Confederated Tribes of the Chehalis Reservation - Tribal Code

Current Through: April 16, 2024

The tribes make their code available online. The link below will take you to the version of the code available at tribe's website and at the Code Publishing Co. website.

Full-text of Tribal Code on Code Publishing website.

Table of Contents

1.01 Code Adoption (Reserved)
1.05 General Provisions

1.05.010 Definitions.
1.05.020 Rules of construction.
1.05.030 Fees, penalties and fines.
1.05.040 Sovereign immunity.
1.05.050 Jurisdiction.
1.05.060 Severability.

2.05 Enrollment
2.05.010 Title.
2.05.020 Purpose.
2.05.030 Definitions.
2.05.040 Eligibility criteria.
2.05.050 Filing an application for enrollment.
2.05.060 Processing an application for enrollment.
2.05.070 Loss of membership.
2.05.080 Eligible appellants.
2.05.090 Timing of appeal.
2.05.100 Filing an appeal.
2.05.110 Handling of appeal – Exclusive remedy.
2.05.115 Enrollment appeals.
2.05.130 Records – Contents of individual folders.
2.05.140 Access to records.
2.05.150 Updating records.
2.05.160 Degree of Tribal blood – Initial computation.
2.05.170 Changing blood degree.
2.05.180 Amendments.
2.10 Elections
2.10.010 Election Committee.
2.10.020 Eligible voters.
2.10.030 Tribal Business Committee – Election – Officers.
2.10.040 Tribal Business Committee – Election – Nomination.
2.10.050 Absentee ballots.
2.10.060 Voter registration.
2.10.070 Polling place – Hours.
2.10.080 Voting.
2.10.090 Elections – Security.
2.10.100 Tie votes – Run-off election.
2.10.110 Election – Counting ballots – Certification.
2.10.120 Election – Challenge.
2.10.130 Election – Disputes.
2.10.140 Tribal officers – Transition.
2.10.150 Voters list.
2.15 Tribal Employment Preference and Rights
2.15.010 Tribal employment preference.
2.15.020 Business Committee findings.
2.15.030 Definitions.
2.15.040 Registration of labor organizations.
2.15.050 Business agent licensing.
2.15.060 Freedom of choice guaranteed.
2.15.070 Violations.
2.15.080 Penalties.
2.15.090 Civil remedies.
2.20 Exclusion
2.20.010 Purpose.
2.20.020 Jurisdiction.
2.20.030 Who may be excluded.
2.20.040 Definitions.
2.20.050 Grounds for removal and exclusion.
2.20.060 Petition for exclusion – Who may file.
2.20.070 Petition – Contents.
2.20.080 Notice of hearing.
2.20.090 Defective petition.
2.20.100 Time of hearing.
2.20.110 Refusal/failure to accept service.
2.20.120 Conduct of hearing.
2.20.130 Standard for decision.
2.20.140 Order of exclusion.
2.20.150 Order of exclusion – Service.
2.20.160 Continuance, failure to appear.
2.20.170 Order of exclusion – Enforcement.
2.20.180 Emergency removals – Grounds.
2.20.190 Notice of opportunity to request hearing.
2.20.200 Hearings on emergency removals.
2.20.210 Who may appeal.
2.20.220 Rules for appeal.
2.20.230 Dissemination of a list of individuals excluded and/or permanently excluded from the Reservation.
2.25 Committees
2.25.010 Introduction.
2.25.020 Creation and organization of committees.
2.25.030 Responsibilities and authority of committees.
2.25.040 Applicability.
2.30 Legislative Procedures
2.30.010 Findings.
2.30.020 Definitions.
2.30.030 Proposals initiated.
2.30.040 Determination of substantive or technical changes.
2.30.050 Working draft format.
2.30.060 Legal review of working draft.
2.30.070 Working draft sent to Business Committee for review.
2.30.080 Public notice and comment.
2.30.090 Final draft.
2.30.100 Business Committee vote on final draft.
2.30.110 Emergency interim legislation.
2.30.120 Emergency interim legislation initiated.
2.30.130 Legal review of emergency interim legislation.
2.30.140 Vote.
2.30.150 Expiration of emergency interim legislation.
2.30.160 Incorporation of new law into the Chehalis Tribal Code.
2.30.170 Notice to public of enactment.
2.30.180 Notice and publication of emergency interim legislation.
2.30.190 Referendum.
2.30.200 Effect of rules.
2.35 Emergency Powers
2.35.010 Findings.
2.35.020 Definitions.
2.35.030 Proclamations – Generally – Declaration of emergency.
2.35.040 Succession of emergency executive authority.
2.35.050 Declaration of emergency – Powers of chairman or the successor identified in CTC 2.35.040 pursuant to proclamation.
2.35.060 Emergency purchase authority after declaration of emergency.

3.05 General Provisions
3.05.010 Purpose.
3.05.020 Establishment of the Tribal Court.
3.05.030 Definitions.
3.05.040 Tribal Court – Judicial power.
3.05.050 Tribal Court – Jurisdiction.
3.10 Judges – Rules of Judicial Conduct
3.10.010 Number of judges.
3.10.020 Appointment and term of office.
3.10.030 Qualifications for judges.
3.10.040 Removal of judges.
3.10.050 Removal of judges – Procedure.
3.10.060 Conflict of interest.
3.10.070 Procedure to request disqualification.
3.10.080 Judicial officer.
3.10.090 Scope of rules of judicial conduct.
3.10.100 Judicial conduct – Generally.
3.10.110 No outside discussion of cases.
3.10.120 Informal contacts with law enforcement to be avoided.
3.10.130 Disqualification for conflicts of interest.
3.10.140 Independence of the Court.
3.15 Court Administration
3.15.010 Court Clerk.
3.15.020 Court Clerk – Duties.
3.15.030 Court Clerk – Authority.
3.15.040 Court records – Generally.
3.15.050 Records – Removal by permission only.
3.15.060 Access to Court records.
3.15.070 Documents filed with the Clerk.
3.15.080 Documents given to other parties.
3.15.090 Service of complaints.
3.15.100 Orders given to parties.
3.15.110 Computation of time – Generally.
3.15.120 Computation of time – Mailing.
3.15.130 Extension of time.
3.15.140 Right to a spokesperson.
3.15.150 Prosecutor.
3.15.160 Spokespersons – Qualifications.
3.15.170 Spokesperson’s oath.
3.15.180 Roster of spokespersons.
3.15.190 Bar admission fee.
3.15.200 Copies of laws available.
3.15.210 Disbarment – Generally.
3.15.220 Disbarment – Complaint.
3.15.230 Disbarment – Hearing.
3.15.240 Appeal from disbarment.
3.15.250 Conduct of Court sessions.
3.15.260 Courtroom order.
3.15.270 Sessions – Site.
3.15.280 Schedule.
3.15.290 Civil contempt power.
3.15.300 Sanctions for civil contempt.
3.15.310 Criminal contempt.
3.15.320 Summary disposition.
3.15.330 Default on fine.
3.15.340 Right to jury trial.
3.15.350 Eligibility of jurors.
3.15.360 Excuse from jury duty.
3.15.370 Request for jury trial.
3.15.380 Jury panel – Clerk to summon.
3.15.390 Challenges.
3.15.400 Fees.
3.15.410 Jury instructions.
3.15.420 Jury – Deliberation.
3.15.430 Jury – Decision.
3.15.440 Right to compel witnesses to appear.
3.15.450 Summons – Generally.
3.15.460 Summons – Signature.
3.15.470 Summons – Content.
3.15.480 Summons – Service.
3.15.490 Summons – Return.
3.15.500 Failure to obey summons.
3.15.510 Witness fees.
3.15.520 Costs – Generally.
3.15.530 Costs – How computed.
3.20 Rules of Evidence
3.20.010 Admissible evidence.
3.20.020 Reliability.
3.25 Civil Procedures
3.25.010 Short title.
3.25.020 Applicability.
3.25.030 Purpose and construction.
3.25.040 Relief allowed.
3.25.050 Statute of limitations.
3.25.060 Survival of actions.
3.25.070 Commencement of civil actions.
3.25.080 Summons.
3.25.090 Service of process.
3.25.100 Long arm service.
3.25.110 Answer.
3.25.120 Amendment of pleadings.
3.25.130 Service and signing of pleadings and papers.
3.25.140 Motions.
3.25.150 Preliminary relief.
3.25.160 Discovery.
3.25.170 Pretrial conference.
3.25.180 Orders to show cause.
3.25.190 Trials.
3.25.200 Burden of proof.
3.25.210 Evidence.
3.25.220 Subpoenas.
3.25.230 Judgments.
3.25.240 Default judgment.
3.25.250 Reconsideration.
3.25.260 Enforcement of judgments.
3.25.270 Types of execution.
3.25.280 Exemptions.
3.25.290 Sale procedure.
3.25.300 Enforcement of foreign judgments.
3.25.310 Rules not announced.
3.30 Criminal Procedures
3.30.010 Purpose.
3.30.020 Declaration of policy.
3.30.030 Definitions.
3.30.040 Concurrent jurisdiction.
3.30.050 Criminal complaint.
3.30.060 Complaint – Contents.
3.30.070 Arrest warrant or summons based on complaint.
3.30.080 Filing complaint after warrantless arrest.
3.30.090 Dismissal/withdrawal of complaints.
3.30.100 Statute of limitations.
3.30.110 Arrest.
3.30.120 Arrest warrants.
3.30.130 Bench warrants.
3.30.140 Notification of rights at time of arrest.
3.30.150 Summons in lieu of warrant.
3.30.160 Search warrants to issue.
3.30.170 Execution and return of warrants.
3.30.180 Search without a warrant.
3.30.190 Disposition of seized property.
3.30.200 Arraignment – Time.
3.30.210 Rights of accused at arraignment.
3.30.220 No motions for disqualification at arraignment.
3.30.230 Plea entry.
3.30.240 Bail/release prior to trial.
3.30.250 No bail.
3.30.260 No-bail hearings.
3.30.270 Withdrawal of guilty plea.
3.30.280 Appearance of attorneys/counsel.
3.30.290 Subpoenas.
3.30.300 Service of subpoenas.
3.30.310 Failure to obey subpoenas.
3.30.320 Conduct of trial.
3.30.330 Court procedures applicable.
3.30.340 Final argument.
3.30.350 Burden of proof.
3.30.360 Verdicts.
3.30.370 Sentencing.
3.30.380 Classification of penalties.
3.30.390 Use of prior convictions in sentencing.
3.30.400 Credit for time served.
3.30.410 Defendant present.
3.30.420  Mandatory restitution.
3.30.430 Time payments.
3.30.440 Community service hours.
3.30.450 Suspended sentences – Limitations.
3.30.460 Probation.
3.30.470 Violation of probation.
3.30.480 Parole.
3.30.490 Request for deferred prosecution.
3.30.500 Drug and alcohol evaluation.
3.30.510 Court order based on evaluation report.
3.30.520 Admissibility of evidence.
3.30.530 Failure to comply with conditions.
3.30.540 Effect of subsequent convictions.
3.30.550 Charges to be dismissed after two years.
3.30.560 Effect of defendant’s delay.
3.30.570 Amendment.
3.35 Appellate Rules
3.35.010 Scope of chapter.
3.35.020 Establishment of Court of Appeals.
3.35.030 Composition of the Court.
3.35.040 Chief judge.
3.35.050 Conflict of interest.
3.35.060 Appeal from final orders.
3.35.070 Appeal from orders not yet final.
3.35.080 Scope of the review.
3.35.090 Notice of appeal.
3.35.100 Filing fee.
3.35.110 Content of notice of appeal.
3.35.120 Notice of appeal – Service.
3.35.130 Acceptance of review of appeals from final orders.
3.35.140 Three-judge review of decision to dismiss appeal from final order.
3.35.150 Acceptance of review for appeal by permission.
3.35.160 Automatic stay – Exception.
3.35.170 Release in criminal cases.
3.35.180 Bond.
3.35.190 Preparation of the record.
3.35.200 Cost of preparing the record.
3.35.210 Motions.
3.35.220 Filing briefs.
3.35.230 Content of appellant’s brief.
3.35.240 Respondent’s brief.
3.35.250 Hearing – Scheduling.
3.35.260 Hearing – Conduct.
3.35.270 Additional evidence.
3.35.280 Form of judgment.
3.35.290 Written opinion.
3.35.300 Costs.
3.35.310 Bill of costs.
3.35.320 Violation of rule.
3.35.330 Damages for frivolous appeal.
3.40 Court Proceedings Involving Juveniles

