Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians of North Dacota - Tribal Law

Disclaimer: Although every effort is made to present current and accurate information, if you need an official version of the tribe’s laws, please contact the tribe.

To contact the Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians, visit the tribe's website. The tribe also publishes their laws through the law library on their website.

Constitution and ByLaws of the Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians North Dakota

Section 2.

The Tribal Council shall have the authority to regulate its own procedure, except as specified in Article VI, to appoint a Vice-Chairman from its membership, to act in the absence or disability of the Chairman, to appoint subordinate committees, delegates, and employees not otherwise provided for in the constitution, and to provide tenure and duties; provided that any delegation of authority described in this Constitution shall be granted only by written resolution or ordinance and shall be withdrawn in the same manner. (Amendment XIV, Approved February 3, 1995)

Original url: https://law.tmchippewa.com/us/nsn/tmchippewa/council/constitution/IV/2

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