Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians of North Dacota - Tribal Law

Disclaimer: Although every effort is made to present current and accurate information, if you need an official version of the tribe’s laws, please contact the tribe.

To contact the Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians, visit the tribe's website. The tribe also publishes their laws through the law library on their website.

Constitution and ByLaws of the Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians North Dakota

Section 3.

Absentee ballots shall be furnished to eligible members upon their request to the Secretary-Treasurer provided that all such ballots shall be returned to the Secretary-Treasurer on or before the date of the election in order that the ballots may be counted. "Eligible member" is defined as:

(a) Those non-resident members who are attending off reservation higher education facilities or serving in the United States Services; or

(b) Those resident members who maintain Rolette County residency, but have to leave the county for employment purposes; or

(c) Those members that are physically and medically disabled.

Any non-resident member may vote non-absentee in the district of their former residence or affiliation. (Amendment XXV, Approved August 7, 2001)

Original url: https://law.tmchippewa.com/us/nsn/tmchippewa/council/constitution/V/3

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