Bridgeport Paiute Indian Colony - Tribal Code
Last amended: 2000, Received: 2003
Disclaimer: Although every effort is made to present current and accurate information, if you need an official version of the tribe’s laws, please contact the tribe.
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Table of Contents
Amended enrollment ordinance, 94-1 -- Certification. Definitions. I. Membership classification and residency. II. Ineligible applicants. III. Enrollment date. IV. Applications for enrollment. V. Forfeiture of membership. VI. Probationary period. VII. Withdrawal of membership. VIII. Revocation of membership status. IX. Enrollment Committee. X. Filing of membership applications with the Enrollment Committee. XI. Approval and disapproval of applications. XII. Appeals. XIII. Membership roll preparation. XIV. Membership roll update and corrections. XV. Use of membership roll. XVI. Adoption of honorary members. XVII. Disenrollment, and voluntary relinquishment. XVIII. Amendments. (13 pgs).
Amended election ordinance, 94-2 -- Certification. I. Eligibility to vote. II. Eligibility to hold office. III. Election Board. IV. Term of office; present Tribal Council members and first election procedures - 1994 restriction only. V. Declaration of candidacy. VI. Election of officers and at-large members. VII. Manner of voting. VIII. Polling. IX. Election results. X. Appeals. XI. Disqualification of candidates. XII. Vacancies. XIII. Removal and recall. XIV. Referendum and repeal. XV. Amendments. (14 pgs).
Amended assignment ordinance, 94-3 -- Certification. Definitions. I. Eligibility for an assignment. II. Assignment Committee. III. Filing of assignment application. IV. Appeals. V. Assignment, inheritance, and successor assignees. VI. Cancellation of assignment. VII. Rights reserved and rights-of-way. VIII. Condemnation. IX. Relinquishment. X. Lease and rental of assignments. XI. Amendments. (10 pgs).
Amended arbitration ordinance, 94-4 -- Certification. Definitions. Article I. Arbitration Council ([Section I]). Article II. Jurisdiction ([Section I]). Article III. Arbitrations ([Sections I - IV]). Article IV. Secretary ([Sections I - III]). Article V. Arbitration Council procedures (I. Chairperson. II. Agreement of the parties. III. Name of tribunal. IV. Office of Arbitration Council. V. Initiation of arbitration. VI. Response to request for arbitration. VII. Selection of arbitrators. VIII. Change of claim. IX. Qualification of arbitrators. X. Number of arbitrators. XI. Disclosure and challenge procedures. XII. Vacancies. XIII. Time and place. XIV. Representation. XV. Tape recorded record. XVI. Attendance at hearings. XVII. Adjournment. XVIII. Oath. XIX. Majority decision. XX. Order of proceedings. XXI. Arbitration in the absence of a party. XXII. Evidence. XXIII. Evidence by affidavit or declaration. XXIV. Inspection or investigation. XXV. Conservation of property. XXVI. Closing of hearing. XXVII. Reopening of hearing. XXVIII. Waiver of oral hearing. XXIX. Waiver of rules. XXX. Extension of time. XXXI. Communication with arbitrators and serving of notices. XXXII. Time of decision. XXXIII. Form of decision. XXXIV. Scope of decision. XXXV. Settlement. XXXVI. Delivery of the decision. XXXVII. Release of documents for judicial proceedings. XXXVIII. Waiver of rights and applications to court. XXXIX. Administrative fees. XL. Fee when oral hearings are waived. XLI. Expenses. XLII. Interpretation and application of rules of procedure contained in this ordinance). Article VI. Copies of laws ([Sections I - II]). Article VII. Spokesperson ([Sections I - III]. IV. Violation of oath). Article VIII. Appeal of decisions of the Arbitration Council. Article IX. Amendments. (23 pgs).
Honorarium ordinance, 00-02 -- Certification. Definitions. [Sections I - II]. (2 pgs).