Pueblo of San Ildefonso, New Mexico - Tribal Law

Disclaimer: Although every effort is made to present current and accurate information, if you need an official version of the tribe’s laws, please contact the tribe.

To contact the Pueblo of San Ildefonso, visit the tribe's website. The tribe also publishes their laws through a law library

Pueblo de San Ildefonso Code. Required Registration Information

(a) Required Information: When a covered sex offender registers with the Tribal Court, the covered sex offender shall provide the following registration information:

(1) Name: Sex offender's full primary given name and all nicknames, aliases, pseudonyms, and ethnic or tribal names by which the sex offender is commonly known. This does not include any religious or sacred names not otherwise commonly known.

(2) Date of Birth: The sex offender's actual date of birth and any other date of birth used by the sex offender.

(3) Social Security Number: A valid social security number for the sex offender and any social security number the sex offender has used in the past, valid or otherwise.

(4) Address: The address of each residence at which the sex offender resides or will reside, and any location or description that identifies where the sex offender habitually resides regardless of whether it pertains to a permanent residence or location otherwise identifiable by a street or address.

(5) Employment: The name and address of the sex offender's employer, including any physical locations where the sex offender is employed, and similar information related to any transient or day labor employment. Similar information is required for volunteer and unpaid positions.

(6) School: The name and address of each school where the sex offender is or will be a student.

(7) Criminal History: Every offense for which the sex offender has been convicted, the date and place of all arrests and convictions, the sex offender's status of parole, probation, or supervised release, the sex offender's registration status, and any outstanding arrest warrants.

(A) The Tribal Court shall obtain the text of each provision of law defining the criminal offense(s) for which the sex offender is registered.

(8) Internet Related Identifiers: All email addresses, Instant Message addresses and identifiers, all other designations or monikers used for self-identification in internet communications or postings used by the sex offender, and all designations used for the purpose of routing or self-identification in internet communications or postings, including but not limited to social network identifications, Twitter accounts, video posting site identifications such as YouTube, etc.

(9) Telephone Numbers: Any and all land line telephone number, cellular telephone numbers, and all voice-over (VOIP) telephone numbers.

(10) Identification Documents: A photocopy of all of the sex offender's valid driver's licenses issued by any jurisdiction, any identification card including the sex offender's tribal enrollment card issued by any jurisdiction, any passports used by the sex offender and all immigration documents.

(11) Professional Licensing Information: All licensing of the sex offender that authorizes the sex offender to engage in an occupation or carry out a trade or business.

(12) Vehicle Information: License plate numbers, registration numbers or identifiers, a general description of the vehicle to include color, make, model, and year, and any permanent or frequent location where any covered vehicle is kept for all vehicles owned or operated by the sex offender for work or personal use including land vehicles, aircraft and watercraft.

(13) DNA Sample. If the sex offender's DNA is not already contained in the Combined DNA Index System (CODIS), the sex offender shall provide the Police Department a sample of his DNA. Any DNA sample obtained from a sex offender shall be submitted to an appropriate lab for analysis and entry of the resulting DNA profile in to CODIS.

(14) Finger and Palm Prints. A covered sex offender shall provide finger prints and palm prints in a digitized format. The Police Department shall obtain the required prints from the sex offender.

(15) Photograph. A current digital photograph of the sex offender is required at initial registration. Unless the appearance of a sex offender has not changed significantly, a digitized photograph shall then be collected:

(A) Every ninety (90) days for Tier 3 sex offenders,

(B) Every one-hundred eighty (180) days for Tier 2 sex offenders, and

(C) Every year for Tier 1 sex offenders.

(16) Physical Description. An accurate general description of the sex offender's physical appearance or characteristics, and any identifying marks, such as, but not limited to, scars, moles, birthmarks, or tattoos. A photograph may be taken of any identifying marks for investigation purposes.

(17) Temporary Lodging. When the sex offender will be absent from his residence for seven (7) days or more, the name and address of the temporary lodging locations, the dates of travel and the dates the sex offender will be staying at each temporary lodging location. The sex offender must provide the required information to the Tribal Court no later than three (3) days before the scheduled travel and the information/notice must be provided in person.

(18) International Travel. In the event the sex offender will be traveling out of the United States for more than seven (7) days, the offender must inform the Tribal Court in person twenty-one (21) days in advance of the date of intended travel.

(b) Sex Offender Acknowledgement Form: The sex offender shall read, or have read to them, and sign a form stating that the duty to register has been explained to them by the Tribal Court and that the sex offender understands the registration requirement.

(1) The form shall be signed and dated by the Tribal Court personnel registering the offender and immediately uploaded into the sex offender registry.

Original url: https://law.sanipueblo.org/us/nsn/san-ildefonso/council/code/

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