While many Native Americans face challenges to exercising their fundamental right to vote, there is an opportunity to break through voting barriers and transform voter registration in Indian Country through designation of federally and tribally run Indian Health Service facilities. Join us for a discussion hosted by tribal leaders, Native organizers, and voting rights experts as they walk through what IHS has already committed to, the potential impact of IHS designations, and a roadmap for how to pursue designations for your Tribal Nation. Register here.
When: Wednesday, April 12, 2023 at 3:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. EDT
Regina Cuellar – Shingle Springs Band of Miwok Indians, Chairwoman
Heidi Todacheene – Senior Advisory to the Secretary, Department of Interior
Maggie Toulouse Oliver – New Mexico Secretary of State
Jacqueline De León (Moderator) – Native American Rights Fund, Senior Staff Attorney
Saundra Mitrovich – National Congress of American Indians, Director of External Engagement