The Native American Rights Fund (NARF) was honored to welcome UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues members and Secretariat, invited experts, Native American tribal leaders, U.S. forum representatives, and NARF friends to a reception at our office in Boulder, Colorado, on Monday, January 22, 2024. Attendees were in town for the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues’ Expert Group Meeting on “Indigenous Peoples in a Greening Economy,” which was being held at the University of Colorado Boulder the next day. The night was a great kick-off to a productive week discussing the challenges and opportunities for Indigenous populations around the globe in the context of the transition from fossil fues to other alternatives.

For more information about the meeting, see

Colorado Law Hosts UNPF Meeting on Indigenous Peoples in a Greening Economy. (from The Implementation Project, a joint initiative of NARF and CU Law).

United Nations experts gather at CU Boulder to discuss Indigenous communities and their role in the ‘greening’ economy. (by Paolo Zialcita, Colorado Public Radio News).

We are grateful for the opportunity to host these honored guests and thank our NARF team for the hard work that made this evening possible.

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