Lac Courte Oreilles Band of Lake Superior Chippewa Indians of Wisconsin - Tribal Law

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To contact the Lac Courte Oreilles Band of Lake Superior Chippewa Indians of Wisconsin, visit the tribal court's website.

Lac Courte Oreilles Tribal Code of Law.

PAP.18.4.060 Forms:

The Field Training Program shall consist of the following forms, all which shall be completely and accurately filled out and filed with the Training Supervisor to provide written documentation of the Trainee's progress.

(a) Trainee Control Register – shall provide documentation on when the Trainee entered the program, what department issued equipment the Trainee received, receipt of training packet, uniform issue, when Trainee has qualified with a Lac Courte Oreilles Tribal Police Department issued weapon, etc. The Trainee and issuing Officer shall initial and date each line item. The Trainee shall receive a copy of this form and the original shall be filed with the Training Supervisor and kept with the Trainee's record. This form is used prior to the initial start of the Training Program.

(b) Field Training Outline Form - shall be an outlined checklist of the various tasks and duties that the Patrol Officer is expected to complete or have exposure to. The Field Training Officer shall go through each line item with the trainee and provide instruction, whether hands on or demonstration, on how each task is completed or handled. Both the Field Training Officer and the Trainee shall initial each task when completed and date it. This form shall provide documentation to show when the Trainee received instruction on a particular task. Once completed, the Trainee and Field Training Officer shall receive a copy, with the original going to the Training Supervisor and kept with the Trainee's record. This form is used during the course of Phase One and is instrumental in the completion of this Phase.

(c) Daily Observation Report - shall be completed on each day that the Trainee is scheduled to work with a Field Training Officer. In the event that multiple Field Training Officers are used, then copies of all prior Trainee Daily Observation Reports shall be made available to each subsequent Field Training Officer. The front side of the form lists thirty-two (32) category titles, which encompass a wide variety of Patrol Officer functions. The Field Training Officer shall assign a score based on Trainee performance to each category at the end of the duty shift. If multiple instances of the same category are observed, then the performance with the lesser rating shall be used for the end of the day result. Scoring of the Daily Observation Report shall be based on a sliding numeral value of "1" to "5", with "1" (Unacceptable) being the lowest possible score and "5" (Superior) the highest successful score. The criteria set for‒the numeral values of "1", "3" and "5" are laid forth in the Standardized Scoring Guideline Handout. The scores of "2", and "4" are discretionary values which may be used by the Field Training Officer, based on the amount of input needed by the Field Training Officer or the receptiveness of the Trainee to the task that receives a rating of "3" (Acceptable). The purpose of scoring is to assist in tracking what areas the Trainee needs improvement in as well as what areas the Trainee is achieving a consistent score in, denoting capable performance.

(1) Scoring shall be placed on each category as a whole shift performance, rather than in each instance. For example: The Trainee responds to a building alarm three times in one shift. Performance in the first two is acceptable. Yet on the third call, the Trainee makes an Officer safety error which results in an unacceptable rating. At the end of the shift when scores for each category are compiled, the lesser of the three performance ratings is used.

(2) On the reverse side of the form has a narrative field to make specific comments on any of the 32 categories listed on the front. All categories that receive a rating of "2" (Minimally) or below must have a brief narrative as to why the performance was scored this way. In addition, if a category was scored a "1" (Unacceptable), some type of remedial training "R/T" shall be provided and such type of training shall be noted along with the time used to conduct the training. The type of remedial training used will be dependent on the situation, if the cause for the unacceptable score can be addressed through demonstration or discussion then the Field Training Officer need only briefly document what was provided to the Trainee and the approximate length of time used. The training time or "T/T" marking should appear on the front of the form next to the category in which the remedial training was used.

(3) In the event that a Trainee is given numerous sessions of remedial training in the same category or if the single cause for an unacceptable score was severe enough then the Field Training Officer should consider a more detailed type of remedial training. For such an event the Field Training Supervisor and the Field Training Officer should prepare detailed training tasks for the Trainee to complete. The task is developed based on the categories where the Trainee needs improvement in. The training task shall be issued to the Trainee and the Trainee's performance rated on a Training Task Worksheet Form. This form shall be used throughout the program.

(d) Non-FTO Daily Observation Report - This report is similar to the standard Daily Observation Report. This report form is used for those Officers that supervise the Trainee on either "Ride- Along", or Training Tasks. There are still fields for the Officer to provide evaluations, but rather than using the scoring method as above, there will be only two scores, acceptable or unacceptable based on the individual Officers training and experience. There will also be fields for the Officer to make comments on the Trainee's performance. Once the form is completed, it shall be remanded to the Field Training Officer, who will initial it and go over the content with the Trainee. It will then be attached to the Trainee's file.

(e) Standardized Scoring Guideline Handout - Shall list each category on the Daily Observation Report Form that will be evaluated throughout the program. This handout will be used to determine how the trainee's score is evaluated for the course of the Program. It shall be provided to all Field Training Officers and for the Trainee's. This form is used throughout the course of the training for reference.

(f) Training Task Worksheet - Shall be a handout containing some type of training objective, whether to provide needed exposure to a patrol Officer not encountered in normal patrol, or to provide remedial training for a severely unacceptable performance.

(g) Final Field Trainee Recommendation Form - Once the Trainee has completed all Phases; the Field Training Officer shall complete this form. It provides areas for total training times from all phases, a summary of the Trainee's overall performance and whether there is a recommendation for the Trainee to be released to solo patrol or continuation in the Program. Any such recommendations must be supported by details on the Trainee' direct performance.

(h) Trainee's Evaluation of the Training Program Form - This form is given to the Trainee to be completed at the end of his/her training course. Its purpose is meant to critique the performance of the Field Training Officer and the overall program materials. For the success of the Program, it is important to obtain feedback from the Trainee on what areas they found beneficial as well as what things could be improved. Once completed, this form should be returned to the Training Supervisor.

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