Little River Band of Ottawa Indians
Tribal Court

Case No. 25-067-CRV
Honorable Angela Sherigan.
March 14, 2025, Decided


A Show Cause hearing was held on March 14, 2025, in which all parties and/or their attorneys, appeared.

Mr. Pabami was alleged to have violated Court Rule 4.015, which states:

Rule 4.015 Photographing, Recording, and Broadcasting in Court — Prohibition.
The tribal judiciary is responsible for ensuring the fair and equal administration of justice. The tribal judiciary adjudicates controversies, both civil and criminal, in accordance with established legal procedures in the calmness and seriousness of the courtroom. Any photographing, recording, or broadcasting of any hearings is strictly prohibited. Any request for photographs, recordings, and or broadcasting in the courtroom must be made in writing to the judge hearing the case, at least 48 hours prior to the requested time. Requests of this sort are subject to the discretion of the judge hearing the case.

The Court received a complaint from Julie Wolfe, that Mr. Pabami recorded and broadcast the hearing on a Facebook site.

The Court takes all violations of court rules seriously, especially those concerning Rule 4.015. After review of the information submitted to the Court, the testimony given by Mr. Pabami, and review of the Facebook post that is in question, the Court finds that Mr. Pabami did not record and broadcast the hearing that took place on March 7, 2025 before Judge LaPorte in Silvas v. Wolfe. Posting a link to the Court's YouTube webpage (web address), is not considered broadcasting. Had Mr. Pabami recorded the hearing and uploaded, or went "live" on Facebook, that would be considered broadcasting.

THEREFORE, the Court finds that Mr. Pabami showed good cause as to why he should not be held in Contempt of Court, and the matter is hereby DISMISSED.

Date 3-14-25
/s/ Angela Sherigan
Honorable Angela Sherigan