Pueblo of San Ildefonso, New Mexico - Tribal Law

Disclaimer: Although every effort is made to present current and accurate information, if you need an official version of the tribe’s laws, please contact the tribe.

To contact the Pueblo of San Ildefonso, visit the tribe's website. The tribe also publishes their laws through a law library

Pueblo de San Ildefonso Code. Disease Control Measures

(a) The Public Health Officer shall prepare and issue regulations following a public notice and comment process to take the following control measures:

(1) Review each report filed under Article II of this Act for completeness and accuracy;

(2) Confirm each diagnosis;

(3) Conduct or facilitate epidemiologic and other investigations required herein;

(4) Facilitate notification of known contacts;

(5) Conduct surveillance, including contact tracing and proper notifications;

(6) Determine trends;

(7) Implement control measures, quarantines, and isolations, as authorized by law;

(8) Disseminate surveillance information to health care officials and providers;

(9) Provide health education to a disease case or contact to reduce the risk of transmission of the respective disease or condition;

(10) Collaborate and share information with Tribal, local, state, and federal public health officers and officials, in accordance with applicable privacy law(s);

(11) Participate in public information dissemination, public broadcasts, and news events, as authorized by the Governor; and

(12) Report to Tribal Council as requested.

(b) Control measure by the Public Health Officer must contain the following information:

(1) The specific control measure being ordered and the requirements being imposed, including, if applicable, requirements for isolation, quarantine, contact tracing, physical examinations and medical testing;

(2) The identity of the individual or group of individuals to whom the control measure applies;

(3) The premises or place to which the control measure applies, or to which individuals and/or animals are to be quarantined or isolated;

(4) The date and time at which the control measure requirements begin and end;

(5) The justification for the control measure, including, if known, the disease for which the individuals and/or animals are believed to be cases, suspected cases, or contacts; and

(6) A statement that the control measure requirements shall be in place for no more than 30 calendar days.

Original url: https://law.sanipueblo.org/us/nsn/san-ildefonso/council/code/

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