3.40.010 Definitions.
3.40.020 Notice.
3.40.030 Rights of juveniles.
3.40.040 Hearings to be closed – Parents’ presence required.
3.40.050 Records.
3.40.060 Age of capacity.
3.40.070 Sentencing of minor defendants.
3.40.080 Other rules applicable.
3.40.090 Child witnesses – In-court testimony.

Division I. General Offenses
4.05    General Provisions
4.05.010    Title.
4.05.020    Authority.
4.05.030    Jurisdiction.
4.05.040    Tribal custom.
4.05.050    Terms.
4.05.060    Definitions.
4.05.070    Capacity.
4.05.080    Amendment.
4.10    Offenses against the Person
4.10.010    Criminal homicide.
4.10.020    Rape.
4.10.030    Kidnapping.
4.10.040    Assault.
4.10.050    Battery.
4.10.060    Reckless endangerment.
4.10.070    Unlawful imprisonment.
4.10.080    Robbery.
4.10.090    Indecent liberties.
4.10.100    Intimidation.
4.10.110    Contributing to the criminal act of a minor.
4.10.120    Reserved.
4.10.130    Sex and kidnapping offenders – Registration – Information required.
4.10.140    Sex and kidnapping offender registration – Deadlines.
4.10.150    Sex and kidnapping offenders – Failure to register.
4.10.160    Sex and kidnapping offenders – Notice to Tribal Law Enforcement – Application for registration information changes.
4.10.170    Violation – Penalties.
4.10.180    Sex offenders and kidnapping offenders – Release of information to public – When authorized – Immunity.
4.10.190    Registration of sex offenders and kidnapping offenders – End of duty to register.
4.10.200    Mandatory testing.
4.10.210    Confidentiality.
4.10.220    Refusal to submit to testing (non-Tribal member).
4.10.230    Refusal to submit to testing (Tribal member).
4.15    Property-Related Offenses
4.15.010    Arson.
4.15.020    Burglary.
4.15.030    Fraud.
4.15.040    Obtaining a signature by deception or duress.
4.15.050    Criminal impersonation.
4.15.060    Extortion.
4.15.070    Desecration of religious sites.
4.15.080    Trespass.
4.15.090    Theft.
4.15.100    Unlawful issuance of checks.
4.15.110    Receiving stolen property.
4.15.120    Vandalism/unauthorized use.
4.15.130    Forgery.
4.15.140    Obscuring the identity of a machine.
4.15.150    Cutting timber without a permit.
4.15.160    Unauthorized use of Tribal identification card.
4.20    Alcohol-Related Offenses
4.20.010    Driving while under the influence.
4.20.020    Actual physical control.
4.20.030    Liquor violations.
4.20.040    Delivery of alcohol to person under 21 years of age.
4.20.050    Minor under the influence.
4.20.060    Minor in possession of alcohol.
4.20.070    Drunk and disorderly.
4.25    Offenses against the Community Peace, Morals, Safety, and Welfare
4.25.010    Carrying a concealed firearm.
4.25.020    Unlawful discharge of firearm.
4.25.030    Riot.
4.25.040    Adulteration.
4.25.050    Gambling.
4.25.060    Interference with community gatherings.
4.25.070    Disturbing the peace.
4.25.080    Public indecency.
4.25.090    Cruelty to animals.
4.25.100    Abandoning refrigeration equipment.
4.25.110    Allowing vicious animals at large.
4.25.120    Disorderly conduct.
4.25.130    Failure to disperse.
4.25.140    False reporting.
4.25.150    Telephone abuse.
4.25.160    Prostitution.
4.30    Family-Related Offenses
4.30.010    Incest.
4.30.020    Endangering the welfare of a child.
4.30.030    Bigamy.
4.30.040    Interference with custody.
4.30.050    Failure to support dependent persons.
4.30.060    Desertion and nonsupport of children.
4.30.070    Failure to send children to school.
4.35    Offenses Related to Administration of Tribal Government
4.35.010    Intimidation of a public officer.
4.35.020    Misuse of funds.
4.35.030    Official misconduct.
4.35.040    Bribery.
4.35.050    Perjury.
4.35.060    False arrest.
4.35.070    Resisting arrest.
4.35.080    Obstructing a public officer.
4.35.090    Refusing to aid officer.
4.35.100    Escape.
4.35.110    Bail jumping.
4.35.120    Flight to avoid prosecution.
4.35.130    Rendering criminal assistance.
4.35.140    Intimidating a witness.
4.35.150    Intimidating a juror.
4.40    Traffic Offenses
4.40.010    Vehicular homicide.
4.40.020    Vehicular assault.
4.40.030    Reckless driving.
4.40.040    Attempting to elude pursuing Police vehicle.
4.40.050    Obedience to enforcement officers.
4.40.060    Refusal to give identification.
4.40.070    Failure to appear/respond.
4.40.080    Taking motor vehicle without permission.
4.40.090    Driving while license is suspended, revoked.
4.45    Drug-Related Offenses
4.45.010    Definitions.
4.45.020    Substances which are illegal without a valid prescription.
4.45.030    Proof of chemical composition.
4.45.040    Elements of offenses and penalties.
4.47    Good Samaritan Code
4.47.010 Scope.
4.47.020 Jurisdiction.
4.47.030 Definitions.
4.47.040 Immunity from liability for certain types of medical care.
4.47.050 Medical assistance for drug-related overdoses – Prosecution for possession.
4.47.060 Opioid overdose medication.
4.50    Seizure and Forfeiture of Property Used in Controlled Substance Violations
4.50.010    Purpose.
4.50.020    Jurisdiction.
4.50.030    Property subject to seizure and forfeiture.
4.50.040    Police officer to seize property.
4.50.050    Police officer to file notice of seizure.
4.50.060    Answer to notice.
4.50.070    Procedure for hearing.
4.50.080    Burden of proof – Liabilities.
4.50.090    Disposition of forfeited property.
4.50.100    Impound and storage costs recoverable.
4.55    Other Offenses
4.55.010    Violation of Tribal ordinance.
4.55.020    Criminal attempt.
4.55.030    Aiding and abetting.
Division II. Domestic Violence
4.60    General Provisions
4.60.010 Purpose.
4.60.015 Legislative findings.
4.60.020 Jurisdiction.
4.60.025 Sovereign immunity.
4.60.030 Liability of Chehalis Tribal Police officers.
4.60.040 Court orders.
4.60.050 Liberal construction.
4.60.060 Repealer.
4.60.065 Severability.
4.60.070 Savings.
4.60.075 Definitions.
4.60.080 Victim rights.
4.65    Domestic Violence Crimes
4.65.010    Domestic violence.
4.65.020    Violation of a domestic violence restraining order.
4.65.030    Interfering with the reporting of domestic violence.
4.65.040    Assaulting domestic violence staff.
4.65.050    Crime of stalking.
4.65.060    Stalking to be treated as domestic violence crime.
4.65.070    Location of stalking perpetrator not bar to prosecution.
4.70    Duties of Chehalis Tribal Police Officers and Prosecutors
4.70.010 Authority of Chehalis Tribal Police officers to enter residence without warrant.
4.70.020 Authority of Chehalis Tribal Police officers to seize and hold weapons.
4.70.030 Mandatory arrest.
4.70.040 Mandatory arrest for violation of protection order.
4.70.050 Cross complaints of domestic violence.
4.70.060 Notice of escape or release.
4.70.070 Powers and duties of Prosecutor.
4.70.075 Dismissals disfavored.
4.70.080 Disposition of criminal case.
4.70.090 Chehalis Tribal Police duties to victims.
4.70.100 Duty to preserve evidence.
4.70.110 Duty to expedite service of protection orders.
4.70.120 Chehalis Tribal Police records on domestic violence or family violence to be identifiable.
4.70.130 Liability of Chehalis Tribal Police officers.
4.70.135 Officials who batter.
4.75    Pre-Trial Release
4.75.010    Considerations for pre-trial release.
4.75.020    Conditions for pre-trial release.
4.75.030    Notifying the defendant of pre-trial release conditions.
4.75.040    Duration of pre-trial release conditions.
4.75.050    Notifying the victim of pre-trial release.
4.75.060    Mandatory arrest for violation of pre-trial release conditions.
4.80    Trial and Sentencing
4.80.010    Domestic violence or family violence sentencing designation.
4.80.020    Rules of evidence.
4.80.030    Reasons for dismissal required in Court file.
4.80.040    Criminal penalties.
4.80.045    Judgments and convictions.
4.80.050    Mandatory relational life skills (RLS).
4.80.060    Restitution.
4.80.070    Other restraints.
4.80.080    Exclusion.
4.80.090    Stay pending appeal.
4.85    Firearms Disqualification
4.85.010 Purpose.
4.85.020 Firearms prohibition.
4.85.030 Penalty.
4.90    Full Faith and Credit, and Foreign Orders
4.90.010    Full faith and credit.
4.90.020    Exclusion from full faith and credit.
4.90.030    Filing of foreign protection orders.
4.90.040    Law enforcement.
4.95    Protection Order, Harassment Protection Order, Sexual Assault Protection Order

