Pueblo of San Ildefonso, New Mexico - Tribal Law

Disclaimer: Although every effort is made to present current and accurate information, if you need an official version of the tribe’s laws, please contact the tribe.

To contact the Pueblo of San Ildefonso, visit the tribe's website. The tribe also publishes their laws through a law library

Pueblo de San Ildefonso Code. ANIMAL CONTROL OFFICER.

(a) Authority. The Animal Control Officer is responsible for the execution and enforcement of this Act, under the direction of the Governor. The Governor shall be authorized to obtain and provide appropriate training and equipment for Animal Control Officers.

(b) Powers and Responsibilities. In addition to powers and responsibilities authorized elsewhere in this Act, the Animal Control Officer has the following powers and responsibilities:

(1) To investigate violations or suspected violations of this Act, including entering private property, but only with probable cause, to investigate a violation or possible violation of this Act;

(2) To enter onto private property without probable cause to apprehend an animal that is at-large. Such entrance upon private property shall be in reasonable pursuit of the animal and shall not include a right of entry into a domicile or enclosure unless it is at the invitation of a resident or occupant;

(3) To issue civil citations based on probable cause that a violation of this Act has been committed or to issue orders, warnings, or recommendations directing owners to take certain preventative or corrective measures;

(4) To prosecute citations in the Pueblo Courts and to testify in such prosecutions;

(5) To supervise the operation of the community Pound, or the contracting of such services to another entity;

(6) To institute, as necessary, educational programs to acquaint residents of the Pueblo with the provisions of this Act;

(7) To administer rabies vaccinations to animals and to issue rabies certificates for such animals but only after the development of a sustainable and professional vaccination program;

(8) To provide reasonable medical resources to Owners when available, on a fee-basis or without charge, depending on the circumstances of each case; and

(9) To perform such other appropriate activities related to the enforcement of this Act or other duties as are assigned to the Animal Control Officer by this Act, by his or her supervisor, or by the Governor.

(c) Records. The Animal Control Officer must keep complete, correct, and legible records of appropriate matters for five (5) years after the date to which the records relate. The records to be kept shall include, but are not limited to, the following:

(1) Investigative records of every violation or possible violation investigated;

(2) Civil citations issued, including the date of the violation, name and address of the Owner of the animal, and any written orders issued or actions taken;

(3) Animals impounded, including the disposition of the animals;

(4) Animal bite cases;

(5) Reports of positive diagnosis of rabies related to animals;

(6) The destruction of all animals pursuant to this Act; and

(7) All other records deemed necessary by the Animal Control Officer.

(d) General Liability of Animal Control Officers. No Animal Control Officer will be held liable for the death or injury to any animal that occurs during an attempt to capture, incapacitate, or euthanize the animal, while responding to an emergency situation, or while attempting to ensure his or her own safety or the safety of others.

Original url: https://law.sanipueblo.org/us/nsn/san-ildefonso/council/code/

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