Lac Courte Oreilles Band of Lake Superior Chippewa Indians of Wisconsin - Tribal Law

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To contact the Lac Courte Oreilles Band of Lake Superior Chippewa Indians of Wisconsin, visit the tribal court's website.

Lac Courte Oreilles Tribal Code of Law.

CSV.2.9.010 Definitions

For the purpose of this subchapter, the following terms shall be construed as follows:

(a) "Dip Net" means a piece of netting suspended from a round or square frame not exceeding 8 feet in diameter or 8 feet in width and 8 feet in length.

(b) "Fyke Net" or "Trap Net" means a device constructed of netting which may employ a frame, wings or wings and leads, and which directs the movement of fish through a funnel of netting into inner hearts or built-in forebays wherein the fish are trapped by their own movement.

(c) "Gillnet" means any net set to capture fish by entanglement rather than entrapment.

(d) "Hook and Line" means a rod and reel or similar device including a tip up and hand held lines, and includes trolling.

(e) "Ice Fishing" means fishing though an artificial hole in the ice.

(f) "Net" means any dip net, fyke net, gill net or seine and when used as a verb means to fish with any of these nets.

(g) "Open Water Fishing" means all fishing other than fishing through an artificial hole in the ice.

(h) "Seine" means a net of mesh no larger than 2" stretch measure, with floats at the top and weights at the bottom, such that it hangs vertically in the water, and which is drawn through the water to capture fish by encircling them rather than entangling them.

(i) "Spear" means a pole tipped with a minimum of three barbed tines which are a minimum of 4-1/2" long and each tine having a barb extending perpendicular which is greater than 1/8 inch; and when used as a verb, means reducing or attempting to reduce to possession fish by means of a hand held spear or other similar device which is directed by the spearer for the purpose of impaling the target fish, and may include the use of artificial light. When used as a verb, spear shall also mean snagging for the purpose of this ordinance.

(j) "Set or Bank Pole" means a pole used for fishing from the banks of lakes or rivers in compliance with the provisions of Section CSV.2.9.090.

(k) "Setline" means a line used for fishing in compliance with the provisions of Section CSV.2.9.090.

(l) "Snagging" means attempting to take or reduce a fish to possession by hooking a fish in a place other than the mouth by the use of a hook and line or any other device which is not a net or spear.

(m) "Troll" means to fish from a motor-driven boat when the motor is running, from any boat in tow of a motor-driven boat when the motor is running, or from a sailboat when in motion.

(n) "Unattended" means beyond visual contact with the aid of a magnifying device for a period of more than 1/2 hour.

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