4.95.010 Civil action.
4.95.020 Venue.
4.95.030 Effect of other proceedings pending.
4.95.040 Who may file petition for order of protection.
4.95.050 Contents of petition.
4.95.060 Omission of petitioner’s address in petition.
4.95.070 Filing fee.
4.95.080 Temporary order of protection.
4.95.090 Notice of hearing.
4.95.100 Service of process.
4.95.110 Protection order.
4.95.120 Service of order of protection.
4.95.130 Duration of order/motion to renew.
4.95.140 Input from Domestic Violence Task Force.
4.95.150 Request to terminate or modify order by petitioner.
4.95.160 Request to modify order by respondent.
4.95.170 Harassment.
4.95.180 Harassment protection order.
4.95.190 Temporary harassment protection order.
4.95.200 Petition for a harassment protection order.
4.95.210 Contents of a petition for a harassment protection order.
4.95.220 Ex parte harassment protection order.
4.95.230 Permanent harassment protection order.
4.95.240 Notice to local law enforcement agencies – Enforceability.
4.95.250 Contempt and violation of harassment protection order – Penalties.
4.95.260 Sexual assault protection order.
4.95.270 Persons authorized to file.
4.95.280 Petition for sexual assault protection order.
4.95.290 Ex parte emergency sexual assault protection order.
4.95.300 Permanent sexual assault protection order.
4.95.310 Request for reconsideration or modification.
4.95.320 Sexual assault protection orders – Personal jurisdiction – Nonresident individuals.
4.95.330 Penalties for violation of a sexual assault protection order.
4.97    Child Custody and Visitation in Domestic Violence Cases
4.97.010    Child custody and visitation in orders of protection.
4.97.020    Domestic violence considerations in child custody proceedings.
4.97.030    Establishing visitation in domestic violence cases.
4.97.040    Requirements for visit supervisor.
4.97.050    Counseling for victim.
4.100    Special Domestic Violence Jurisdiction
4.100.005 Special Domestic Violence Jurisdiction Court – Created.
4.100.010 Special domestic violence criminal jurisdiction.
4.100.020 Special jurisdiction – Criminal conduct applicable.
4.100.030 Rights applicable.

Division I. Marriage
5.05    (Reserved)
5.10    Dissolution of Marriage
5.10.010    Who may commence proceedings.
5.10.020    How commenced – Contents.
5.10.030    Jurisdictional requirements.
5.10.040    Invalidity of marriage.
5.10.050    Provisions for child support, custody and visitation – Disposition of property and liabilities.
5.10.060    Temporary maintenance or child support.
5.10.070    Failure to comply.
5.15    Husband and Wife Rights and Liabilities – Property
5.15.010    Separate property of husband.
5.15.020    Separate property of wife.
5.15.030    Community property defined – Management and control.
5.15.040    Disposition of property and liabilities – Factors.
5.20    Child Custody
5.20.010    Child custody proceeding – Commencement – Notice of intervention.
5.20.020    Child custody – Relevant factors in awarding custody.
5.20.030    Child custody – Temporary custody order – Vacation of order.
5.20.040    Child custody – Visitation rights.
5.20.050    Child custody decree – Modification.
5.20.060    Child custody – Powers and duties of custodian – Supervision by appropriate agency when necessary.
5.20.070    Child custody – Temporary custody order or modification of custody decree – Affidavits required.
5.20.080    Modification of decree.
Division II. Elder and Vulnerable Adult Protection
5.25    General Provisions
5.25.010 Purpose and construction.
5.25.020 Definitions.
5.25.030 Jurisdiction.
5.25.040 Confidentiality of proceedings.
5.25.050 Confidentiality of records.
5.25.060 Time and process of hearings.
5.25.070 Rights of elders and vulnerable adults.
5.25.080 Transfer of jurisdiction.
5.30    Responsibilities of Social Sevices
5.30.010 Role of Tribal Social Services Department.
5.30.020 Access to investigate – Court order.
5.30.030 Intervention by the Tribe.
5.35    Reporting
5.35.010 Reporting abuse or neglect of an elder or vulnerable adult.
5.35.020 Immunity for reporting.
5.35.030 Failure to report – Civil penalty – Damages – Criminal liability.
5.35.040 Bad faith report – Civil penalty – Damages – Criminal liability.
5.35.050 Contents of the report.
5.35.060 Confidentiality of reporter.
5.45    Protection Order
5.45.010 Petition for protection.
5.45.020 Emergency protection order.
5.45.030 Probable cause hearing.
5.45.040 Time and notice of hearing.
5.45.050 Appointment of guardian ad litem.
5.45.060 Evidence and burden of proof.
5.45.070 Agreed order.
5.45.080 Enforcement of restraint provisions.
5.50    Protection Plans
5.50.010    Hearing on the plan.
5.50.020    Elder or vulnerable adult protection plan.
5.50.030    Additional recommendations.
5.50.040    Conduct of hearing on the plan.
5.50.050    Review hearings.
5.55    Guardian and Protective Payee

5.55.010 Purpose.
5.55.020 Petition for appointment of guardian or protective payee.
5.55.030 Petition for appointment of guardian or protective payee – Contents.
5.55.040 Guardian and protective payee preferences and qualifications.
5.55.050 Hearing on petition for appointment of guardian or protective payee – Setting.
5.55.060 Notice of hearing.
5.55.070 Appointment of guardian ad litem.
5.55.080 Hearing on appointment of guardian or protective payee – Conduct.
5.55.090 Grounds for appointing guardian or protective payee.
5.55.100 Agreed order.
5.55.110 Order appointing guardian or protective payee.
5.55.120 Guardian duties and limitations.
5.55.130 Guardian reports.
5.55.140 Review hearings.
5.55.150 Guardian or protective payee shall petition Court for clarification.
5.55.160 Modification or termination of guardianship.
5.55.170 Civil action for reimbursement.

Title 6 YOUTH
6.05    Youth – General Provisions
6.05.010    Purpose.
6.05.020    Definitions.
6.05.030    Establishment of Court system.
6.05.040    Judges.
6.05.050    Effect of adjudication.
6.05.060    Cooperation with agencies.
6.05.070    Rules.
6.05.080    Continuances.
6.05.090    Shelter care, foster care, detention, and other placement facilities – Standards.
6.05.100    Care and treatment.
6.05.110    Shelter care alternatives.
6.05.120    Placement preference – Generally.
6.05.130    Best interests.
6.05.140    Confidentiality of hearings and conferences.
6.05.150    Confidentiality of records.
6.05.160    Service – How made.
6.05.170    Rights of parties.
6.05.180    Damage suits.
6.05.190    Amendments.
6.05.200    Effective date.
6.10    Jurisdiction
6.10.010    Generally.
6.10.020    Concurrent jurisdiction.
6.10.030    Continuing jurisdiction.
6.10.040    Limitations on jurisdiction.
6.10.050    Transfer of jurisdiction.
6.15    Officers, Guardian Ad Litem and Child Protection Team
6.15.010    Judicial officer – Powers.
6.15.020    Judicial officer – Appeals.
6.15.030    Presenting officer – Appointment.
6.15.040    Presenting officer – Qualifications.
6.15.050    Social service workers.
6.15.060    Representative.
6.15.070    Guardian ad litem – Appointment.
6.15.080    Guardian ad litem – Powers and duties.
6.15.090    List of guardians ad litem.
6.15.100    Purpose of child protection team.
6.20    Youth in Need of Care
6.20.010    Generally.
6.20.020    Complaint.
6.20.030    Duties and powers of law enforcement officers.
6.20.040    Duties and powers of the Youth Home and Social Services Directors.
6.20.050    Warrant.
6.20.060    Consent to take a youth into custody.
6.20.070    Investigation by youth caseworker.
6.20.080    Informal conference.
6.20.090    Preliminary inquiry – Purpose.
6.20.100    Preliminary inquiry – Procedure.
6.20.110    Reserved.
6.20.120    Reserved.
6.20.130    Fact-finding hearing.
6.20.140    Predispositional report.
6.20.150    Dispositional hearing.
6.20.160    Dispositions.
6.20.170    Review hearing.
6.20.180    Objection to change in placement or visitation.
6.25    Termination of a Parent-Child Relationship
6.25.010    Grounds.
6.25.020    Consent.
6.25.030    Petition.
6.25.040    Scheduling.
6.25.050    Continuances.
6.25.060    Pre-termination report.
6.25.070    Summons.
6.25.080    Termination hearing.
6.25.090    Post-termination dispositional hearing.
6.30    Emancipation
6.30.010    Petition.
6.30.020    Contents of petition.
6.30.030    Consent.
6.30.040    Notice.
6.30.050    Applicable standard.
6.30.060    Rights of an emancipated youth.
6.35    Guardianship
6.35.010    Appointment.
6.35.020    Order of preference.
6.35.030    Guardianship report.
6.35.040    Petition.
6.35.050    Notice.
6.35.060    Powers and duties.
6.35.070    Letter of guardianship.
6.35.080    Duration of guardianship.
6.40    Adoption
6.40.010    Who may be adopted.
6.40.020    Who may adopt.
6.40.030    Availability for adoption.
6.40.040    Consent.
6.40.050    Petition.
6.40.060    Next friend’s report.
6.40.070    Notice.
6.40.080    Hearing.
6.40.090    Decree of adoption.
6.40.100    Effect of decree of adoption.
6.40.110    Appeals.
6.40.120    Copy of decree to agencies.
6.40.130    Regulations.
6.45    Tribal Employees Having Regular Contact with Children
6.45.010 Background character investigations.
6.50    Duty to Report Child Abuse and Neglect
6.50.010    Duty to report.
6.50.020    Persons required to report.
6.50.030    Anonymous reports.
6.50.040    Immunity from liability.
6.50.050    Penalty for not reporting.
6.50.060    Reports of abuse, neglect or abandonment.
6.55    Central Registry
6.55.010 Central registry procedures.
6.60    Truancy
6.60.010    Title.
6.60.020    Statement of policy and purpose.
6.60.030    Jurisdiction.
6.60.040    Authority of the Business Committee.
6.60.050    Enforcement.
6.60.060    Violations.
6.60.070    Attendance requirement.
6.60.080    Procedures for intervention in matters of truancy.
6.60.090    Failure to attend school.
6.60.100    Contributing to the delinquency of a minor.
6.65    Civil Curfew

6.65.010    Purpose.
6.65.020    Jurisdiction.
6.65.030    Means of exercising jurisdiction.
6.65.040    Definitions.
6.65.050    Curfew – Day, hour and age restrictions.
6.65.060    Curfew – Exceptions.
6.65.070    Procedure upon violation.
6.65.080    Civil penalties for youths.
6.65.090    Civil penalties for adults.

