Second-year law school students have until September 15, 2023, to submit their Summer 2024 Law Clerkship application to the Native American Rights Fund (NARF). Law clerks serve in one of NARF’s offices in Anchorage, Boulder, or Washington D.C.

“The NARF Law Clerk Program offers next generations of attorneys the opportunity to contribute meaningful and much-needed work in defense of tribal sovereignty and Native rights, while gaining unique experience and knowledge,” said NARF Deputy Director Matthew L. Campbell.

“We value the contributions law clerks make to NARF’s work,” said Campbell. “The NARF Law Clerk Program provides the selected participants with one-on-one mentorship, professional development, training, and networking opportunities to help them build their legal careers.”

Successful applicants will have completed Native American law coursework and have other experience and qualifications. For details about qualifications and how to apply, see the NARF Summer 2024 Law Clerk application.

NARF expresses gratitude to the Confederated Tribes of Siletz Indians for ongoing and generous support of the Law Clerk Program. Tribes, organizations, and donors who would like to join the Siletz Tribe and NARF in sustaining this much-needed professional development opportunity, can donate today.

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