Lac Courte Oreilles Band of Lake Superior Chippewa Indians of Wisconsin - Tribal Law

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To contact the Lac Courte Oreilles Band of Lake Superior Chippewa Indians of Wisconsin, visit the tribal court's website.

Lac Courte Oreilles Tribal Code of Law.

CSV.7.5.020 Shoreline Vegetation Protection Area

(a) The cutting of trees and shrubbery shall be regulated to protect natural beauty, control erosion and reduce the flow of effluents, sediments and nutrients from the shoreland area.

(b) There shall be a shoreline vegetation protection area on each lot extending 50 feet landward from the ordinary high-water mark. For lots abutting the Chippewa Flowage, the shoreline vegetation protection area shall extend 100 feet landward from the ordinary high-water mark of 1,313 Mean Sea Level. Within this area the removal of trees, shrubs and ground cover, mowing and filling, grading and other land disturbing activities are prohibited with the following exceptions:

(1) Such activities are in conjunction with a project approved by the Lac Courte Oreilles Conservation Department or as listed in Section CSV.7.5.040 of this ordinance.

(2) Establishment of access corridor(s) for each lot by mowing, pruning and selective removal of trees, stumps and shrubbery. Sufficient native tree seedlings shall be maintained or native tree species planted in the access corridor to maintain a wooded canopy. The access corridor(s) shall be more or less perpendicular to the shore, shall not exceed 30 feet in total width in any 100 feet of shoreline and shall be set back at least 10 feet from the side lot line. For lots having less than 100 feet of water frontage, the access corridor(s) width shall be reduced proportionally (e.g., a lot with 70 feet of water frontage would be restricted to a 21 feet wide access corridor(s) [70' x 0.30 = 21']). An access corridor(s) shall not be established where the absence of vegetation provides a similar naturally occurring opening.

(3) Access corridors for hotels, motels, resorts and campgrounds, at the discretion of the trustee or allottee, may be created either as a single corridor or as multiple corridors, but in no instance shall the total width of the corridors exceed 30% of the frontage of the lot.

(4) A pathway, walkway or stairway is allowed if:

(A) It is located and constructed so as to avoid erosion;

(B) Pathways, walkways and stairways shall not exceed 4 feet in width;

(C) Landings shall be no larger than 4 feet by 4 feet; and

(D) Canopies, roofs or enclosures are prohibited.

(5) Removal of dead and diseased trees is allowed.

(6) Removal of noxious vegetation (i.e., poison ivy, poison oak, ragweed) which poses a threat to health or safety is allowed. The noxious vegetation may be either physically removed (i.e. cutting, pulling, digging out) or an herbicide which is certified for near water use (i.e. Rodeo) may be used.

(7) Public and private water craft launching sites are allowed provided they comply with the following standards:

(A) Construction on slopes steeper than 20% over a 50 foot horizontal distance is prohibited;

(B) An access site on residential property shall not be allowed if an alternative site on the waterway is available to the general public;

(C) Access sites shall be located within the access corridor.

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