7.05    Civil Traffic Infractions – Generally
7.05.010    Purpose.
7.05.020    Jurisdiction.
7.05.030    Means of exercising jurisdiction.
7.05.040    Explanation of privilege.
7.05.050    Officers to enforce traffic codes.
7.05.060    Definitions – Generally.
7.10    Civil Traffic Infraction Procedure
7.10.010    Notice of infraction – Issuance by a law enforcement officer.
7.10.020    Notice of infraction – Issuance by the Court.
7.10.030    Notice of infraction – Form.
7.10.040    Notice of infraction – Time of initial hearing.
7.10.050    Notice of infraction – Three options for response.
7.10.060    Notice of infraction – Failure to respond – Hearing.
7.10.070    Hearings – Scheduling by the Court.
7.10.080    Hearing to contest the determination that an infraction was committed.
7.10.090    Hearing to explain circumstances surrounding the infraction.
7.10.100    Order of Court.
7.10.110    Suspension.
7.10.120    Limited use license.
7.10.130    Record of traffic charges.
7.15    Vehicle Safety Equipment
7.15.010    Vehicle safety equipment – Generally.
7.15.020    Required safety equipment.
7.15.030    Vehicles to be equipped with tires – Safe condition defined.
7.15.040    Multiple-beam headlights.
7.15.050    Use of multiple-beam headlights.
7.15.060    Spot lamps.
7.15.070    Times when headlights, tail lights are required to be on.
7.15.080    Wheel projections.
7.15.090    Body and load projections.
7.15.100    Flags on projecting load.
7.15.110    Safety belts – Use required.
7.15.120    Child passenger restraints required.
7.15.130    Motorcycle safety equipment.
7.15.140    Motorcycle – Headlight and tail light to be on.
7.15.150    Motorcycles – Exhaust system.
7.15.160    Motorcycles – Eye protection.
7.15.170    Motorcycles – Helmet required.
7.15.180    Moving vehicle in unsafe condition.
7.15.190    Bicycle equipment.
7.20    Rules of the Road
7.20.010    Rules of the road – Generally.
7.20.020    Drivers to be licensed.
7.20.030    Operator’s license on person.
7.20.040    Driving while license is suspended, revoked.
7.20.050    Learner’s permit.
7.20.060    Motorcycle endorsement required.
7.20.070    Yield to emergency vehicles.
7.20.080    Following fire vehicle prohibited.
7.20.090    Crossing fire hose.
7.20.100    Emergency vehicles exempted from speed limits – Due care required.
7.20.110    Motorcycles – Operation on laned roads.
7.20.120    Motorcycles – Riding on the permanent seat only.
7.20.130    Motorcycles – Footpegs.
7.20.140    Motorcycles – Both feet not to be on the same side.
7.20.150    Motorcycles – Clinging to other vehicles.
7.20.160    Vehicles driven off existing roadways.
7.20.170    Pedestrians – Drivers to exercise care.
7.20.180    Pedestrians – Under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
7.20.190    Pedestrians – To remain off the road.
7.20.200    Throwing glass or other materials on road.
7.20.210    Permitting escape of load and other materials.
7.20.220    Interference with signs and signals.
7.20.230    Speed limits.
7.20.240    Due care required.
7.20.250    Speed limits – Changes by the Business Committee.
7.20.260    Drive on the right side of the road.
7.20.270    Turning, stopping, moving right or left – Signals required.
7.20.280    Turning at intersections.
7.20.290    Right-of-way – Vehicle turning left.
7.20.300    Right-of-way – Yielding for road construction.
7.20.310    Overtaking and passing.
7.20.320    Passing school bus.
7.20.330    Following too closely.
7.20.340    “U” turns.
7.20.350    Backing.
7.20.360    Traffic signs, signals and markings.
7.20.370    Stopping, standing or parking on road.
7.20.380    Stopping, standing or parking prohibited in certain places.
7.20.390    Leaving children unattended in vehicle.
7.20.400    Obstructing the driver’s view.
7.20.410    Tribal Center regulations.
7.20.420    Alcoholic beverages – Prohibitions.
7.25    Accident Reports, Abandoned and Stolen Vehicles
7.25.010    Driver’s duty upon damaging unattended vehicle or other property.
7.25.020    Driver’s duty in case of injury or death to person.
7.25.030    Stolen vehicle reports.
7.30    Off-Road Vehicles (Reserved)
7.35    Fine Schedule

7.35.010 Fines.

8.05 Fuel Tax
8.05.010    Purpose.
8.05.020    Definitions.
8.05.030    Settlement does not bar further litigation.
8.05.040    Cooperative framework.
8.05.050    Role of State law.
8.05.060    Acquisition of fuel from licensed distributors.
8.05.070    Records maintenance requirements for fuel purchases.
8.05.080    System for restricting availability of fuel tax exemption.
8.05.090    Records maintenance requirements for fuel sales.
8.05.100    Fuel sales and purchases subject to audit.
8.05.110    Records available for auditor.
8.05.120    Auditor’s report.
8.05.130    License required for any business operating filling station within the Tribe’s jurisdiction.
8.10 Import-Export Tax
8.10.010 Statement of policy.
8.10.020 Findings.
8.10.030 Purpose.
8.10.040 Definitions.
8.10.050 Importation generally.
8.10.060 Exportation generally.
8.10.070 Export tax assessment.
8.10.080 Enforcement.
8.10.090 Fee allocation.
8.10.100 Recourse – No waiver.
8.20 Animal Head Tax
8.20.010 Statement of policy.
8.20.020 Findings.
8.20.030 Purpose.
8.20.040 Definitions.
8.20.050 Tax on animals on the Reservation.
8.20.060 Animal head tax exemption.
8.20.070 Use of the animal head tax.
8.20.080 Obligation to report.
8.20.090 Enforcement.
8.20.100 Recourse – No waiver.
8.30 Tax Commission
8.30.010 Purpose.
8.30.015 Establishment of the Chehalis Tribal Tax Commission (“Tax Commission”).
8.30.020 Make-up of Tax Commission.
8.30.030 Sovereign immunity status.
8.30.040 Collection of taxes.
8.30.050 Remitting of taxes collected.
8.30.060 Civil regulatory authority.
8.30.070 No waiver of sovereign immunity.

9.05    Business Licensing
9.05.010    License required.
9.05.020    Exempt business activities.
9.05.030    Delegation of authority.
9.05.040    License application.
9.05.050    License issuance and renewal – Fee and expiration.
9.05.060    Businesses required to obtain a license.
9.05.070    Rules for use of Tribal facilities by business licensees.
9.05.080    Prohibitions and select license requirements.
9.05.090    Construction.
9.05.100    Day care provider.
9.05.110    Motor vehicle parts recycler.
9.05.120    Conducting business activities without a license.
9.05.130    License suspension and revocation.
9.05.140    Penalties not exclusive.
9.10    Nonprofit Corporations
9.10.010    Short title.
9.10.020    Purposes.
9.10.030    Definitions.
9.10.040    Applicability.
9.10.050    Documents submitted for filing – Exact or conformed copies.
9.10.060    Savings.
9.10.070    Incorporators.
9.10.080    Articles of incorporation.
9.10.090    Members.
9.10.100    Bylaws.
9.10.110    Limitations.
9.10.120    General powers.
9.10.130    Defense of ultra vires.
9.10.140    Sale, lease, exchange, or other disposition of assets not in the ordinary course of business.
9.10.150    Sale, lease, exchange, or disposition of assets in course of business – Mortgage and pledge of assets.
9.10.160    Postsecondary education loans – Interest rates.
9.10.170    Registration and reporting – Corporate name.
9.10.180    Registration of corporate name.
9.10.190    Renewal of registration of corporate name.
9.10.200    Registered office and registered agent.
9.10.210    Change of registered office or registered agent.
9.10.220    Service of process on corporation.
9.10.230    Annual report of domestic and foreign corporations – Biennial filing may be authorized.
9.10.240    Filing of annual or biennial report of domestic and foreign corporations – Notice – Reporting dates.
9.10.250    Fees for filing documents and issuing certificates.
9.10.260    Miscellaneous fees.
9.10.270    Disposition of fees.
9.10.280    Meetings of members.
9.10.290    Notice of members’ meetings.
9.10.300    Voting.
9.10.310    Quorum.
9.10.320    Board of directors.
9.10.330    Number and election or appointment of directors.
9.10.340    Duties of a director.
9.10.350    Place and notice of directors’ meetings.
9.10.360    Removal of directors.
9.10.370    Judicial removal of directors.
9.10.380    Vacancies.
9.10.390    Quorum of directors.
9.10.400    Assent presumed – Procedures for dissent or abstention.
9.10.410    Greater voting requirements.
9.10.420    Waiver of notice.
9.10.430    Action by members or directors without a meeting.
9.10.440    Unauthorized assumption of corporate powers.
9.10.450    Committees.
9.10.460    Officers.
9.10.470    Removal of officers.
9.10.480    Records.
9.10.490    Loans to directors and officers prohibited.
9.10.500    Filing of articles of incorporation.
9.10.510    Effect of filing the articles of incorporation.
9.10.520    Organizational meetings.
9.10.530    Right to amend articles of incorporation.
9.10.540    Procedure to amend articles of incorporation.
9.10.550    Articles of amendment.
9.10.560    Filing of articles of amendment.
9.10.570    Effect of filing of articles of amendment.
9.10.580    Restated articles of incorporation.
9.10.590    Procedure for merger.
9.10.600    Procedure for consolidation.
9.10.610    Approval of merger or consolidation.
9.10.620    Articles of merger or consolidation.
9.10.630    Merger or consolidation – When effective.
9.10.640    Merger or consolidation of domestic and foreign corporation.
9.10.650    Effect of merger or consolidation.
9.10.660    Voluntary dissolution.
9.10.670    Distribution of assets.
9.10.680    Plan of distribution.
9.10.690    Revocation of voluntary dissolution proceedings.
9.10.700    Articles of dissolution.
9.10.710    Filing of articles of dissolution.
9.10.720    Involuntary dissolution.
9.10.730    Notification to OTA.
9.10.740    Venue and process.
9.10.750    Jurisdiction of Court to liquidate assets and affairs of corporation.
9.10.760    Procedure in liquidation of corporation by Court.
9.10.770    Qualification of receivers – Bond.
9.10.780    Filing of claims in liquidation proceedings.
9.10.790    Discontinuance of liquidation proceedings.
9.10.800    Decree of involuntary dissolution.
9.10.810    Filing of decree of dissolution.
9.10.820    Survival of remedy after dissolution – Extension of duration of corporation.
9.10.830    Administrative dissolution – Grounds – Notice – Reinstatement – Fee set by rule – Corporate name – Survival of actions.
9.10.840    Reinstatement under certain circumstances – Request for relief.
9.10.850    Admission of foreign corporation.
9.10.860    Foreign degree-granting institution branch campus – Acts not deemed transacting business in this jurisdiction.
9.10.870    Powers of foreign corporation.
9.10.880    Corporate name of foreign corporation – Fictitious name.
9.10.890    Change of name by foreign corporation.
9.10.900    Application for certificate of authority.
9.10.910    Filing of application for certificate of authority.
9.10.920    Effect of certificate of authority.
9.10.930    Amended certificate of authority.
9.10.940    Conducting affairs without certificate of authority.
9.10.950    Registered office and registered agent of foreign corporation.
9.10.960    Change of registered office or registered agent of foreign corporation.
9.10.970    Service on foreign corporation.
9.10.980    Merger of foreign corporation authorized to conduct affairs in this jurisdiction.
9.10.990    Withdrawal of foreign corporation.
9.10.1000    Filing of application for withdrawal.
9.10.1010    Revocation of certificate of authority – Notice.
9.10.1020    Issuance of certificate of revocation.
9.10.1030    Foreign corporations – Application for reinstatement.
9.10.1040    Foreign corporations – Fees for application for reinstatement – Filing current annual report – Penalties established by rule.
9.10.1050    Power and authority of the Tribe.
9.10.1060    Interrogatories by the Tribe.
9.10.1070    Confidential nature of information disclosed by interrogatories.
9.10.1080    Penalties imposed upon corporation.
9.10.1090    Penalties imposed upon directors and officers.
9.10.1100    Appeal from disapproval of the Tribe.
9.10.1110    Certificates and certified copies to be received in evidence.
9.10.1120    Public benefit nonprofit corporation designation established.
9.10.1130    Public benefit nonprofit corporations – Temporary designation.
9.10.1140    Public benefit nonprofit corporations – Application.
9.10.1150    Public benefit nonprofit corporations – Renewal.
9.10.1160    Public benefit nonprofit corporations – Fees.
9.10.1170    Public benefit nonprofit corporations – Removal of status.
9.15    For-Profit Corporations (Reserved)

