roberto
Source: American Indian Law Review, Vol. 28 (2004).
NILL ID: 14289 Blue book cite: 28 Am. Indian L. Rev. 431

Title: Protecting tribal stories: The perils of propertization
Osborne, Stephen D.
Source: American Indian Law Review, Vol. 28 (2004).
NILL ID: 14015 Blue book cite: 28 Am. Indian L. Rev. 203

Title: Sawnawgezewog: "The Indian problem" and the lost art of survival
Fletcher, Matthew L. M.
Source: American Indian Law Review, Vol. 28 (2004).
NILL ID: 14009 Blue book cite: 28 Am. Indian L. Rev. 35

Title: Question and answer session; Symposium: United States v. Billy Jo Lara: A constitutional crisis in Indian law?
Source: American Indian Law Review, Vol. 28 (2004).
NILL ID: 14282 Blue book cite: 28 Am. Indian L. Rev. 307

Title: Victims in waiting: How the Homeland Security Act falls short of fully protecting tribal lands
Author: Butts, Jennifer
Source: American Indian Law Review, Vol. 28 (2004).
NILL ID: 14286 Blue book cite: 28 Am. Indian L. Rev. 373

Title: Who defines tribal sovereignty? An analysis of United States v. Lara
Author: Seibert, April L.
Source: American Indian Law Review, Vol. 28 (2004).
NILL ID: 14287 Blue book cite: 28 Am. Indian L. Rev. 393

Title: Whose rights are these anyway?: A rethinking of our society's intellectual property laws in order to better protect Native American religious property
Milchan, Suzanne
Source: American Indian Law Review, Vol. 28 (2004).
NILL ID: 14012 Blue book cite: 28 Am. Indian L. Rev. 157

Title: Winner, best appellate brief in the 2003 Native American law student association moot court competition
Baumgartner, Matthew; Elizabeth A. Kronk
Source: American Indian Law Review, Vol. 28 (2004).
NILL ID: 14016 Blue book cite: 28 Am. Indian L. Rev. 237

Title: Colonization through law: The judicial defense of state Indian legislation, 1790-1880
Author: Rosen, Deborah A.
Source: American Journal of Legal History, Vol. 46 (2004).
NILL ID: 14235 Blue book cite: 46 Am. J. Legal Hist. 26

Title: Seminole seven years on
Author: Cordry, Karen
Source: Annual Survey of Bankruptcy Law 2003.
NILL ID: 14125 Blue book cite: 2003 Ann. Surv. Bankr. Law 383

Title: Antipodean reflections on American Indian law
Author: Laurence, Robert
Source: Arizona Journal of International & Comparative Law, Vol. 20 (2003).
NILL ID: 14141 Blue book cite: 20 Ariz. J. Int'l & Comp. L. 533

Title: Individual rights and tribal revitalization
Author: Goldberg, Carole E.
Source: Arizona State Law Journal, Vol. 35 (2003).
NILL ID: 14140 Blue book cite: 35 Ariz. St. L.J. 889

Title: Comity & colonialism: The federal courts' frustration of tribal and federal cooperation; Symposium: Indian Tribes and the federal courts: The overlooked sovereigns in federal jurisdiction
Source: Arizona State Law Journal, Vol. 36 (2004).
NILL ID: 14164 Blue book cite: 36 Ariz. St. L.J. 1

Title: Tribal courts and federal sentencing
Author: Washburn, Kevin K.
Source: Arizona State Law Journal, Vol. 36 (2004).
NILL ID: 14162 Blue book cite: 36 Ariz. St. L.J. 403


Title: Domestic violence on the reservation: Imperfect laws, imperfect solution
Author: Waheed, Sumayyah
Source: BerkeleyWomen's Law Journal, Vol. 19 (2004).
NILL ID: 14263 Blue book cite: 19 Berkeley Women's L.J. 287

Title: Tribal immunity from California's campaign contribution disclosure requirements
Author: Reese,Cameron A.
Source: Brigham Young University Law Review (2004).
NILL ID: 14243 Blue book cite: 2004 BYU L. Rev. 793


