Pribilof Islands Aleut Communities of St. Paul and St. George Islands
Listen to the pronunciation

Clarification: Pribilof Islands Aleut Communities of St. Paul & St. George Islands (St. George Island and Saint Paul Island)—is not included in the official count of 574 federally recognized Tribes but is recognized as an entity authorized to act on behalf of St. George Island and Saint Paul Island.

Tribal Code:

At NILL website. Climate change resolution. (2007)

See NILL catalog records for cimate change resolution from 2007.

Tribal Constitution:

At University of Oklahoma Law Library website. Constitution. (St. Paul, 1950)

At University of Oklahoma Law Library website. Corporate charter. (St. Paul, 1950)

At LLMC Digital website. Constitution. (St. Paul, 1950)

At LLMC Digital website. Corporate charter. (St. Paul, 1950)

See NILL catalog record for constitution.

Tribal Court Opinions:

None Available.

Other Legal Materials:

See NILL catalog records for other tribe materials.

Contact Info

St. George Island
P.O. Box 940
St. George Island, AK 99591-0940
(907) 859-2205 or (907) 859-2206

Saint Paul Island
P.O. Box 86
St. Paul Island, AK 99660
(907) 546-3200

Research Tools

United States Tribal Courts Directory. By A. Schwartz and M.J.B. Hunter.

Tiller's Guide to Indian Country: Economic Profiles of American Indian Reservations. Tiller Research, Inc. (see older version online at the Internet Archive)

Tribal Leaders Directory. (BIA)

Directories of Tribes and Alaska Native Villages. (NILL)

How to Build a Tribal Legal History. Indian Nation Archives