9.20    Limited Liability Companies
Article I. General Provisions

9.20.010 Short title.
9.20.020 Definitions.
9.20.030 Sovereign immunity.
9.20.040 Applicable law.
9.20.050 Documents – Signatures – Requirements.
9.20.060 Documents – Filing – Delivery – Endorsement – Returning copy – Copies admissible in evidence – Effective date – Form – Fees.
9.20.070 Failure to promptly file document – Notice of refusal to file – Judicial review.
9.20.080 Documents – Inaccurate record or defective execution – Certificate of correction – Filing – Signature – Contents – Effective date of corrected document.
Article II. Limited Liability Company
9.20.090 Limited liability company – Purpose.
9.20.100 Limited liability company – Formation – Filing as evidence that all conditions performed – Exception – Duration.
9.20.110 Tribe as owner.
9.20.120 Articles of organization – Contents.
9.20.130 Limited liability company – Name – Requirements – Rights.
9.20.140 Reserving right to use of name – Application – Transfer of right.
9.20.150 Transacting business under assumed name – Certificate – Effective period – Extension – Notice of expiration – Rights not created – Same name assumed in partnership or joint venture – Transfer of assumed name to survivor – Use of name by surviving company – Assumed name of converted company – Certificate of conversion.
9.20.160 Maintaining registered office and resident agent – Service of process, notice, or demand – Appointment of agent – Annual statement – Service of process by mail.
9.20.170 Certificate of good standing.
9.20.180 Resident agent – Resignation – Notice – Appointment of successor – Termination of appointment.
9.20.190 Changing registered office or resident agent – Statement – Filing – Contents – Changing business or residence address of resident agent.
9.20.200 Limited liability company – Powers.
9.20.210 Validity of action or transfer of property – Asserting lack of capacity or power.
9.20.220 Registered office or principal place of business – Documents required to be kept.
9.20.230 Conflict between articles of organization and operating agreement.
9.20.240 Operating agreement unenforceable.
9.20.250 Limited liability company – Indemnification of members, managers, or other persons.
9.20.260 Liability to third parties.
Article III. Member Contributions – Distributions
9.20.270 Members – Contribution.
9.20.280 Promise by member to contribute – Enforcement – Obligation to perform – Rights of company – Compromising obligation – Enforcement by creditor of original member’s obligation.
9.20.290 Distribution of assets – Allocation – Manner – Basis.
9.20.300 Distribution – Conditions for receiving.
9.20.310 Distributions to withdrawing member.
9.20.320 Distributions – Demand, acceptance, and receipt of distribution – Form.
9.20.330 Distributions prohibited under certain situations – Exceptions – Effect of distribution under subsection A of this section – Remedies available – Future payments to withdrawing members – Effect of subsection A of this section on third party – Asserting legal or equitable rights.
9.20.340 Distribution – Violating operating agreement – Liability of members or managers – Presumption of assent – Knowledge of violation – Contribution – Commencement of proceeding.
Article IV. Managers
9.20.350 Management vested in members.
9.20.360 Managers – Delegation – Qualifications – Number – Notice of delegation.
9.20.370 Managers – Selection – Vote – Removal – Notice.
9.20.380 Managers – Duties – Action for failure to perform duties.
9.20.390 Managers – Voting requirements.
9.20.400 Manager as agent.
9.20.410 Managers – Eliminating or limiting liability – Exceptions.
9.20.420 Manager or agent with interest in company – Effect – Majority vote by members with no interest in transaction – Claims.
Article V. Members
9.20.430 Members – Admission – Liability for acts, debts, or obligations.
9.20.440 Members – Voting rights.
9.20.450 Withdrawal of member – Distribution – Expulsion.
Article VI. Articles of Organization
9.20.460 Articles of organization – Amendment.
9.20.470 Articles of organization – Conditions requiring amendment.
9.20.480 Articles of organization – Certificate of amendment – Filing – Contents.
Article VII. Disassociation – Dissolution
9.20.490 Disassociation.
9.20.500 Dissolution – Winding up.
9.20.510 Dissolution by judicial decree.
9.20.520 Certificate of dissolution – Filing – Contents.
9.20.530 Winding up.
9.20.540 Dissolution – Notice to existing claimants – Contents – Validity of claim not recognized – Claims barred under certain conditions – “Existing claim” defined – Effective date of notice.
9.20.550 Dissolution – Publication of notice – Requirements – Commencing proceeding to enforce claims – Claimants with known existing claims not receiving notice.
9.20.560 Winding up – Distribution of assets.
Article VIII. Merger
9.20.570 Merger.
9.20.580 Approval of merger.
9.20.590 Plan of merger.
9.20.600 Articles of merger.
9.20.610 Effect of merger.
9.20.620 Right to object.
Article IX. Wholly Owned Limited Liability Companies
9.20.630 Tribally owned companies – Reports.
9.20.640 Tribally owned subsidiary.
9.20.650 Privileges and immunities.
9.20.660 Ownership.
9.20.670 Nontribal partners.
9.20.680 Waiver of sovereign immunity.
9.25    Secured Transactions
9.25.010    Purpose.
9.25.020    Authority to grant security interests.
9.25.030    Form for security interest grant.
9.25.040    Enforceability of approved loan document.
9.25.050    Governing law.
9.25.060    Remedies.
9.25.070    Recording.
9.25.080    Jurisdiction.
9.25.090    Effect of amendment or repeal.
9.30    Fireworks
9.30.010    Findings.
9.30.020    Purposes.
9.30.030    Definitions.
9.30.040    Chehalis Tribal Fireworks Committee.
9.30.050    Tribal permit required.
9.30.060    Tribal fireworks outlets.
9.30.070    Sales restricted.
9.30.080    Operation of fireworks outlets.
9.30.090    Outlets on Tribal land.
9.30.100    Restrictions on signs.
9.30.110    Wholesale distribution of fireworks may be restricted.
9.30.120    Inspections.
9.30.130    Revenue appropriated.
9.30.140    Enforcement – Generally.
9.30.150    Authority of enforcement officers.
9.30.160    Notice of civil infraction.
9.30.170    Response options for civil infractions.
9.30.180    Failure to respond.
9.30.190    Order of Court.
9.30.200    Violations.
9.30.210    Accumulation of infractions.
9.30.220    Confiscation of illegal fireworks.
9.30.230    Disposition of confiscated fireworks.
9.35    Hotel Guests
9.35.010    Definitions.
9.35.020    Record of guests.
9.35.030    Liability for loss of valuables when safe or vault furnished – Limitation.
9.35.040    Liability for loss of baggage and other property – Limitation.
9.35.050    Obtaining hotel, restaurant, etc., accommodations by fraud.
9.35.060    Lien on property of guest.
9.35.070    Sale – Notice – Disposition of funds.
9.35.080    Liability for valet and parking.
9.40    Liquor Control

9.40.010 Public policy declared.
9.40.020 Definitions.
9.40.030 General prohibition.
9.40.040 Tribal control of alcoholic beverages.
9.40.050 Community on-site sales.
9.40.060 State of Washington licenses and agreements.
9.40.070 Applicability of State law.
9.40.080 Persons under 21 years of age – Restrictions.
9.40.090 Restrictions on intoxicated persons.
9.40.100 Hours and days of sale.
9.40.110 Power to license and tax.
9.40.120 Tribally owned establishments.
9.40.130 Licensing.
9.40.140 Regulations.
9.40.150 Severability.
9.40.160 Amendment or repeal of chapter.
9.40.170 Sovereign immunity.
9.40.180 Effective date.
9.40.190 Jurisdiction, State and Tribal law.
9.40.200 Tribal Court jurisdiction.
9.40.210 Violations of this chapter and any promulgated regulations.
9.50 Commercial Marijuana
9.50.010 Title.
9.50.020 Definitions.
9.50.030 Findings.
9.50.040 Establishment and delegation.
9.50.050 Negotiations with the State.
9.50.060 Tribal marijuana tax.
9.50.070 Producing and processing of marijuana products.
9.50.080 Purchase and sale of marijuana products.
9.50.090 Retail sales of marijuana products.
9.50.100 Licensing and background investigations.
9.50.110 Indemnity.
9.50.120 Medical marijuana.
9.50.130 Compliance.