Title: The court of last resort: American Indians in the inter-American humanrights system: Why American Indians should utilize supra national courts
Author: De Bakker, Derek
Source: Cardozo Journal of International & Comparative Law, Vol. 11 (2004).
NILL ID: 14158 Blue book cite: 11 Cardozo J. Int'l & Comp. L. 939

Title: Indian Gambling in Ohio: What are the odds?
Author: Watson, Blake A.
Source: Capital University Law Review, Vol. 32 (2003).
NILL ID: 14148 Blue book cite: 32 Cap. U. L. Rev. 237

Title: The drug war on tribal government employees: Adopting the ways of the conqueror
Author: Fletcher, Matthew L. M.
Source: Columbia Human Rights Law Review, Vol. 35 (2003).
NILL ID: 14065 Blue book cite: 35 Colum. Hum. Rts. L. Rev. 1

Title: Multiculturalism and the future of tribal sovereignty
Author: Idleman, Scott C.
Source: Columbia Human Rights Law Review, Vol. 35 (2004).
NILL ID: 14242 Blue book cite: 35 Colum. Hum. Rts. L. Rev. 589

Title: Against tribal fungibility
Author: Prakash, Saikrishna
Source: Cornell Law Review, Vol. 89 (2004).
NILL ID: 14306 Blue book cite: 89 Cornell L. Rev. 1069

Title: Not just a western issue anymore: Water disputes in the eastern United States
Author: Sansonetti, Thomas L.
Source: Cumberland Law Review, Vol. 34 (2003/2004).
Blue book cite: 34 Cumb. L. Rev. 185


Title: An empty shell of a treaty promise: R. v Marshall and the rights of the non-status Indians
Author: Palmater, Pamela D.
Source: Dalhousie Law Journal, Vol. 23 (2000).
Blue book cite: 23 Dalhousie L.J. 102

Title: Getting their feet wet: The Supreme Court and the practical implementation of treaty rights in the Marshall case
Author: Saunders, Phillip M.
Source: Dalhousie Law Journal, Vol. 23.
Blue book cite: 23 Dalhouise L.J. 48

Title: Marshalling principles from the Marshall morass
Author: Rotman, Leonard
Source: Dalhousie Law Journal, Vol. 35 (2001).
Blue book cite: 23 Dalhousie L.J. 5

Title: The Cherokee removal and the Fourteenth Amendment
Author: Magliocca, Gerard N.
Source: Duke Law Journal, Vol. 53 (2003).
Blue book cite: Duke L.J. 875


Title: Miccosukee and its implication for National discharge elimination system permits
Author: Gong, Miranda
Source: Ecology Law Quarterly, Vol. 30 (2003).
Blue book cite: 30 Ecology L.Q. 783

Title: Roadless rule retains respect
Author: Baswari, Mazen
Source: Ecology Law Quarterly, Vol. 30 (2003).
Blue book cite: 30 Ecology L.Q. 769

Title: Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation v. Bonneville Power Administration, 342 F.3d 924 (9th Cir. 2003)
Source: Environmental Law, Vol. 34 (2004).
Blue book cite: 34 Envtl. L. 884

Title: Reno-Sparks Indian Colony v. United States Environmental Protection Agency, 336 F3d 899 (9th Cir. 2003)
Source: Environmental Law, Vol. 34 (2004).
Blue book cite: 34 Envtl. L. 840


Title: Criminal jurisdiction in Indian country: A tangled web
Author: Kitchens, Joyce E.
Source: Federal Lawyer, Vol. 51 (2004).
Blue book cite: 51 Fed. Law. 3

Title: Lost in incarceration: The Native American Advisory Group's suggested treatment for sex offenders
Author: Rumann, Celia M.
Source: Federal Sentencing Reporter, Vol. 16 (2004).
Blue book cite: 16 Fed.Sent.R. 208

Title: Leaving money on the table(s): An examination of federal income tax policy towards Indian tribes
Author: Cowan, Mark J.
Source: Florida Tax Review, Vol. 6 (2004).
Blue book cite: 6 Fla. Tax Rev. 345

Title: Amending the Endangered Species Act as if the NATIVE American land ethic mattered
Author: Kubasek, Nancy
Source: Fordham Environmental Law Journal Vol.14 (Spring 2003).
Blue book cite: 14 Fordham Envtl. L.J. 241

