Pueblo of San Ildefonso, New Mexico - Tribal Law

Disclaimer: Although every effort is made to present current and accurate information, if you need an official version of the tribe’s laws, please contact the tribe.

To contact the Pueblo of San Ildefonso, visit the tribe's website. The tribe also publishes their laws through a law library

Pueblo de San Ildefonso Code. Definitions

(a) "Alternative care facilities" means a site where medical needs, sheltering, urgent care services and select traditional inpatient services are not usually provided, but which are deliberately repurposed for provision of such services during select disasters. Alternative care facilities may include facilities for the purpose of addressing low level acute health care, isolation, quarantine, and homelessness.

(b) "Case" means a person, alive or dead, having been diagnosed to have a particular disease or condition by a health care provider with a diagnosis based on clinical or laboratory criteria or both.

(c) "Child day care facility" means an agency regularly providing care for a group of children for less than 24 hours a day and subject to Pueblo or federal regulation.

(d) "Communicable disease" means an illness caused by an infectious agent which can be transmitted from one person, animal, or object to another person by direct or indirect means including transmission via an intermediate host or vector, food, water, or air.

(e) "Compliance officer" means any Pueblo agent or official authorized by the Pueblo or the Public Health Officer to ensure compliance with any Pueblo law or regulation designed to protect community health, safety, and welfare.

(f) "Contact" means a person exposed to an infected person, animal, or contaminated environment in a manner that may lead to infection.

(g) "Contaminated" or "contamination" means containing or having contact with infectious agents or chemical or radiological materials that pose an immediate threat to present or future public health.

(h) "Contamination control measures" means the management of persons, animals, goods, and facilities that are contaminated, or suspected to be contaminated, in a manner to avoid human exposure to the contaminant, prevent the contaminant from spreading, and/or effect decontamination.

(i) "Detention" or "detainment" means physical restriction of activities of an individual by confinement for the purpose of controlling or preventing a serious and imminent threat to public health and may include physical plant, facilities, equipment, and/or personnel to physically restrict activities of the individual to accomplish such purposes.

(j) "Diagnosis" means an identification of a disease or condition by an individual authorized by law to make the identification.

(k) "Disease" means a condition or disorder that causes the human body to deviate from its normal or healthy state.

(l) "Disease control measures" means the management of persons, animals, goods, businesses, facilities, or any area that poses a threat or potential threat, that are infected with, suspected to be infected with, exposed to, or suspected to be exposed to an infectious agent in a manner to prevent transmission of the infectious agent to humans.

(m) "Disease of suspected bioterrorism origin" means a disease or condition caused by viruses, bacteria, fungi, or toxins from living organisms that are used by man to intentionally produce death or disease in humans, animals, or plants. Many of these diseases or conditions may have nonspecific presenting symptoms.

(n) "Disinfection" means killing or inactivating communicable-disease-causing agents on inanimate objects by directly applied chemical or physical means.

(o) "Epidemiologic investigation" means the application of scientific methods to ascertain a diagnosis, identify risk factors for a disease, determine the potential for spreading a disease, institute disease control measures, and complete forms and reports including communicable disease, case investigation, and outbreak reports.

(p) "Emergency Manager" means person designated by the Governor to oversee and carry out the emergency operations including any duties assigned pursuant to an Emergency Response Plan.

(q) "Health care facility" means any building that is used, operated, or designed to provide health services, alternative care, medical treatment, behavioral health services, dental services, nursing, rehabilitative, or preventive care to any individual.

(r) "Health care provider" means any person having direct or supervisory responsibility for the delivery of health care who is licensed or certified by a Tribe, federal, state, or local government or respected medical professional association to provide health care, or is otherwise temporarily authorized by the Pueblo to provide health care.

(s) "Imminent hazard" means a situation that is likely to cause an immediate threat to human life, an immediate threat of serious physical injury, an immediate threat of serious adverse health effects, or a serious risk of irreparable damage to the environment if no immediate action is taken.

