Pueblo of San Ildefonso, New Mexico - Tribal Law

Disclaimer: Although every effort is made to present current and accurate information, if you need an official version of the tribe’s laws, please contact the tribe.

To contact the Pueblo of San Ildefonso, visit the tribe's website. The tribe also publishes their laws through a law library

Pueblo de San Ildefonso Code. Findings and Dispositions

(a) The Children's Court may make the following findings and dispositions:

(1) Dismiss the petition if the Court finds that the child is not within the jurisdiction of the Court, or the Court may terminate its jurisdiction on its own motion or the motion or petition of any interested person or party at any time when it feels it is in the best interests of the child to do so, or when the child reaches eighteen (18) years of age, or the Court finds that the facts alleged in the petition have not been proved.

(2) The court may consider any report or recommendation made by the Bureau of Indian Affairs, Northern Pueblos Agency, other agency or individual or any other information material deemed necessary by the Court before making dispositions of a case.

(3) The Court may transfer to the Tribal Court any case involving a child who is found to be dependent, is found to be eighteen (18) years of age or older, or is found to be charged with an offense which the Court finds warrants that the child be transferred to Tribal Court for adjudication of the offense.

(4) If the Court finds that the child is delinquent or dependent on the basis of evidence and proof of each allegation beyond a reasonable doubt, it shall enter an order making any of the following dispositions of the ease which are deemed necessary for the rehabilitation of the child:

(A) Counsel the child or his parents, guardian or custodian.

(B) Place the child under the supervision of a Youth or Probation Officer or other person in his own home under conditions prescribed by the Court, including reasonable rules for his conduct and the conduct of his parents, guardian or custodian.

(C) Subject to the continued supervision of the Court, transfer legal custody of the child to one of the following:

(i) An individual of good character and place the child in a suitable home within the Pueblo; or

(ii) An individual of good character and place the child in a suitable home outside the reservation, provided prior written consent of the child's parents or guardian and approval of the Council or its representative or committee is obtained.

(D) If the child is found to have violated a local Pueblo law or ordinance which has resulted in damage to the property of another, the Court, if practical, may order the child, parent, guardian or custodian to make reasonable restitution for such damage.

(E) If the child is in need of special treatment and care for his physical or mental health, the Court may request it be provided by the Bureau of Indian Affairs, Northern Pueblos Agency, Indian Health Service, other agency or person.

(F) If the Court believes that it is in best interest of the child and of public safety, that the driver's license of the child be suspended or revoked until his eighteen (18th) birthday, the Court may order this action and report it to the issuing agency for any period up to the child's eighteen (18th) birthday. At any time, the Court may, for good cause, may restore the license or recommend to the issuing agency that the license be restored to the child.

(G) The Court may expunge the adjudication of delinquency at any time that it deems advisable.

(H) When it is in the best interests of the child to do so, the Court may continue the case for a period not to exceed ninety (90) days for the purpose of completing any consideration of any investigation or examination ordered by the Court. During this continuance, the Court may order the child released or detained as the Court may determine.

(I) All orders for supervision shall be for an indeterminate period unless otherwise specified by the Court, and shall be reviewed by the Court at least annually. Upon the Court's own motion or that of any interested party, the Court has continuing jurisdiction to renew the order Or after notice to the parties and a hearing, make some other disposition of the case. Any person to whom legal custody of a child is transferred shall report to the Court, as the Court may direct.

(5) If the Court finds that the Child is neglected or dependent, it shall enter an order making any of the following dispositions in the case:

(A) Place the child under the protective supervision of the authorized Youth or Probation Officer in his own home or in a suitable home under conditions prescribed by the Court.

(B) If the child is in need of special treatment and care for his physical or mental health, the Court may order the child's parent, guardian or custodian to provide it or the Court may request it be provided by the Bureau of Indian Affairs, North-ern Pueblos Agency, Indian Health Services or other agency or person,

(C) Subject to the continual supervision of the Court, transfer legal custody of the child to one of the following:

(i) An individual of good character and place the child in a suitable home within the Reservation.

(ii) An individual of good character and place the child in a suitable home outside the Reservation, provided prior written consent of the child's parents or guardian and approval of the Tribal Council is obtained.

(D) All orders under this sub-section shall be for an indeterminate length of time unless otherwise specified by the Court and upon its own motion or that of any interested party, the court has continuing jurisdiction to renew the order or, after notice to the parties and hearing, make some other disposition of the case. Any person to whom legal custody of a child is transferred shall report to the Court, as the court may direct.

(E) The Children's Court shall establish criteria for foster homes and institutions, which shall be approved by the Tribal Council for the placement of minor children as ordered by the Court.

Original url: https://law.sanipueblo.org/us/nsn/san-ildefonso/council/code/

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