Traditional knowledge, culture, health, and spirituality are so interconnected with Native American sacred places. NARF has a long history protecting sacred places and supporting solutions grounded in Indigenous thinking. This Native American Heritage month and through the end of the year, we will highlight the ongoing work to protect sacred places.
Consider making a donation to NARF this holiday season and support our work to protect sacred places and Native American peoples.
Today’s U.S. laws and principals of capitalist land ownership continue to sever Indigenous communities from their homelands and often prevent or restrict or their ability to access sacred places. American oppression of Indigenous peoples and their sacred places, religious, and cultural beliefs forced Native people to hide or change ceremonies, medicines, and culture.

Former Isleta Pueblo Governor and Chief Judge Verna Teller (Isleta Pueblo) explains how lack of access and improving access to sacred places impacts the health and survival of Indigenous lifeways, cultures, and peoples today. Bringing Indigenous voices based on centuries of successful sustainable living on the land more meaningfully into the discussion is a concept whose time is long overdue.
Teller participated in the Sacred Places and Public Health think tank convened by NARF and the John Hopkins Center for Indigenous Health . Across the U.S., places critical to the practice and survival of their cultures and religions remain inaccessible.
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