Stockbridge Munsee Community, Wisconsin - Tribal Law
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Resolution No. 018-2001 — Membership
Legislative History
On March 20, 2001, Resolution No. 018-2001, Tribal Council adopted the following amendments:
Section 44.1, technical change. The Ordinance incorrectly referred to Sections 11, 2 and 3 of Article III of the Tribal Constitution. The correct sections are 1, 2, and 3 of Article III of the Tribal Constitution. Section 44.2, expanding the Membership Committee from three to seven members, effective March 20, 2001. Section 44.3(A), deleted the reference that the Committee Members served "coinciding with the terms of the President of the Council" and changed the number of members who must sign the recommendations to Council from two members to four members to coincide with the seven member committee. Section 44.3(B) and Section 44.3(B)(1), newly created, establishing staggered terms for the seven member Membership Committee. Section 44.3(C), newly created, establishing the desirability that two of the Membership Committee be elders. Section 44.3(C)(1), newly created, establishing that the two elder terms be staggered terms. Section 44.3(D), newly created, establishing that Membership Committee member can be removed for cause. Section 44.7(B), newly created, incorporating the majority of the content of a 1985 Tribal Council directive (that was not previously incorporated into the Ordinance) so that the Membership Committee may consider other documents in determining blood degree, in addition to meeting the requirements of Section 44.7(A). The March 20, 2001 amendments approved by BIA, April 10, 2001.
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