Title: The impact of Pro-Football , Inc. v. Harjo on trademark protection of other marks
Author: Hughey, Rachel Clark
Source: Fordham Intellectual Property, Media & Entertainment Law Journal, Vol. 14 (2004).
Blue book cite: 14 Fordham Intell. Prop. Media & Ent. L.J. 327


Title: Manifest destiny's new face: "Soft-selling" tribal heritage lands for toxic waste
Author: Lacey, Eric J.
Source: The Georgetown Law Journal, Vol. 92 (2004).
Blue book cite: 92 Geo. L.J. 405

Title: Water rites: A comparative study of the dispossession of American Indians and Palestinians from natural resources
Author: Jabaily, Annalisa
Source: Georgetown International Environmental Law Review, Vol. 16 (2004).
Blue book cite: 16 Geo. Int'l Envtl. L. Rev. 225


Title: Disparative impact of the Federal Sentencing Guidelines on Indians in Indian Country: Why Congress should run the Erie Railroad into the Major Crimes Act
Author: Smith, Gregory D.
Source: Hamline Law Review, Vol. 27 (2004).
Blue book cite: 27 Hamline L. Rev. 483

Title: South Florida Water Management District v. Miccosukee Tribe of Indians
Author: Carden, Kristin
Source: Harvard Environmental Law Review, Vol. 28 (2004).
Blue book cite: 28 Harv. Envtl. L. Rev. 549

Title: Legislative reform of the Indian Trust Fund System
Author: Panoff, Thomas V.
Source: Harvard Journal on Legislation, Vol. 41 (2004)
Blue book cite: 41 Harv. J. on Legis. 517


Title: Balancing state and tribal power to tax in Indian country
Author: EchoHawk, Larry
Source: Idaho Law Review, Vol. 40 (2004).
Blue book cite: 40 Idaho L. Rev. 623

Title: The inapplicability of American law to the Indian nations
Author: Porter, Robert Odawi
Source: Iowa Law Review, Vol. 89 (2004).
Blue book cite: 89 Iowa L. Rev. 1595


Title: Federalism: The imprecise calculus of dual sovereignty
Author: Clough, John H.
Source: John Marshall Law Review, Vol. 35 (2001).
Blue book cite: 35 J. Marshall L. Rev. 1

Title: A call for Native American natural resources in the law school curriculum
Author: Howard, Winston S.
Source: Journal of Land, Resources & Environmental Law, Vol. 24 (2004).
Blue book cite: 24 J. Land Resources & Envtl. L. 211

Title: Creating refuge out of waste: The D.C. Court of Appeals upholds the Hanford Reach National Monument
Author: Wilkinson, Jay
Source: Journal of Land, Resources and Environmental Law, Vol. 24 (2004).
Blue book cite: 24 J. Land Resources & Envtl. L. 163

Title: Hey Betsy, sew on another star: A comment on Wisconsin v. EPA
Author: Salsman, Micah E.
Source: Journal of Natural Resources and Environmetal Law, Vol. 18 (2004).
Blue book cite: 18 J. Nat. Resources & Envtl. L. 113

Title: Is nuclear waste coming to Utah? An in-depth look at Skull Valley Band of Goshute Indians v. Leavitt
Author: Schulte, Elizabeth
Source: Journal of Land, Resources & Environmental Law, Vol. 24 (2004).
Blue book cite: 24 J. Land Resources & Envtl. L. 115

Title: Can a sovereign protect investors from itself? Tribal institutions to Spur reservation investment
Author: Haddock, David D.
Source: Journal of Small & Emerging Business Law, Vol. 8 (2004).
Blue book cite: 8 J. Small & Emerging Bus. L. 173

Title: Criminal jurisdiction in Indian country: A primer
Author: Hobson, Traci L.
Source: Judge's Journal, Vol. 43 (2004).
Blue book cite: 43 Judge's J. 35

Title: Judicial outreach to tribal court judges
Author: Aguirre, Mary Ann
Source: Judge's Journal, Vol. 43 (2004).
Blue book cite: 43 Judge's J. 37


Title: Affirmation of tribal criminal jurisdiction over nonmember American Indians
Author: Fletcher, Matthew L. M.
Source: The Michigan Bar Journal, Vol. 83 (2004).
Blue book cite: 83-JUL Mich. B.J. 24

