Lac Courte Oreilles Band of Lake Superior Chippewa Indians of Wisconsin - Tribal Law

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To contact the Lac Courte Oreilles Band of Lake Superior Chippewa Indians of Wisconsin, visit the tribal court's website.

Lac Courte Oreilles Tribal Code of Law.

TCT.2.8.030 Procedure for Admission

(a) An attorney for the purposes of this subchapter shall be a person who has graduated from an American Bar Association accredited institution and has been admitted to a court or jurisdiction. A Lay Advocate is a person who has completed certified training in the practice of law in tribal courts. A Lay advocate cannot be an attorney who is inactive or is not in current standing in another jurisdiction. Any person wishing to practice before the Tribal Court shall file a written request for admission with the Clerk of Court, accompanied by a Certificate of Good Standing from the State Bar or Supreme Court of the State in which such attorney is duly licensed to practice law. Such request shall be accompanied by an admission fee as determined by the Court rule pursuant to Section TCT.2.8.030(b)(1), below.

(b) Attorneys may appear on behalf of any party in any action or proceeding before the Tribal Court, provided they are licensed to practice law before the Tribal Court. Such license shall be issued upon compliance with the following:

(1) Filing with the Clerk of Court an affidavit that the applicant is licensed to practice law and provides evidence that the attorney is in good standing before the highest court of any state; and

(2) Filing with the Clerk of Court an affidavit that the applicant has studied and is familiar with the Constitution and By-Laws of the Tribe, this Code, the Lac Courte Oreilles Tribal Code of Law (LCOTCL), Title 25 of the United States Code and Title 25 of the Code of Federal Regulations; and

(3) Paying an annual license fee of one hundred dollars ($100.00); and

(4) Taking the following oath before the Clerk of Court, either in person or by affidavit:

"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support the laws of the Lac Courte Oreilles Band of Lake Superior Chippewa Indians;

I will maintain the respect due to the Tribal Court and its judicial officers;

I will not counsel or maintain any suit or proceeding which shall appear to me unjust, nor any defense except such as I believe to be honestly valid or debatable under the law;

I will employ confidentiality for the purpose of maintaining the causes confided to me, and such means only as are consistent with truth and honor, and I will never seek to mislead any judge or magistrate, or by false statement or misrepresentation of fact or law;

I will employ in the conduct of my duties the highest degree of ethics and moral standards with which my profession is charged, and I will be guided at all times by the quest for truth and justice;

In the conduct of my duties as an attorney, I will not impugn the morals, character, honesty, good faith, or competence of any person, nor advance any fact prejudicial to the honor or reputation of any person, unless required by the justice of the cause with which I am charged."

(c) Any lay advocate wishing to practice before the Tribal Court shall file a written request for admission with the Clerk of Court, accompanied by an affidavit reciting the qualification of such spokesman to represent another before the Court.

(1) Filing an affidavit with the Clerk of Court which states that the applicant has studied and is familiar with Constitution and By-Laws of the Tribe, this Code, the Lac Courte Oreilles Tribal Code of Law (LCOTCL), Title 25 of the United States Code and Title 25 of the Code of Federal Regulations; and

(2) Paying an annual license fee of $50; and

(3) Taking the following oath before the Clerk of Court either in person or by affidavit:

"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support all laws of the Lac Courte Oreilles Band of Lake Superior Chippewa Indians;

I will maintain the respect due to the Tribal Court and its judicial officers; and

I will employ confidentiality for the purposes of maintaining the causes confided to me, and such means only as are consistent with truth and honor, and I will never seek to mislead any judge, justice, jury or elder by any artifice, or by false statement or misrepresentation of fact or law; and

I will conduct myself in an orderly, courteous and respectful manner and shall not misbehave or disrupt, obstruct, or otherwise interfere with the conduct of any proceeding by the Court or the administration of justice by the Lac Courte Oreilles Tribal Court."

(d) Upon the successful determination of admission to the practice an attorney shall be issued a bar number which shall be required on all documents submitted to the Tribal Court.

(1) Attorneys shall be number LCO1001;

(2) Lay advocates shall be numbered LCOA1001; and

(3) Attorneys admitted Pro Hac Vice shall be numbered LCOT1001.

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