Native American Peoples: General Information

Directories of Tribes (National Indian Law Library) Includes the list of federally recognized tribes and other directories of tribal governments and reservations.

Q & A about Native American people & tribes (Native American Rights Fund) Answers questions related to terminology about Native American people and tribes, sovereignty, reservations, citizenship, military service, taxes, and benefits.

Q & A about Native American tribes (Bureau of Indian Affairs) Answers questions related to terminology about Native American people and tribes, sovereignty, reservations, citizenship, military service, taxes, land rights, benefits, education, legal status, voting rights, tribal membership and enrollment, federal payments, treaties, jurisdiction, governance, gaming, languages, etc.

What is the Bureau of Indian Affairs? (Bureau of Indian Affairs)

What Federal Benefits and Services are there for Native American People? (Bureau of Indian Affairs) Includes a section on the "myth of the monthly check" and federal services for Native Americans.


American Indian and Alaska Native (AINA) Data and Links (U.S. Census). 2010 and pre-2000 Census information and other data relating to Native Americans. "mY Tribal Area" information about tribes, maps, reservations, population and more.

American Indian and Alaska Native Populations (U.S. Census) - Projections for the future and data from the 2010 census.

Facts on the American Indian and Alaskan Native Population (U.S Census) - Social and economic information, plus maps and statistical briefs, among other information.

Statistics (about gaming) (Native American Rights Fund) In the brochure "Dispelling the Myths About Indian Gaming."

American Indians and Alaska Native Tribes: 2010 (US Census ) Census 2010 reports with 66 statistical tables. Issued December 2013.

News Sources

Indian Law News Bulletin (National Indian Law Library) Weekly news bulletins relating to Indian law news are published starting in 2003.

Index of Native American Media Resources on the Internet Links to newspapers, Current news, Native television, site of the week, arts and entertainment.

Indian Country Today (Today Media Network) Broad coverage of news relating to Indian country.

NativeLaw News Digest Links to recent newspaper articles dealing with Native American legal issues.

Law360 Native American (LexisNexis) Fee-based subscription service. A daily publication and archive of Native American law articles.


American Native Press Archives at Sequoyah Research Center - (University of Arkansas, Little Rock). "Maintains the largest collection of Native Newspapers and periodicals in the world in hard copy and film including press histories 1828 - present."

Wisconsin Historical Society, Newspapers and Periodicals Comprehensive collection of several centuries of American newspaper history including a Native American newspaper collection.

General Information Resources

American Indian Issues: an Introductory and Curricular Guide for Educators (American Indian Civics Projects). Brief guides on important civil rights and legal issues, includes a chronological history and historical overview of the relationship between the U.S. government and American Indians. Special topics include: mascots and Indian boarding schools.

American Indian Territoriality: An Online Research Guide (Edition of October 17, 2003) (2 PDF versions) (Native American Constitution and Law Digitization Project, University of Oklahoma Law Library). By Imre Sutton, Professor Emeritus, California State University, Fullerton.

American Indian Tribal Sovereignty Primer (American Indian Policy Center)

Environmental guides with chapters on federal Indian law:

EPA American Indian Environmental Office Resource Guide - (United States Environmental Protection Agency). Includes a chapter on federal Indian law. Use the Internet Archive to access this resource.

Forest Service National Resource Guide to American Indian and Alaska Native Relations (United States Forest Service). Includes a chapter on the government-to-government relationship.

Native American Publications in the United States: A Quick Guide (Aboriginal Media Services)

Encyclopedia of North American Indians (Houghton Mifflin)

American Indian Resource Center A community library of the County of Los Angeles Public Library, "The collection attempts to cover the full spectrum of American Indian experience in the continental United States - from Pre-Columbian times to the present. Subjects covered include art, architecture, bibliographies, biographies, education, fiction, history, languages, literature, government relations, federal Indian law, tribal law, tribal studies (individual tribes) and geographic area studies (e.g., California Tribes)."

Labriola National American Indian Data Center (Arizona State University)

University of Oklahoma Law Center and Law Library Native American Law Resources, including the American Indian Law Review and the Native American Constitution and Law Digitization Project.

List of Native American Websites ( maintained by Lisa Mitten)

Problem of Indian Administration: Meriam Report (1921)

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