(t) "Infected" or "infection" means when an individual has an agent for a disease in a part of the individual's body where the agency may cause disease.

(u) "Infected areas" means when an area or physical space has been compromised by a

disease or infected individual.

(v) "Infectious agent" means an organism such as a virus, rickettsia, bacteria, fungus, protozoan, or helminth that is capable of producing infection or infectious disease.

(w) "Isolation" means the separation, for the period of communicability or contamination, of infected persons or animals from others in such places and under such conditions as to prevent or limit the direct or indirect transmission of the infectious agent or contaminant from those infected or contaminated to those who are susceptible or who may spread the agent or contaminant to others.

(x) "Local health department" means a city, town, county, or regional agency in New Mexico providing public health services to persons within their area.

(y) "Outbreak" means the occurrence of cases of a disease or condition in any area over a given period of time in excess of the expected number of cases.

(z) "Person" means any individual, trust, firm, association, partnership, Indian tribe, tribally chartered corporation or business, political subdivision, government agency, municipality, industry, public or private corporation, any legal entity or private enterprise, and includes members of the Pueblo, all other non-member Indians, and all non- Indians.

(aa) "Public health emergency" means an occurrence or imminent threat of an illness or

health condition that:

(1) Is believed to be caused by any of the following:

(A) Bioterrorism;

(B) The appearance of a novel or previously controlled or eradicated infectious agent or biological toxin;

(C) Natural disaster, chemical attack or accidental release, or nuclear attack or accident;

(2) Poses a high probability of any of the following harms:

(A) Deaths in the affected population;

(B) Serious or long-term disabilities in the affected population;

(C) Widespread exposure to an infectious or toxic agent that poses a significant risk of substantial harm to a large number of people in the affected population;

(D) Otherwise exceeding the capability or capacity of the public health and/or healthcare systems.

(bb) "Public Health Officer" means the individual having been appointed under this Act as the Public Health Officer for the Pueblo.

(cc) "Public health worker" means all persons employed by the Pueblo or its businesses or entities and who are obligated to serve as public health workers (PHWs). As PHWs, employees may be assigned to perform activities which promote the protection of public health and safety or the preservation of lives and property. PHWs provide services and aid during a declared emergency, disaster or catastrophic event. At any time during an officially-declared emergency, disaster, or catastrophic event, a PHW may be required to report to work and to be assigned to public health work.

A PHW may be assigned to locations and duties outside of their normal job responsibilities. All employees assigned to work as PHWs shall be paid at an hourly rate greater than or equal to their regular hourly rate, including overtime.

(dd) "Pueblo" means the Pueblo de San Ildefonso and all lands, air space, and waters within the exterior boundaries of the Pueblo.

(ee) "Quarantine" means the restriction of activities of persons, domestic animals, inanimate objects, or areas as have been exposed to, or are suspected to have been exposed to, an infectious agent, for a period of time not longer than the longest usual incubation period of the infectious agent, in such manner as to prevent effective contact with those not so exposed. If the incubation period is unknown, the Public Health Officer must use their best professional judgment in setting a period of time for quarantine.

(ff) "School" means a facility, building or residence where education programs are held, including, but not limited to preschool, kindergarten, after school programs through grade 12, language programs, the Education Department, GED programs, and higher education programs.

(gg) "State public health officer" means the person designated by the state of New Mexico to serve as statewide health officer, or, in the absence of such designation, the person having primary responsibility for public health matters within the state of New Mexico.

(hh) "Suspected case" or "suspected to be infected" means an individual the Public Health Officer, in their professional judgment, reasonably believes that infection with a particular infectious agent is likely based on signs and symptoms, laboratory evidence, or contact with an infected individual, animal, or contaminated environment.

(ii) "Test" means an analysis performed on blood or other body fluid or other generally

accepted means to evaluate for the presence or absence of a disease or condition.

(jj) "Tribal school" means a facility for programs of education preschool and kindergarten

through grade 12 operated by the Pueblo.

Original url: https://law.sanipueblo.org/us/nsn/san-ildefonso/council/code/

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