Lac Courte Oreilles Band of Lake Superior Chippewa Indians of Wisconsin - Tribal Law

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Lac Courte Oreilles Tribal Code of Law.

PAP.18.4.030 Program Composition and Procedure:

The Field Training Program shall consist of three "Phases". The duration of the Program may be extended or lessened as the needs of the Lac Courte Oreilles Tribal Police Department demand. The Trainee shall be given a schedule that lists what Training Officer the Trainee is assigned, as well as what shifts the Trainee will be working. The Trainee's schedule shall be rotated so that all possible shifts are covered in the training block.

Prior to being allowed participation into the Field Training Program, the Trainee shall be duly authorized by the Chief of Police or designee(s). The Trainee must have also attended the Department's Firearms Qualification Range and must have successfully qualified with an issued Lac Courte Oreilles Tribal Police Departmental weapon or other authorized firearm. Any employee of the Lac Courte Oreilles Tribal Police Department, whom has not been previously authorized to perform Patrol Duties, shall participate and successfully complete the established Field Training Program prior to being authorized to perform such duties with the Department.

(a) Phase One ‒ Orientation:

Shall be the initial point of entry into the Program. The Field Training Officer shall maintain and complete a Field Training Outline Form and initial each task as it is completed. IN addition, the Field Training Officer shall complete a Daily Observation Report for each shift that the Trainee is assigned. Once completed, these forms shall be forwarded to the Training Supervisor and placed in the Trainee's training record.

(1) The Trainee shall be assigned a training schedule and a Field Training Officer for each day. A Trainee Control Registration Form shall be filed and maintained for the Trainee and kept with the Trainee Supervisor.

(2) During Phase One, the Trainee shall receive a training packet consisting of, but not limited to: the Lac Courte Oreilles Tribal Police Department Policy Manual, the Standardized Scoring Guidelines, Reservation Maps, County Road Names, 911 map book, Sawyer County Plat Book, County Ordinance Summary, Spillman Reporting Software handouts, and contact phone numbers.

(3) The Trainee shall maintain this packet in an orderly and professional manner for the duration of the training program. The Field Training Officer shall review and evaluate this packet at various times throughout the training to ensure that it is maintained as a useful tool for the course.

(4) The Trainee shall meet with various specialty staff such as (but not limited to) Narcotics Investigation, Administration, Evidence and Civilian Support Staff to be aware of the duties that each section provides to the Lac Courte Oreilles Tribal Police Department.

(5) The Trainee shall conduct each shift with the Field Training Officer as a "ride along".

(6) The Field Training Officer shall be the primary Officer of contact during this phase. The Trainee shall be the secondary Officer, observing the primary Officer's action and providing support when needed. This is to introduce the Trainee to the geographical nature of the Reservation or patrol zone and offer some limited exposure to tasks and duties of the Patrol Officer. This is done so as not to overwhelm the Trainee too early in the training phase.

(7) The Trainee shall assist the Field Training Officer in the completion of the required duties and such performance shall be evaluated and scored on the Daily Observation Report by the Field Training Officer.

(8) If there are any unsatisfactory marks on the Trainee's Daily Observation Report for any particular shift within Phase One, there shall be remedial training assigned. The Field Training Officer shall document any such remedial training completed on the Daily Observation Report or, if necessary, a Training Task Worksheet.

(9) If such unsatisfactory ratings persist, then other action may be warranted, including removal of the Trainee's involvement in the Program.

(10) Completion of Phase One will not occur until the Field Training Outline Form for the Trainee has been completed.

(11) The Trainee may also be assigned to work with a Specialized Officer at some point. In this instance, the Field Training Officer will meet with the Specialized Officer and provide a Training Task Worksheet Form for the Trainee. During this task, the Specialized Officer shall rate the Trainee's performance in the task as a Daily Observation Report Form. (See Specialized Officer Training).

(12) During the course of Phase One, the Trainee shall keep a written notebook, citing notes taken from procedures described or demonstrated by Field Training Officer; the Trainee shall turn this notebook into the Evaluating Field Training Officer at the program's completion. The notebook shall be kept in an orderly and professional manner.

(13) When a trainee is assigned to a complaint requiring a narrative report, the Field Training Officer shall be provided a copy of such narrative for their review. A copy of said report shall be attached to the Daily Observation Report (DOR) from the shift in which the incident occurred. It shall be the Trainee's responsibility to keep the Field Training Officer informed of any additional supplemental materials stemming from follow-up investigations.

(b) Phase Two ‒ Primary:

This phase shall be the primary block of hands on training in the field. The Field Training Officer shall complete a Daily Observation Report for each shift that the Trainee is assigned. Once completed, these forms shall be forwarded to the Training Supervisor and placed in the Trainee's training record.

(1) The Trainee shall be assigned a training schedule and a Field Training Officer for each day.

(2) During Phase Two: The Trainee shall become the primary Officer, responsible for operating the patrol car, managing the radio, making vehicle contacts, handling the calls for service, writing reports, etc. It will be at the Trainee's discretion on what areas to patrol, places to stop, and routes to travel.

(3) The Field Training Officer shall become the secondary unit, offering assistance and suggestions when appropriate.

(4) The Field Training Officer shall routinely quiz the Trainee about routes of travel, locations, procedures, etc. when not answering calls for service.

(5) The Field Training Officer and Training Supervisor may assign "mock" calls for service, giving the Trainee practice in a controlled environment on report writing, accident investigations and other situations that may not present themselves in the actual field. These "mock" trials shall also be evaluated and critiqued using a Training Task Worksheet.

