Stockbridge Munsee Community, Wisconsin - Tribal Law
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visit the tribe's website . The tribe also publishes their laws through the law library on their website.
Resolution No. 034-12 — Revenue Allocation Plan
Legislative History
Amendments of Resolution No. 060-11 were readopted. These amendments are as follows: Amending Section GMG.02.02(d) by deleting "high school graduation rates" and inserting "Secondary and Post Secondary education" ; deleting "complete" and inserting "acquire"; deleting "schooling" and inserting "education"; and Amending Section GMG.02.03(b) by deleting "improvements" and inserting "expenditures including capital improvements"; deleting "offices" and inserting "government buildings"; inserting "tribal utilities and roads,"; deleting "improvement program"; inserting "and Health and Wellness Center, tribal government legal and financial services, Tribal Court, tribal law enforcement services"; deleting "Constitutional revision and a tribal judicial system, including tribal court system, tribal prosecutor, tribal police department and other" and inserting "future"; and Amending Section GMG.02.03(c) by deleting "sixty" and inserting "one hundred and twenty"; deleting "Tribal Council" and inserting "Tribe's Finance Department"; deleting "listed in Section GMG.02.03(b) "; and Amending Section GMG.02.03(d) by inserting "At least sixty days prior to the commencement of each new fiscal year, the"; and Amending Section GMG.02.03(e) by deleting "or its appointed agent" and inserting ", through the tribe's Finance Department,"; deleting "operations or program's generally accepted accounting methods." and inserting "Tribe's policies and procedures and Generally Accepted Accounting Principles."; and Amending Section GMG.02.03(f) by inserting "new"; and Amending Section GMG.02.04(a) (1) by deleting "revise and increase " and inserting "increase or decrease"; deleting "the tribal government operations and programs" and inserting "tribal economic development"; and Amending Section GMG.02.04(d) by inserting, "renewable energy and energy efficiency projects."; and Amending Section GMG.02.05(a) (1) by deleting "revise and increase" and inserting "increase or decrease"; deleting "This percentage may be decreased, at the Council's discretion, after budge review, to fund any per capita payment authorized under Section GMG.02.07 of this plan." and inserting "If it deems necessary, the Tribal Council may allocate a percentage of the general welfare to fund per capita payments authorized under Section GMG.02.07 of this Plan."; and Amending Section GMG.02.06(b) by deleting "The Tribal Council may show a preference to such charitable donation requests that benefit tribal members or Native American/Indian people generally." and inserting ", pursuant to the Tribal Council Donation Policy"; and Amending Section GMG.02.07(a) by deleting "60" and inserting "sixty"; inserting ", and unused funds from Sections Section GMG.02.03 , Section GMG.02.04 , and Section GMG.02.05 of the current fiscal year"; inserting "The percentage allocation for total per capita payments shall not exceed the amount budgeted from gaming revenues for Tribal investments in the upcoming fiscal year."; and Amending Section GMG.02.07(a) (1) by inserting "not" and inserting "prior to" and deleting "not later than"; deleting "subsequent" and inserting "upcoming"; deleting "The Tribal Council hereby reserves the right to amend this provision to provide for an alternative distribution schedule for per capita payments, if per capita payments are approved."; and Amending Section GMG.02.07(a) (3) by deleting "this" and inserting "the"; deleting "subsequent" and inserting "upcoming"; and Amending Section GMG.02.07(b) by inserting "calendar"; and Amending Section GMG.02.07(b) (1) by deleting "this" and inserting "the"; and Amending Section GMG.02.07(f) by deleting "Amounts" and inserting "Obligations"; inserting "In the event that the obligations of the tribal members are non-monetary then the tribal member's per-capita payment will be withheld until the individual satisfies the obligation. If the individual has failed to comply within thirty (30) days, then the tribal member's per-capita payment for that particular year will be returned to the Net Gaming Revenue's General Welfare Fund. Examples include but are not limited to a tribal member refusing to vacate a tribal housing unit, failing to complete community service, etc. In addition to any other tribal remedies, the tribal member's per-capita payment would be withheld. If the individual continued to fail to vacate or perform community service as required, then the tribal member's per-capita payment would be returned to the Net Gaming Revenue's General Welfare Fund." These amendments were approved by the BIA, through the Office of Indian Gaming.
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