10.05    Fishing – General Provisions
10.05.010    Title.
10.05.020    Declaration of policy.
10.05.030    Definitions.
10.05.040    Territory.
10.05.050    Persons.
10.10    Fishing Regulations
10.10.010 Fish and Wildlife Committee.
10.10.015 Bylaws and code terms for the Fish and Wildlife Committee.
10.10.020 Fisheries Manager.
10.10.030 Conviction as bar to membership.
10.10.040 Members.
10.10.050 Nonmember relatives.
10.10.060 Minors.
10.10.070 Biologists.
10.10.080 Nonmembers.
10.10.090 Assistance by unauthorized persons prohibited.
10.10.100 Residence requirement.
10.10.110 Tribal identification cards and permits – Required.
10.10.120 Tribal identification cards and permits – Examination upon demand.
10.10.130 Tribal identification cards and permits – Required when.
10.10.140 Tribal identification cards and permits – Fees and time limits.
10.10.150 Tribal identification cards and permits – Property of Tribe.
10.10.160 General closure.
10.10.170 Annual and seasonal regulations.
10.10.180 Annual and seasonal regulations – Procedure.
10.10.190 Emergency regulations.
10.10.200 Gear and boat identification.
10.10.210 Restrictions.
10.10.220 Marine boats.
10.10.230 Test fishing – Authorization.
10.10.240 Test fishing – Regulations.
10.10.250 Map of river fishing sites.
10.10.260 Abandonment of sites and new sites – Preferences.
10.10.270 Settlement of disputes.
10.10.280 Sale of fish.
10.10.290 Fish catch reporting.
10.10.300 Unlawful acts.
10.10.310 Tribal fish sales tax imposed.
10.10.320 Tax collection.
10.10.330 Use of tax money.
10.10.340 Fish buyers – Permit required.
10.10.350 Reporting required.
10.10.360 Bond and security deposit required.
10.10.370 Action on bond or security deposit.
10.10.380 No permit where taxes unpaid.
10.10.390 Waiver of bond or security deposit.
10.10.400 Fish sales to Tribe.
10.10.410 Regulations concerning non-Chehalis Tribal members fishing within the exterior boundaries of the Chehalis Reservation.
10.10.420 Violation and civil regulatory penalty.
10.10.430 Posting notice concerning CTC 10.10.410 and 10.10.420.
10.10.440 Civil regulatory violation and penalty regarding interfering with Tribal fishermen nets.
10.10.450 Nonmember fishing with a Tribal member.
Appendix Fish and Wildlife Committee Bylaws.
10.15    Fishing – Enforcement, Violation and Penalties
10.15.010    Purpose.
10.15.020    Enforcement officers.
10.15.030    Cross-deputization.
10.15.040    Civil enforcement procedures.
10.15.050    Tribal Court procedures.
10.15.060    Civil hearing procedure.
10.15.070    Civil hearings – Burden of proof.
10.15.080    Preliminary hearing – Time.
10.15.090    Preliminary hearing – Conduct.
10.15.100    Trial.
10.15.110    Continuances.
10.15.120    Decision of the Court.
10.15.130    Appeal.
10.15.140    Seizure and disposition of fish and/or gear.
10.15.150    Penalties – General.
10.15.160    Payment of fine in lieu of court appearance.
10.15.170    Unauthorized gear.
10.15.180    Improper lighting equipment.
10.15.190    Improperly marked gear.
10.15.200    No valid identification.
10.15.210    Possession of alcohol or drugs.
10.15.220    Life jackets.
10.15.230    No valid permit.
10.15.240    Reserved.
10.15.250    Reckless boating.
10.15.260    Dual benefits.
10.15.270    Failure to pay fish tax.
10.15.280    Reserved.
10.15.290    Unauthorized removal of fish from net.
10.15.300    Giving false information.
10.15.310    Violation of court order.
10.15.320    Interfering with set net priorities.
10.15.330    Failure to appear.
10.15.340    Vandalism of fishing gear.
10.15.350    Theft of fishing gear.
10.15.360    Assisting violations.
10.15.370    Permitting unauthorized nonmember to fish.
10.15.380    Illegal net mesh size.
10.15.390    Exceeding catch quota.
10.15.400    Exceeding allowable number of nets.
10.15.410    Wasting fish.
10.15.420    Failure to check set net.
10.15.430    Fishing in closed waters.
10.15.440    Fishing in protected spawning area.
10.15.450    Criminal violations.
10.15.460    Obstructing officer or fisheries management personnel.
10.15.470    Assault.
10.15.480    Assault against a fisheries enforcement officer.
10.15.490    Sentence for subsequent violations.
10.15.500    Enforcement of civil fine.
10.20    Shellfish
10.20.010    Title.
10.20.020    Sub-part of fishing ordinance.
10.20.030    Effective date.
10.20.040    Declaration of policy.
10.20.050    Tribal Court – Judicial power.
10.20.060    Jurisdiction.
10.20.070    Jurisdiction over nonmembers.
10.20.080    Definitions.
10.20.090    Regulation.
10.20.100    Shellfish Manager.
10.20.110    Fish Committee.
10.20.120    Conviction as a bar to Fish Committee membership or fisheries employment.
10.20.130    Enforcement.
10.20.140    Permits.
10.20.150    Permit and identification required.
10.20.160    Permit fee.
10.20.170    Dual benefits prohibited.
10.20.180    Revocations or suspension of permits.
10.20.190    Harvest reporting.
10.20.200    Shellfish buyers.
10.20.210    Fish tax applies.
10.20.220    Commercial harvesting only in open areas certified for commercial harvesting.
10.20.230    Boat registrations and tax.
10.20.240    Test shellfishery.
10.20.250    Classification of offense – Sentencing guideline – General information of violations – Each violation a separate offense.
10.25    Hunting – General Provisions
10.25.010    Title.
10.25.020    Declaration of policy.
10.25.030    Definitions.
10.25.040    Jurisdiction.
10.25.050    Violation of 18 U.S.C. Section 1165.
10.25.060    Repealed.
10.25.070    Annual regulations.
10.25.080    Emergency regulations.
10.25.090    General closure – Except Reservation.
10.30    Hunting Regulations
10.30.010    Eligible hunters.
10.30.020    Hunting for ceremonial use – Extreme personal hardship.
10.30.030    Hunting for another.
10.30.040    Designated hunter.
10.35    Hunting – Enforcement, Violation and Penalties

10.35.010    Purpose.
10.35.020    Law enforcement.
10.35.030    Seizure.
10.35.040    Inventory and storage.
10.35.050    Unclaimed property.
10.35.060    Presumption of owner’s use.
10.35.070    Petition for release.
10.35.080    Disposition of seized property.
10.35.090    Petition for forfeiture.
10.35.100    Violation notices.
10.35.110    Complaint.
10.35.120    Tribal Court procedures.
10.35.130    Civil hearing procedure.
10.35.140    Civil hearings – Burden of proof.
10.35.150    Preliminary hearing – Time.
10.35.160    Preliminary hearing – Conduct.
10.35.170    Trial.
10.35.180    Continuances.
10.35.190    Decision of the Court.
10.35.200    Appeal.
10.35.210    Hunting – Permits and tags.
10.35.220    Hunting – Permit and tags in possession.
10.35.230    Persons barred from obtaining a permit and tag.
10.35.240    Hunting – During closed season.
10.35.250    Hunting in closed areas.
10.35.260    Bag limits.
10.35.270    Reporting bagged game.
10.35.280    Trap inspection.
10.35.290    Wasting big game.
10.35.300    Wasting game birds or game animals.
10.35.310    Selling wildlife.
10.35.320    Transporting big game without proper tag.
10.35.330    Transporting loaded firearms.
10.35.340    Shooting firearms across public roads.
10.35.350    Shooting arrows across public roads.
10.35.360    Hunting from a vehicle.
10.35.370    Hunting with artificial light.
10.35.380    Use of dogs.
10.35.390    Hunting while intoxicated.
10.35.400    Hunting by persons under age 18.
10.35.410    Shooting a person.
10.35.420    Hunting eagles.
10.35.430    Laying out bait.
10.35.440    Laying out poison.
10.35.450    Mutilation of wildlife.
10.35.460    Shooting livestock.
10.35.470    Big game hunting – Firearms restrictions.
10.35.480    Reckless endangerment.
10.35.490    Restrictions during elk season.
10.35.500    Hunting of game animals.
10.35.510    Game birds – Special restrictions.
10.35.520    Muzzle-loading rifles.
10.35.530    Defacing.
10.35.540    Aiding and abetting.
10.35.550    Criminal violations.
10.35.560    Obstructing Tribal law enforcement officer.
10.35.570    Assault.
10.35.580    Assault against law enforcement officer.
10.35.590    Hunting while privilege is revoked.
10.35.600    Penalties – General.
10.35.610    Payment of fine in lieu of court appearance.
10.35.620    Enforcement of fine.
10.35.630    Failure to respond.
10.35.640    Default on fine.

