Lac Courte Oreilles Band of Lake Superior Chippewa Indians of Wisconsin - Tribal Law

Disclaimer: Although every effort is made to present current and accurate information, if you need an official version of the tribe’s laws, please contact the tribe.

To contact the Lac Courte Oreilles Band of Lake Superior Chippewa Indians of Wisconsin, visit the tribal court's website.

Lac Courte Oreilles Tribal Code of Law.

PAP.9.5.070 Promotions

It is the policy of the Gaming Enterprises to hire team members for positions at entry level, and then to provide training and development opportunities for all team members and offer promotions to higher-level positions, based upon skills and qualifications. Management prefers to promote from within and may first consider current team members possessing the necessary qualifications and skills to fill vacancies above entry level, unless outside recruitment is considered to be in the Gaming Enterprises best interest.

(a) All team members are encouraged to seek advancement opportunities and to obtain promotion and career guidance from their Director/Manager, and/or the Human Resource Department.

(b) A team member's eligibility for promotion will be determined by the requirements of the new job. In addition, the team member must have held his or her current position for at least ninety (90) days and have a satisfactory performance record, including no adverse disciplinary action during the same period.

(1) Executive Management may, in its discretion, waive the ninety (90) day requirement.

(c) Job openings and promotions for which management seeks candidates from within the Casino's current staff can/may be posted on the team member bulletin board. However, management may, as it considers appropriate, fill job openings by internal promotions without posting notices. However, when job openings or promotion opportunities are posted, the following should be done:

(1) Interested team member(s) must submit a written transfer request/resume' to the Human Resource Department within the posted timeframe;

(2) Directors/Managers may initiate a procedure within the same time period and recommend team member(s) for the position; and

(3) The Human Resource Department may, at its discretion, solicit outside candidates during the posting period.

(d) Current team members who are candidates for promotion will be screened and selected on the basis of attendance records, performance appraisals, and job-related qualifications. Seniority will be considered if two or more candidates are judged to be equally qualified based on merit, work record, and other qualifications.

(e) Promoted team members will be subject to the provisions a Transfer and Promotion Probationary Period as it pertains to the team member meeting the job requirements.

(1) Team members who accept a promotion are not guaranteed the opportunity to return to their previous position if unsuccessful in the new (promoted) position following a Transfer and Promotion Probationary Period.

(f) All non-exempt team members are required to report their daily hours worked on the Casino time keeping system. Time calculations cover one workweek period.

(1) Team members are to record the starting time and quitting time;

(2) Team members are not permitted to sign in and commence work before their normal starting time or to sign out and stop work after the normal quitting time without the prior approval of their supervisor;

(3) A team member's time will be verified and approved by their Director/Manager.

(4) Un-worked time for which a team member is entitled to pay (paid absences, paid holidays, or paid PTO leave) shall not be categorized as regular work for purpose of overtime pay. Authorized overtime must be identified and approved by the Director/Manager.

(5) Unapproved absences are not to be considered as hours worked for pay. Directors/Managers should inform team member(s) if they will not be paid for certain hours of absence; and

(6) The completing of another team member's time or the falsifying of any time record is prohibited and may be grounds for disciplinary action, including termination.

(g) Exempt team members must account for their daily attendance and time. Exempt team members will not receive overtime compensation, as they are salaried employees.

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