Title: American-Indian legal resources on the web
Author: Werner, Lance M.
Source: The Michigan Bar Journal, Vol. 83 (2004).
Blue book cite: 83 Mich. B.J. 42

Title: The Indian Child Welfare Act: Myths and mistaken application
Author: Myers, Thomas R.
Source: Michigan Bar Journal, Vol. 83 (2004).
Blue book cite: 83 Mich. B.J. 19

Title: Labor and employment law and American Indian tribes: How state and federal laws apply to tribal employment
Author: Betz, Larry
Source: Michigan Bar Journal, Vol. 83 (2004).
Blue book cite: 83 Mich. B.J. 15

Title: Protecting the seventh generation: Saginaw Chipptribe serves as natural resousrces trustee
Author: Hand, Jacqueline P.
Source: The Michigan Bar Journal, Vol. 83 (2004).
Blue book cite: 83 Mich. B.J. 28

Title: Eighty years of Indian voting: A call to protect Indian voting rights
Author: Jackson, Danna R.
Source: Montana Law Review, Vol. 65 (2004).
Blue book cite: 65 Mont. L. Rev. 269


Title: Tribal wind power development in the Northern Great Plains
Author: Wood, Jeffrey H.
Source: Natural Resources & Environment, Vol. 19 (2004).
Blue book cite: 19 Nat. Resources & Env't 57

Title: Tribal authority under the Clean Air Act: How is it working?
Author: Milford, Jana B.
Source: Natural Resources Journal, Vol. 44 (2004).
Blue book cite: 44 Nat. Resources J. 213

Title: Visions of sustainable interstate water management agreements
Author: Thorson, John E.
Source: Natural Resources Journal, Vol. 43 (2003).
Blue book cite: 43 Nat. Resources J. 347

Title: Double jeopardy and nonmember Indians in Indian country
Author: Pollman, Terrill
Source: Nebraska Law Review, Vol. 82 (2004).
Blue book cite: 82 Neb. L. Rev. 889

Title: The Native American's rights to hunt and fish: An overview of the aboriginal spiritual and mystical belief system, the effect of European contact and the continuing fight to observe a way of life
Author: Turner, Shelley D.
Source: New Mexico Law Review, Vol. 19 (2004).
Blue book cite: 19 N. M. L. Rev. 377

Title: Federal District Court dismissed Indian plaintiff's against Michigan corporation for forum non conveniens where Indian Law would govern the dispute, finding key testimony could be compelled only by Indian Courts, and evidence of delays and corruption in the courts of the pertinent . . .
Author: Maher, Lauren
Source: New York International Law Review, Vol. 15 (2002).
Blue book cite: 15 N.Y. Int'l L. Rev. 109

Title: Constitutional law--federal Indian law: the erosion of tribal sovereignty as the protection of the Nonintercourse Act continues to be redefined more narrowly. (Cass County Joint Water Resource District v. 1.43 Acres of Land, 2002 ND 83, 643 N. W.2d 685.)
Author: Weisz, Sheree R.
Source: North Dakota Law Review, Vol. 80 (2004).
Blue book cite: 80 N. D. L. Rev. 205

Title: Artic National Wildlife Refugee oil: Canadian and Gwich'in Indian legal responses to 1002 area development
Author: Delcomyn, Michael T.
Source: Northern Illinois University Law Review, Vol. 24 (2004).
Blue book cite: 24 N. Ill. U. L. Rev. 789

Title: If Geronimo was Jewish: Equal protection and the cultural property rights of Native Americans
Author: Hutt, Sherry
Source: Northen Illinois University Law Review, Vol. 24 (2004).
Blue book cite: 24 N. Ill.U.L.Rev. 527

Title: What could American Indian law possibly have to do with the issue of gay-marriage recognition?: Definitional jurisprudence, equal protection and full faith and credit
Author: Laurence, Robert
Source: Northern Illinois University Law Review, Vol. 24 (2004).
Blue book cite: 24 N. Ill. U. L. Rev. 563


Title: Atlantic salmon, Pacific bound: Initiative, defiance, courage, and Indian tribes in environment law
Author: Rodgers, Williams H., Jr.
Source: Ocean & Coastal Law Journal, Vol. 8 (2002).
Blue book cite: 8 Ocean & Coastal L.J. 1