11.05    Permitting
11.05.010    Findings.
11.05.020    Purpose.
11.05.030    Objectives.
11.05.040    Definitions.
11.05.050    Time limits – Exceptions.
11.05.060    Permits required for certain activities.
11.05.070    Exceptions to permit requirement.
11.05.080    Grandfathered activities.
11.05.090    Permit application.
11.05.100    Inspections.
11.05.110    Fees.
11.05.120    Expiration.
11.05.130    Permitting authority.
11.05.140    Review of permit application.
11.05.150    Initial notice to applicant of permit status.
11.05.160    General standards.
11.05.170    Uniform codes incorporated.
11.05.180    Environmental review – Generally.
11.05.190    Significantly affecting the environment.
11.05.200    Finding of no significant impact (FONSI).
11.05.210    Review of FONSI.
11.05.220    Archaeological, historical, or traditional cultural places.
11.05.230    Conditional permits.
11.05.240    Notice of decision – Request for reconsideration.
11.05.250    Basis for decisions to approve, deny or condition permit.
11.05.260    Court review of decision on reconsideration.
11.05.270    Enforcement – Generally.
11.05.280    Violations.
11.05.290    Corrective measures.
11.05.300    Civil infraction.
11.05.310    Sovereign immunity.
11.05.320    Severability.
11.05.330    Effective date.
11.10    Construction Safety
11.10.010    Purpose.
11.10.020    Territorial scope.
11.10.030    Definitions.
11.10.040    Adoption of safety standards.
11.10.050    Duty of employers.
11.10.060    Safety plans.
11.10.070    Right to inspect.
11.10.080    Compliance by employees.
11.10.090    Reporting of violations.
11.10.100    Director’s duty to investigate.
11.10.110    Violations of Chehalis Tribe safety standards.
11.10.120    Violations of Chehalis Tribe construction safety standards posing an immediate threat to the health or safety of employees.
11.10.130    Interference with an inspector conducting his/her authorized duties.
11.10.140    Right to appeal notices of violation.
11.10.150    Requests for variances.
11.10.160    Reporting of fatality or accident information.
11.10.170    Investigation of a fatality or accident.
11.10.180    Reporting of a complaint against an inspector.
11.10.190    Confidentiality – Trade secrets.
11.10.200    Retaliation against any person who reports a violation of this chapter.
11.15    Zoning
11.15.010 Statement of purpose.
11.15.020 Findings.
11.15.030 Definitions.
11.15.040 Comprehensive plan.
11.15.050 Description of zones.
11.15.060 Special use permit.
11.15.070 Application of regulations.
11.15.080 Zoning of acquired off-Reservation land.
11.15.090 Rezoning.
11.15.100 Administration and enforcement.
11.15.110 Violations.
11.15.120 Judicial review.
11.20    Flood Damage Prevention
11.20.010 Reserved.
11.20.020 Statement of purpose.
11.20.030 Definitions.
11.20.040 Lands to which this chapter applies.
11.20.050 Basis for establishing the areas of special flood hazard.
11.20.060 Establishment of development permit.
11.20.070 Designation of the Natural Resources Director.
11.20.080 Duties and responsibilities of the Natural Resources Director.
11.20.090 General standards for flood hazard reduction.
11.20.100 Specific standards for flood hazard reduction.
11.20.110 Zones with base flood elevations but no floodways.
11.20.120 Floodways.
11.25    Animal Control
11.25.010    Purpose.
11.25.020    Jurisdiction.
11.25.030    Responsibility for animals.
11.25.040    Definitions.
11.25.050    Administration and enforcement.
11.25.060    Delegation of authority.
11.25.070    License required.
11.25.080    Registration required.
11.25.090    Rabies vaccination certificate required.
11.25.100    Reserved.
11.25.110    Failure to register and license.
11.25.120    License not transferable.
11.25.130    Issuance of registration and license.
11.25.140    Purchase of license.
11.25.150    Ownership limits.
11.25.160    Fees.
11.25.170    Elders.
11.25.180    Violations.
11.25.190    Leash required.
11.25.200    Dogs or cats in heat.
11.25.210    Quarantine of biting dogs or cats.
11.25.220    Destruction of dogs or cats that have bitten twice.
11.25.230    Vicious animals running at large.
11.25.240    Penalties for violation.
11.25.250    Notice of infraction – Procedure.
11.25.260    Complaints – Procedure.
11.25.270    Impoundment procedures.
11.25.280    Emergency situations.
11.25.290    Notice of seizure or impoundment.
11.25.300    Nuisances.
11.30    Nuisance
11.30.010    Purpose.
11.30.020    Definitions.
11.30.030    Assessment.
11.30.040    Notice and opportunity to cure.
11.30.050    Failure to cure.
11.30.060    Additional time.
11.30.070    Approval of plan to abate nuisance.
11.30.080    Time to abate nuisance.
11.30.090    Failure to develop acceptable plan.
11.30.100    Tribe’s authority to recover its costs.
11.30.110    Successive owners liable.
11.30.120    Nuisance not legalized by lapse of time.
11.30.130    Abatement does not preclude action for damages.
11.30.140    Authority to abate nuisances supplements other authorities.
11.35    Outdoor Burning
11.35.010    Statement of purpose.
11.35.020    Statement of authority.
11.35.030    Definitions.
11.35.040    Outdoor burn permits.
11.35.050    Fire safety.
11.35.060    Burn bans.
11.35.070    Enforcement.
11.40    Solid Waste
11.40.010    Short title and definitions.
11.40.020    Tribe’s inherent sovereign power to manage and regulate solid waste.
11.40.030    Purposes of the solid waste and illegal dumping ordinance.
11.40.040    Nonmembers, the Tribe, and Tribal members.
11.40.050    Applicability of the solid waste and illegal dumping ordinance.
11.40.060    Definitions.
11.40.070    Prohibition of dumping of solid waste.
11.40.080    Tribally provided waste receptacles.
11.40.090    Prohibition of hazardous waste.
11.40.100    Household hazardous waste.
11.40.110    Compliance monitoring.
11.40.120    Enforcement.
11.45    Groundwater Protection
11.45.010    Pollution of waters – Public policy of the Tribe.
11.45.020    Definitions.
11.45.030    Department of Natural Resources.
11.45.040    Duties of the Department under this chapter.
11.45.050    Groundwater protection.
11.45.060    Water quality standards.
11.45.070    Establishment of sanitary control areas.
11.45.080    Control regulations.
11.45.090    Authority to enter and inspect premises and records.
11.45.100    Emergencies.
11.45.110    Implementation.
11.45.120    Enforcement.
11.50    Surface Water Quality Standards
11.50.010    Introduction.
11.50.020    Definitions.
11.50.030    General considerations.
11.50.040    General water use and criteria classes.
11.50.050    Toxic substances.
11.50.060    Radioactive substances.
11.50.070    General classifications.
11.50.080    Antidegradation.
11.50.090    Mixing zones.
11.50.100    Short-term modifications.
11.50.110    Specific classifications – Freshwater.
11.50.120    Achievement considerations.
11.50.130    Implementation.
11.50.140    Surveillance.
11.50.150    Enforcement.
11.55    Forest Practices
11.55.010    Statement of purpose.
11.55.020    Statement of authority.
11.55.030    Definitions.
11.55.040    Notification.
11.55.050    Fees.
11.55.060    Petroleum products.
11.55.070    Riparian management zones.
11.55.080    Chemical application.
11.55.090    Slash disposal.
11.55.100    Reforestation.
11.55.110    Rehabilitation.
11.55.120    Nonreforested lands.
11.55.130    Roads.
11.55.140    Harvesting.
11.55.150    Sensitive areas.
11.55.160    Business Committee review.
11.55.170    Application time limits.
11.55.180    Approval or disapproval policy.
11.55.190    Enforcement.
11.55.200    Right of appeal.
11.60    Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations

11.60.010    Title.
11.60.020    Purpose.
11.60.030    Definitions.
11.60.040    Classification types.
11.60.050    Tribal permits required.
11.60.060    Issuance of permits.
11.60.070    Permit violations.
11.60.080    Compliance with permit.
11.60.090    Compliance with Chehalis Tribal Code.
11.60.100    Nutrient and waste management plan.
11.60.110    Manure management.
11.60.120    Management of other animal wastes.
11.60.130    Odor and pest management.
11.60.140    Nutrient management activities.
11.60.150    Inspection authority.
11.60.160    Violation.
11.60.170    Notice of violation.
11.60.180    Enforcement of uncorrected violations.
11.65    Nonpermanent Abode Occupancy Ordinance
11.65.010    Purpose.
11.65.020    Definitions.
11.65.030    Applicability and general provisions.
11.65.040    Permit.
11.65.050    Safety requirements.
11.65.060    Sewage and liquid waste disposal.
11.65.070    Solid waste.
11.65.080    Fire protection and the elimination of accident factors.
11.65.090    Connection to electrical services.
11.65.100    Fuel storage containers.
11.65.110    Potable water source.
11.65.120    Violation and enforcement.
11.65.130    Nonpermanent abode removal procedure.
11.65.140    Intentionally left blank.
11.65.150    Notice of impoundment.
11.65.160    Nonpermanent abode demolition.
11.65.170    Delay of impoundment or demolition.
11.65.180    Sale of nonpermanent abode.
11.65.190    Proceeds.
11.65.200    Recovery of fines and costs.
11.70    Food Service and Inspection Code
11.70.010    Title.
11.70.020    Findings.
11.70.030    Jurisdiction.
11.70.040    FDA Food Code adoption.
11.70.050    Amendments and appendices.
11.70.060    Definitions.
11.70.070    Health Inspector.
11.70.080    Health Official or designee.
11.70.090    Food establishment certification.
11.70.100    Plan review application.
11.70.110    Certified food protection manager.
11.70.120    Tribal business license required.
11.70.130    Temporary food establishments exempt.
11.70.140    Annual inspection charges.
11.70.150    Enforcement – Generally.
11.70.160    Violations.
11.70.170    Corrective measures.
11.70.180    Civil infraction.
11.70.190    Sovereign immunity.
11.70.200    Severability.
11.70.210    Effective date.

Title 12 HOUSING
12.05    Housing Authority
12.05.010    Purposes.
12.05.020    Definitions.
12.05.030    Board of Commissioners.
12.05.040    Powers.
12.05.050    Obligations.
12.05.060    Annual report – Interest in housing projects.
12.05.070    Cooperation in connection with projects.
12.05.080    Approval by Secretary of the Interior.
12.10    Residential Landlord Tenant Act