(6) If at any time it becomes necessary, the Field Training Officer shall "Override" the Trainee and become the primary Officer. This can occur when a Trainee fails to retain control of a situation, fails to act when needed, or any other time that the Field Training Officer, based on experience, feels it necessary to retain control of the situation. It shall also be the Field Training Officer's discretion as when to release the position of primary Officer back to the Trainee. It is essential in this instance, that the Field Training Officer be as discreet as possible and not publicly berate or challenge the Trainee. Any remedial action taken shall be out of the public's view and handled professionally.

(7) If there are any unsatisfactory marks on the Trainee's Daily Observation Report for any particular shift with Phase Two, there shall be remedial training assigned. The Field Training Officer shall document any such remedial training completed on the Daily Observation Report or, if necessary, a Training Task Worksheet.

(8) If such unsatisfactory ratings persist, then other actions may be warranted, including removal of the Trainee's involvement in the Program.

(9) The Trainee may also be assigned to work with a Specialized Officer at some point. In this instance, the Field Training Officer will meet with the Specialized Officer and provide a Training Task Worksheet Form for the Trainee. During this task, the Specialized Officer shall rate the Trainee's performance in the task. (See Specialized Officer Training.)

(10) When a Trainee is assigned to a complaint requiring a narrative report, The Field Training Officer shall be provided a copy of such narrative for their review. A copy of said report shall be attached to the Daily Observation Report (DOR) from the shift in which the incident occurred. It shall be the Trainee's responsibility to keep the Field Training Officer informed of any additional supplemental materials stemming from follow-up investigations.

(c) Phase Three - Evaluation:

This phase shall be the final block of training in the Program. The evaluations shall be more critical for the Trainee as the scoring will be not only on performance, but also on how infrequently assistance is given by the Field Training Officer. The primary goal of this Phase is to prepare the Trainee to act without direct supervision. The Field Training Officer shall complete a Daily Observation Report for each shift that the Trainee is assigned. Once completed, these forms shall be forwarded to the Training Supervisor and placed in the Trainee's training record.

(1) The Trainee shall be assigned a training schedule and a Field Training Officer for each day.

(2) During Phase Three: The Trainee shall continue to act as primary Officer, responsible for operating the patrol car, managing the radio, making vehicle contacts, handling the calls for service, writing reports, etc. It will be at the Trainee's discretion on what areas to patrol, places to stop, and routes to travel.

(3) The Field Training Officer shall continue to act as the secondary unit, offering assistance and suggestions when appropriate.

(4) The Field Training Officer shall routinely quiz the Trainee about routes of travel, locations, procedures, etc. when not answering calls for service.

(5) The Field Training Officer will have a broader discretion when awarding points in that the Trainee will be judged on how much of the tasks can be completed without prompting or assistance from the Field Training Officer.

(6) When answering calls for service during this Phase, it is recommended that the Field Training Officer maintain observation in the background while the Trainee conducts his/her duties, providing input only when absolutely necessary.

(7) If there are any unsatisfactory marks on the Trainee's Daily Observation Report for any particular shift within Phase Three, there shall be remedial training assigned. The Field Training Officer shall document any such remedial training completed on the Daily Observation Report or, if necessary, a Training Task Worksheet.

(8) If such unsatisfactory ratings persist or if the nature of the unsatisfactory rating is so severe, then other actions may be warranted, including removal of the Trainee's involvement in the program.

(9) When a Trainee is assigned to a complaint requiring a narrative report, the Field Training Officer shall be provided a copy of such narrative for their review. A copy of said report shall be attached to the Daily Observation Report from the shift in which the incident occurred. It shall be the Trainee's responsibility to keep the Field Training Officer informed of any additional supplemental materials stemming from follow-up investigations.

(d) Program Completion:

Once the Trainee has completed Phase Three; The Field Training Officer shall complete a Final Trainee Recommendation Form. The Field Training Officer will list either a recommendation for the Trainee's release to solo patrol duty, a continuation of training within the program, other action that may be taken, such as release of the Trainee from the Program or patrol duty with conditions (i.e. dual patrol with another Officer). Once this form has been completed it shall be forwarded to the Training Supervisor who may support the Field Training Officer's recommendations or provide other recommendations of actions. This form shall be attached with copies of the Trainee's training record and remanded to the Chief of Police or designee for their approval.

(e) Extension of Field Training:

Should a Trainee be deemed unsuitable for solo patrol at the end of the designated program, an opportunity for additional training shall exist The duration of this extension shall be dependent on the evaluations of all Field Training Officers involved in the Trainee's program and the Training Supervisor on a case-by-case basis. The content of the Extension Phase shall be as listed in "Phase Three: Evaluation" but may or may not be limited to one (1) week in duration. At the conclusion of the Extension Phase, the assigned Training Officer shall complete a "Phase Completion Form and a Final Trainee Recommendation Form and forward such copies to the Training Supervisor.

(f) Waiver of Field Training:

A waiver of the Field Training Program may occur:

(1) If an employee of the Lac Courte Oreilles Tribal Police Department has been previously authorized to work as a Patrol Officer by the Chief of Police, or his/her designee, is terminated, leaves, or quits and for whatever reason is re-hired to a position within the Lac Courte Oreilles Tribal Police Department (and seeks to perform as a Patrol Officer).

(2) If the Chief of Police or his/her designee waives such an employee, then such waiver shall be in written form and kept on file with the Training Supervisor.

(g) Ride-Along:

The Trainee may, with authorization, conduct voluntary ride-along shifts with other Patrol Officers as a way to supplement their training in the Program. Ride-along shifts should be encouraged as a means to learn different techniques used within the Lac Courte Oreilles Tribal Police Department so as long as not to undermine the overall benefit of the Field Training Program itself. Such ride-along shifts will occur outside of the Trainee's Field Training schedule and be on a voluntary non-compensated status. The supervising Officer may be asked to complete a Non-FTO Daily Observation Form and forward it to the Field Training Officer.

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