Pueblo of San Ildefonso, New Mexico - Tribal Law

Disclaimer: Although every effort is made to present current and accurate information, if you need an official version of the tribe’s laws, please contact the tribe.

To contact the Pueblo of San Ildefonso, visit the tribe's website. The tribe also publishes their laws through a law library

Pueblo de San Ildefonso Code. Prohibited Activities

The following activities are declared unlawful, thereby subjecting violators to a civil fine or assessment, and are prohibited on Pueblo lands:

(a) Hunting without a license: Any person who hunts on Pueblo land without having possession of a valid Pueblo Hunting License in accordance with Section for the game species, and date(s) in question shall have violated this Act and upon conviction, shall be assessed a civil fine of $300.00.

(b) Hunting by non-members: Any non-member who hunts within the jurisdiction of the Pueblo shall have violated this Act and upon conviction, shall be assessed a civil fine of $1,000.00.

(c) Spotlighting: Any person who shoots at or kills any big game animal with the aid of any light or lights attached to such vehicle or by means of any other artificial light shall have violated this Act and upon conviction, shall be assessed a civil fine of $300.00.

(d) Sale of License: Any person who purchases a Pueblo Hunting License from anyone other than the Pueblo or sells a license shall have violated this Act and upon conviction, shall be assessed a civil fine of $150.00.

(e) Transfer of License: Any person who uses or allows another person to make use of a Pueblo Hunting License issued to another shall have violated this Act and upon conviction, shall be assessed a civil fine of $100.00.

(f) Killing or Possessing a Fawn or Doe: Any person who knowingly kills or possesses a fawn or doe deer, or carcass thereof, at any time, shall have violated this Act and upon conviction, shall be assessed a civil fine of $200.00.

(g) Legal Firearms: It is unlawful to hunt with other than the specified weapon: Center-fire rifles or center-fire handguns chambered for a center-fired rifle cartridge. No fully automatic firearm may be used. Any person who uses a weapon other than those permitted by this section shall have violated this Act and upon conviction, shall be assessed a fine of $100.00.

(h) Hunting in Closed Areas: Any person who hunts or takes an animal in an area of the Pueblo that is closed to hunting of big game animals or is not specifically designated for hunting shall have violated this Act and upon conviction, shall be assessed a fine of $250.00.

(i) Bag Limits: Any person who exceeds bag limits established in accordance with Section of this Act shall have violated this Act and upon conviction, shall be assessed a fine of $500.00.

(j) Using a Vehicle to Take Game: Any person who shoots at, kills or pursues any game animal from an automobile, truck or other self-propelled vehicle shall have violated this Act and upon conviction, shall be assessed a fine of $50.00.

(k) Hunting or Possessing Game Out of Season: Any person, except as authorized by the Governor, who hunts, kills, wounds or otherwise takes, captures or has in his possession any game animal on Pueblo lands when the season has not been declared open in accordance with Section shall have violated this Act and upon conviction, shall be assessed a fine of $200.00.

(l) Hunting outside of Daylight Hours: Any person who takes, pursues, wounds or kills big game or small game animals on Pueblo lands during times other than daylight hours shall have violated this Act and upon conviction, shall be assessed a fine of $200.00. Daylight hours shall be from one-half hour before sunrise until one-half hour after sunset.

(m) Interference with Tribal Ranger: Any person who disobeys or disregards a direct order of, or interferes with a Tribal Ranger or other tribal official while performing his or her duties under this Act shall have violated this Act and upon conviction, shall be assessed a fine of $300.

Original url: https://law.sanipueblo.org/us/nsn/san-ildefonso/council/code/

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