Consider making a donation to NARF this holiday season and support our work to protect sacred places and Native American peoples.

As citizens of sovereign nations engulfed by another country that occupies most of their historic land base, Indigenous peoples still must navigate layers of policy and levels of U.S. government to protect and access places at which they worshiped freely prior to the 1400s.
Scott Aikin (Prairie Band Potawatomi) discusses how policy deeply impacts the health of Native peoples by granting or restricting access and protection to sacred places. Policy at any level of government, even at the federal level, can and does change.

Aikin shared his optimism and insight at the Sacred Places and Public Health think tank convened by the Native American Rights Fund and the John Hopkins Center for Indigenous Health.
Traditional knowledge, culture, health, and spirituality are so interconnected with Native American sacred places. NARF has a long history protecting sacred places and supporting solutions grounded in Indigenous thinking. This Native American Heritage month and through the end of the year, we will highlight the ongoing work to protect sacred places.
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