About the Indian Law Bulletins

The Indian Law Bulletins are a current awareness service of the National Indian Law Library (NILL). The purpose of the bulletins is to provide succinct and timely information about new developments in Indian law. The Indian Law Bulletins should not be considered exhaustive lists of materials, should not substitute for independent research, and do not constitute legal advice.

Frequency of Updates

The Indian Law Bulletins are published online and delivered via email weekly, unless otherwise noted.

Selection Policy & Process

The Supreme Court, Federal Courts, and State Courts Bulletins highlight important cases related to federal Indian law. Cases involving Native Americans but not related to Indian law are excluded. Occasionally non-Indian law cases will be included if the case outcome will have a major impact on Native Americans.

The Tribal Courts Bulletin highlights important cases decided by Tribal courts. Included cases typically cite Tribal law and/or include issues of jurisdiction, expulsion, disenrollment, Tribal elections, judges, and civil matters between two Tribal members.

Submissions of Tribal court opinions by the legal community are welcome.  If you would like to submit a judicial opinion, please email it to TribalLaw@narf.org.

The Legislative, Regulatory, Law Reviews/Bar Journals, and News Bulletins highlight important updates related to federal Indian law as well as the Native American Rights Fund’s stated issues & priorities.

Sources of Information

Indian Law Bulletin research relies on but is not limited to the following sources:


Each Indian Law Bulletin section is archived by year or by term. Visit the Archives page to browse or use the custom Google search box on the right side of each page to search information from previous bulletins.

Links to full text news articles and other outside sources may not remain persistent or operational over time. Original links as well as the title, source, and date information that was current at the time of publication remain in the Archives for the Indian Law Bulletins to aid in research. Contact us for help locating a resource if needed.

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