Title: Beyond mere ownership: How the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes use regulatory control over natural resources to establish a viable tribal homeland
Author: Williams, Jason
Source: Public Land & Resources Law Review, 2004.
Blue book cite: 24 Pub. Land & Resources L. Rev. 121

Title: Nevada v. Hicks and Tribal civil liberties jurisdiction: A plea for federal consistency
Author: Hoffman, Amy R. Pivetta
Source: Public Land & Resources Law Review, 2004.
Blue book cite: 24 Pub. Land & Resources L. Rev. 99

Title: What would salmon say? An argument for supplementation to help rebuild naturally reproducing salmon populations in the Columbia Basin
Author: Johnson, Matthew
Source: Public Land and Resources Law Review, Vol. 24 (2004).
Blue book cite: 24 Pub. Land & Resources L. Rev. 45


Title: Blumenthal v. Babbitt: How three words may help redefine sovereignty for America's most powerful Native American tribe
Author: Selvidio, Joseph R.
Source: QLR, Vol. 23 (2004).
Blue book cite: 23 QLR 247


Title: The house always wins: A look at the federal government's role in Indian gaming & the long search for autonomy
Author: Bedortha, Christian C.
Source: Scholar, Vol. 6 (2004).
Blue book cite: 6 Scholar 261

Title: Civil regulatory jurisdiction over fee simple tribal lands: Why Congress is not acting trustworthy
Author: Mattson, Yvonne
Source: Seattle University Law Review, Vol. 27 (2004).
Blue book cite: 27 Seattle U. L. Rev. 1063

Title: Inyo County, California v. Paiute-Shoshone Indians of the Bishop Community of the Bishop Colony, 523 U.S. 701 (2003) (Scroll down to pg. 701)
Author: Bourlon, Elizabeth G.
Source: Stetson Law Review, Vol. 33 (2004).
Blue book cite: 33 Stetson L. Rev. 701

Title: Constitutional law: Civil Rights Section 1983: Bogle v. McClure, 332 F.3D 1347 (11th Cir. 2003)
Author: Bard, Jason M.
Source: Stetson Law Review, Vol. 33 (2004).
Blue book cite: 33 Stetson L. Rev. 697

Title: Going home: A symposium on the return of removed Indigenous peoples
Author: LaPierre, Danielle R.
Source: Syracuse Journal of International Law & Commerce, Vol. 31 (2004).
Blue book cite: 31 Syracuse J. Int'l L. & Com. 65


Title: Native American and floating casinos are a different game
Author: Smith, Briggs
Source: Trial, Vol. 40 (2004).
Blue book cite: 40 Trial 46

Title: The Conflict between the "Public Trust" and the "Indian Trust" Doctrines: Federal Public Land Policy and Native Nations
Author: Tsosie, Rebecca
Source: Tulsa Law Review, Vol. 39 (2003).
Blue book cite: 39 Tul. L. Rev. 271

Title: The Federal Trust duty in an age of Indian Self-Determination: An epitaph for a dying doctrine?
Author: Cross, Raymond
Source: Tulsa Law Review, Vol. 39 (2003).
Blue book cite: 39 Tul. L. Rev. 369

Title: The Indian Trust Responsibility: protecting Tribal lands and resources through Claims of injunctive relief against Federal agencies
Author: Wood, Mary C.
Source: Tulsa Law Review, Vol. 39 (2003).
Blue book cite: 39 Tul. L. Rev. 355

Title: Integrating the Indian Trust Doctrine into the Constitution
Author: Skibine, Alex Tallchief
Source: Tulsa Law Review, Vol. 39 (2003).
Blue book cite: 39 Tul. L. Rev. 247

Title: Symposium: The Indian Trust Doctrine after the 2002-2003 Supreme Court term
Source: Tulsa Law Review, Vol. 39, no. 2 (2003).
Blue book cite: 39 Tul. L. Rev. winter 2003

Title: Tribal efforts to comply with VAWA's full faith and credit requirements: A response to Sandra Schieder
Author: Deer, Sarah; Melissa L. Tatum
Source: Tulsa Law Review, Vol. 39 (2003).
Blue book cite: 39 Tul. L. Rev. 403

