It is clear that our natural world is undergoing severe climate change that adversely impacts the lives of people and ecosystems worldwide. Some Native American and Alaska Native communities are especially vulnerable and experience disproportionately the negative impacts on their cultures, health, and food systems. In response, NARF is committed to environmental sustainability through our mission, work, and organizational values. Native Americans, Alaska Natives, and other Indigenous peoples have a long tradition of living sustainably with the natural world by understanding the importance of preserving natural resources and respecting the interdependence of all living things. NARF embraces this tradition through its legal work protecting tribal natural resources.  We also adopt sustainable office practices that reduce our negative impact on our climate and environment. NARF has a Green Office Committee whose responsibility it is to lead and coordinate staff policies that minimize waste, reduce energy consumption and pollution, and create a healthful work environment.

In 2016, the Boulder NARF office received two awards for sustainability:
(1) NARF was awarded EPA’s ENERGY STAR certificate for the main NARF building at 1506 Broadway with a score of 93 out of 100. Buildings that earn EPA’s ENERGY STAR use 35 percent less energy and generate 35 percent fewer greenhouse gas emissions than similar buildings across the nation.
(2) In addition, the Boulder office has become a PACE Certified Partner for reducing waste with a 79% landfill diversion rate. (PACE stands for Partners for a Clean Environment and serves Boulder County, Colorado.)

You can read more about how we minimize our environmental impact and respect our Earth on our recently updated Environmental Sustainability page.

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