Materials from the 2011 Symposium on the
Settlement of Indian Reserved Water Rights Claims
Western States Water Council and
Native American Rights Fund
- Assessment Team List
- Implementation Team
- Negotiation Teams
- Sponsors
- Symposium Agenda
- Senator Jon Tester Comment Letter
- Table of Settlements Approved by Congress Updated August 2011
Conference Presentation Materials
- Crow Indian Reservation Map with Ceded Strip (Faye Bergen)
- Negotiating Indian Water Rights Settlements (Bob Brauchli)
- Settlement Legislation (Calimlim Touton)
- Implementing Indian Water Rights Settlements (Pamela Williams)
- SRBA Nez Perce Tribe Water Settlements (Rebecca Miles)
- The Administration's Settlement Policy (Letty Belin)
- Claims Resolution Act (Ryan Smith)
- Background Info & Role of Techs in Negotiations (Rich Schilf)
- Seminole Tribe Water Rights Experience (Stephen Walker)
- Sponsors Power Point
- Implementation Animas La Plata Navajo San Juan (Rick Ehat)
- Reclamation Federal Perspective and Role of Technicians (John Peterson)
- Crow Tribe Water Settlement Overview (Heather Whiteman Runs Him)
- Memo Re New Negotiating Teams 2010Feb3 (Pam Williams)
- Aamodt Settlement Implementation Federal Action for Delegation (Pam Williams)
- Aamodt Settlement Implementation Table Major Task List (Pam Williams)
- Delegation List (Pam Williams)
- Taos Settlement Implementation List of Tasks 2011 July 6 (Pam Williams)
- Rocky Boy Decision 2002 June 12 (Candace West)
- Ft. Peck Decision 2001 August 10 (Candace West)
- No. Cheyenne Decision 1995 August 3 (Candace West)
- Overview of Presentation (Stephen Walker)
- Abstract of Water Symposium Presentation (Gilbert Suazo)