12.10.010    Living arrangements exempted from chapter.
12.10.020    Notice – Alternative procedure.
12.10.030    Landlord – Duties.
12.10.040    Landlord – Failure to perform duties – Notice from tenant – Contents – Time limits for landlord’s remedial action.
12.10.050    Seizure of illegal drugs – Firearms offenses – Notification of landlord.
12.10.060    Payment of rent condition to exercising remedies – Exceptions.
12.10.070    Rental of condemned or unlawful dwelling – Tenant’s remedies.
12.10.080    Landlord’s failure to remedy defective condition – Tenant’s choice of actions.
12.10.090    Landlord’s failure to carry out duties – Repairs effected by tenant – Procedure – Deduction of cost from rent – Limitations.
12.10.100    Failure of landlord to carry out duties – Determination by Tribal Court – Judgment against landlord for diminished rental value and repair costs – Enforcement of judgment – Reduction in rent under certain conditions.
12.10.110    Substandard and dangerous conditions.
12.10.120    Substandard and dangerous conditions – Notice.
12.10.130    Substandard and dangerous conditions – Escrow account.
12.10.140    Defective conditions – Unfeasible to remedy defect – Termination of tenancy.
12.10.150    Duties of tenant.
12.10.160    Reasonable obligations or restrictions – Tenant’s duty to conform.
12.10.170    Landlord’s right of entry – Purposes – Conditions.
12.10.180    Landlord’s remedies if tenant fails to remedy defective condition.
12.10.190    Landlord to give notice if tenant fails to carry out duties.
12.10.200    Tenant’s failure to comply with duties – Landlord to give tenant written notice of noncompliance – Landlord’s remedies.
12.10.210    Notice to tenant to remedy nonconformance.
12.10.220    Tenancy from month to month or for rental period – Termination – Exclusion of children or conversion to condominium – Notice.
12.10.230    Tenancies from year to year abolished except under written contract.
12.10.240    Termination of tenancy for a specified time.
12.10.250    Waiver of chapter provisions prohibited – Provisions prohibited from rental agreement – Distress for rent abolished – Detention of personal property for rent – Remedies.
12.10.260    Reprisals or retaliatory actions by landlord – Prohibited.
12.10.270    Reprisals or retaliatory actions by landlord – Presumptions – Rebuttal – Costs.
12.10.280    Deposit to secure occupancy by tenant – Landlord’s duties – Violation.
12.10.290    Screening of tenants – Costs – Notice to tenant – Violation.
12.10.300    Monies paid as deposit or security for performance by tenant – Written rental agreement to specify terms and conditions for retention by landlord – Written checklist required.
12.10.310    Monies paid as deposit or security for performance by tenant – Deposit by landlord in trust account – Receipt – Claims.
12.10.320    Monies paid as deposit or security for performance by tenant – Statement and notice of basis for retention – Remedies for landlord’s failure to make refund.
12.10.330    Nonrefundable fees not to be designated as deposit – Written rental agreement required.
12.10.340    Removal or exclusion of tenant from premises – Holding over or excluding landlord from premises after termination date.
12.10.350    Termination of tenant’s utility service – Tenant causing loss of landlord-provided utility services.
12.10.360    Default in rent – Abandonment – Liability of tenant – Landlord’s remedies – Sale of tenant’s property by landlord.
12.10.370    Threatening behavior by tenant – Termination of agreement – Written notice – Financial obligations.
12.10.380    Threatening behavior by landlord – Termination of agreement – Financial obligations.
12.10.390    Threatening behavior – Violation of order for protection – Termination of agreement – Financial obligation.
12.10.400    Smoke detection devices in dwelling units – Penalty.
12.10.410    Exemptions.
12.15    Eviction Procedures
12.15.010    Title.
12.15.020    Definitions.
12.15.030    Unlawful detainer.
12.15.040    Procedures for service of notice.
12.15.050    Complaint and summons.
12.15.060    Service of summons and complaint.
12.15.070    Power of the Tribal Court.
12.15.080    Writ of restitution.
12.15.090    Writ of restitution – Service of writ.
12.15.100    Writ of restitution – Enforcement.
12.15.110    Return of writ.
12.15.120    Requests for reconsideration/appeals.
12.15.130    Alternative remedies.
12.20    Mortgages
12.20.010    Purpose.
12.20.020    Definitions.
12.20.030    Priority.
12.20.040    Recording.
12.20.050    Pre-foreclosure procedures.
12.20.060    Leasehold mortgage foreclosure proceedings.
12.20.070    Service of process and procedure.
12.20.080    Alternate service.
12.20.090    Certified mailing to Tribe and mortgagor.
12.20.100    Intervention.
12.20.110    Cure of default by subordinate lienholder.
12.20.120    Power of the Tribal Court.
12.20.130    No redemption.
12.20.140    No deficiency judgment.
12.20.150    Remedies exclusive.
12.20.160    No merger.
12.20.170    Restrictions on sale, transfer or conveyance of leasehold interest.
12.20.180    Approval of Tribe required.

Title 13 GAMING
13.05 Gaming
13.05.010 Title.
13.05.020 Purpose.
13.05.030 Definitions.
13.05.040 Chehalis Tribal Gaming Commission – Qualifications.
13.05.050 Chehalis Tribal Gaming Commission – Selection.
13.05.060 Chehalis Tribal Gaming Commission – Powers and duties.
13.05.070 Chehalis Tribal Gaming Commission – Officers – Conduct of meetings.
13.05.080 Chehalis Tribal Gaming Agency – Powers and duties.
13.05.090 Chehalis Tribal Gaming Agency – Executive Director.
13.05.100 Chehalis Tribal Gaming Agency – Employees.
13.05.110 Chehalis Tribal Gaming Agency – Duty to report.
13.05.120 Chehalis Tribal Gaming Agency – Activities prohibited.
13.05.130 Chehalis Tribal Gaming Agency – Enforcement, investigations and sanctions.
13.05.140 Chehalis Tribal Gaming Agency – Licensing.
13.05.150 Chehalis Tribal Gaming Agency – Audits.
13.05.160 Rulemaking.
13.05.170 Allocation of net revenues.
13.05.180 Grievances.
13.05.190 Concurrent jurisdiction.
13.05.200 Law enforcement jurisdiction relating to gambling – Investigative authority.
13.05.210 Law enforcement jurisdiction relating to gambling – Jurisdictional forums.
13.05.220 Authorized gaming.
13.05.230 Severability.

14.10 Purpose – Findings – Jurisdiction – Interpretation – Definitions
14.10.010 Purpose and findings.
14.10.020 Jurisdiction.
14.10.030 Interpretation.
14.10.040 Definitions.
14.20 Wills
14.20.010 Requirements for a valid will.
14.20.020 Incorporation by reference.
14.20.030 Events of independent significance.
14.20.040 Rules of construction and intention.
14.20.050 Revocation of will by writing or act.
14.20.060 Depositing will with Tribal Court.
14.30 Funeral, Tribal Custom and Tradition
14.30.010 Control of funeral arrangements.
14.30.020 Indian custom and tradition distribution of Indian finery and artifacts.
14.40 Estate Administration
14.40.010 Effect of fraud and evasion.
14.40.020 Evidence as to death or status.
14.40.030 Practice in Court.
14.40.040 Judicial powers and duties.
14.40.050 Records and certified copies.
14.40.055 Oath or affirmation on filed documents.
14.40.060 Notice.
14.40.070 Renunciation of succession.
14.40.080 Effect of divorce, annulment and decree of separation.
14.40.090 Effect of homicide on intestate succession, wills, joint assets, life insurance and beneficiary designation.
14.40.100 Simultaneous death provisions.
14.50 Intestate Succession
14.50.010 Intestate succession.
14.50.020 Share of the spouse.
14.50.030 Share of heirs other than surviving spouse.
14.50.040 No taker.
14.50.050 Representation.
14.50.060 Posthumous persons.
14.50.070 Kindred of half-blood, stepchildren – Foster children.
14.50.080 Divorce.
14.50.090 Determination of relationship of parent and child.
14.60 Inheritance by Non-Indians/Fractionated Heirship
14.60.010 Restrictions on inheritance of individual trust/restricted lands by non-Indians.
14.60.020 Escheat of certain fractionated interests.
14.70 Administration of Intestate Estates
14.70.010 Petition.
14.70.020 Administration of intestate estate.
14.70.030 Appointment of administrator.
14.70.040 Oath of administrator – Letters of administration.
14.70.050 Notice to creditors.
14.70.060 Payment of creditors.
14.70.070 Accounting.
14.70.080 No taker/escheat to Tribe.
14.70.090 Advancements.
14.70.100 Debts to decedent.
14.70.110 Distribution – Closing estate.
14.80 Probate of Wills
14.80.010 Duty to present will for probate.
14.80.020 Proving, contesting and admitting will.
14.80.025 Petition for letters of testamentary.
14.80.030 Qualification of executor or personal representative.
14.80.040 Appointment of executor or personal representative.
14.80.050 Duties of executor or personal representative – Bond.
14.80.060 Creditors.
14.80.070 Accounting.
14.80.080 Distribution – Closing estate.
14.80.090 Property discovered after estate closed.

15.01 General Welfare Exclusion Ordinance
15.01.010 Purpose.
15.01.020 Background, findings and intent.
15.01.030 Definitions.
15.01.040 Administration.
15.01.050 Federal trust responsibilities.
15.01.060 Government-to-government relationship – Executive Order 13175.
15.01.070 Approved programs.
15.01.080 Approved program policies.
15.01.090 Programs meeting the general test.
15.01.100 Promotion of general welfare.
15.01.110 Eligibility.
15.01.120 Limited use of benefits.
15.01.130 Programs not limited to means testing.
15.01.140 Limitations on payments – Annual budgeting.
15.01.150 Forfeiture.
15.01.160 Due process.
15.01.170 Anti-alienation.
15.01.180 Privacy – Information sharing.
15.01.190 Other tax exemptions.
15.01.200 Nonresource designation.
15.01.210 Dispute resolution.
15.01.220 Governing law.
15.01.230 Severability.
15.01.240 Sovereign immunity preserved.
15.01.250 Amendments.
15.01.260 Effective date.
15.01.300 Basic living assistance program.
15.01.310 Supplemental living assistance program.

16.05 Debt Collection
16.05.010 Title.
16.05.020 Purpose.
16.05.030 Definitions.
16.05.040 Debtor classification.
16.05.050 Review of disputed amounts.
16.05.060 Maintenance of debtor’s list.
16.05.070 Contracts.
16.05.080 Licenses and permits.
16.05.090 Future or continued employment.
16.05.100 Debtors employed by the Tribe.
16.05.110 Per capita payments.
16.05.120 General welfare payments.
16.05.130 Bad debt.
16.05.140 Debt priority and collection process.
16.05.150 Conflict of laws.

20.01 Hemp and CBD Oil
20.01.050 Title.
20.01.100 Hemp, CBD and CBD oil products legal on Reservation.
20.01.150 Hemp definition.
20.01.200 CBD oil definition.
20.01.250 Regulatory authority.
20.01.300 Zoning laws and hemp production.
20.01.350 Zoning laws and CBD product production.
20.01.400 Limitation on who may grow hemp.
20.01.450 Acreage limitations for hemp production on lands owned by the Tribe.
20.01.500 No limitation on the size of acreage on individual Tribal member trust land.
20.01.550 Prohibition on use of Tribal members as a straw man.
20.01.600 Compliance with all Tribal and Federal environmental laws.
20.01.650 No pollution of the Chehalis River, the Black River and their tributaries and the groundwater of the Reservation.
20.01.700 Production of hemp on Reservation requires a Chehalis business license.
20.01.750 Production and/or sale of CBD oil products on Reservation requires a Chehalis business license.
20.01.800 Required testing of hemp and CBD oil products.
20.01.850 Definition of a qualified lab.
20.01.900 Limitation on who may produce CBD oil and/or CBD oil products.

21.01 Medical and Recreational Marijuana Use
21.01.010 Title.
21.01.020 Statutory authorization.
21.01.030 Definitions.
21.01.040 Age limitation.
21.01.050 Use of marijuana in public locations.
21.01.060 Motor vehicle use.
21.01.070 Test for being under the influence.
21.01.080 Penalties for violation of this chapter.
21.01.090 Regulatory oversight.


[Table of Contents created by NILL in April 2022, based on the Chehalis Tribal Code current through legislation passed March 1, 2022.]