Title: Yesterday and today: Of Indians, Breach of Trust, Money, and Sovereign Immunity
Author: Sisk, Gregory C.
Source: Tulsa Law Review, Vol. 39 (2003).
Blue book cite: 39 Tul. L. Rev. 313


Title: The myth of Johnson v. M'Intosh
Author: Seifert, Joshua L.
Source: UCLA Law Review, VVol. 52 (2004).
Blue book cite: 52 UCLA L. Rev. 289

Title: Sovereignty in the balance: Taxation by tribal governments
Author: Tabor, Anna-Marie
Source: University of Florida Journal of Law and Public Policy, Vol. 15 (2004).
Blue book cite: 15 U. Fla. J. L. & Pub. Pol'y 349

Title: Tribal Jurisdiction and domestic violence: The need for non-Indian accountability on the reservation
Author: Radon, Amy
Source: University of Michigan Journal of Law Reform, Vol. 37 (2004).
Blue book cite: 37 U. Mich. J. L. Reform 1275

Title: A whole new game: Recognizing the changing complexion of Indian gaming by removing the "governor's veto" for gaming on "after-acquired lands"
Author: McClatchey, Brian P.
Source: University of Michigan Journal of Law Reform, Vol. 37 (2004).
Blue book cite: 37 U. Mich. J. L. Reform 1227

Title: Inyo County, California v. Paiute-Shoshone Indians of the Bishop Community of the Bishop Colony and section 1983 actions by Indian Tribes
Author: Willingham, Robert T.
Source: University of Missouri-Kansas City Law Review, Vol. 72 (2004).
Blue book cite: 72 UMKC L. Rev. 765

Title: Cross-border Judgments and the Public Policy Exception: Solving the Foreign Judgment Quandary by Way of Tribal Courts
Author: Vest, Lindsay Loudon
Source: University of Pennsylvania Law Review, Vol. 153 (2004).
Blue book cite: 153 U. Pa. L. Rev. 797

Title: The Native American law opinions of Judge Noonan: Do we hear the faint voice of Bartolome de las Casas?
Author: Taylor, Scott A.
Source: University of St. Thomas Law Journal, Vol. 1 (2004).
Blue book cite: 1 U. St. Thomas L.J. 148


Title: Giving the Abenaki dead their due: A proposal to protect Native American burial sites in Vermont
Author: Cusick, Steve
Source: Vermont Law Review, Vol. 28 (2004).
Blue book cite: 28 Vt. L. Rev. 467

Title: Issues in Vermont Law. Giving the Abenaki dead their due: A proposal to protect Native American burial sites in Vermont
Author: Cusick, Steve
Source: Vermont Law Review, Vol. 28 (2004).
Blue book Cite: 28 Vt. L. Rev. 467

Title: Retracing the discovery doctrine: Aboriginal title, tribal sovereignty, and their significance to treaty-making and modern natural resources policy in Indian country
Author: Blumm, Michael C.
Source: Vermont Law Review, Vol. 28 (2004).
Blue book cite: 28 Vt. L. Rev. 713

Title: Kootenai Tribe of Idaho v. Veneman: The roadless rule: Dead end or never ending road?
Author: Meindl, Kristine
Source: Villanova Environmental Law Journal, Vol. 14 (2003).
Blue book cite: 14 Vill. Envtl. L.J. 151


Title: A historical braid of inequality: An indigenous perspective of Brown v. Board of Education
Author: Laverdure, Donald E.
Source: Washburn Law Journal, Vol. 43 (2004).
Blue book cite: 43 Washburn L.J. 285

Title: "Power over this unfortunate race": Race, politics and Indian law in United States v. Rogers
Author: Berger, Bethany R.
Source: William & Mary Law Review, Vol. 45 (2004).
Blue book cite: 45 Wm. & Mary L. Rev. 1957


Title: Property rights and sacred sites: Federal regulatory responses to American Indian religious claims on public land
Author: Yablon, Marcia
Source: Yale Law Journal, Vol. 113 (2004).
Blue book cite: 113 Yale L.J. 1623

Articles are arranged alphabetically by title of law review or bar journal.

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