Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians of North Dakota - Tribal Law

Disclaimer: Although every effort is made to present current and accurate information, if you need an official version of the tribe’s laws, please contact the tribe.

To contact the Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa, visit the tribe's website. The tribe also publishes their laws through the law library on their website.

Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians Tribal Code.

26.07.070 Standards for Pardon Board

(a) The Pardon Board will only consider applications from Tribal members with less than 3 total Tribal misdemeanors as covered in this title of the Tribal Code of 1976. The Pardon Board will not consider those with three or more infractions (i.e. habitual offenders).

(b) The Pardon Board will not consider any infraction that is less than five years old.

(c) The Pardon Board will not consider pardons for any crimes listed in the Indian Major Crimes Act, 18 USC 1153, even if such actions are also crimes under Tribal law.

(d) The Pardon Board will not consider pardons for any Misdemeanors related to dealing and/or distributing drugs.

(e) The Pardon Board will consider pardons for drug use-related infractions only if they have completed an intensive drug treatment program lasting at least ninety (90) days prior to application for pardon.

Original url: /us/nsn/tmchippewa/council/code/26.07.070

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