Wacantognaka, the Lakota word for generosity, means to contribute to the well-being of one’s people and all life by sharing and giving freely. Only with your generous support, can NARF achieve its mission of justice on behalf of Native Americans.
Or donate by phone at (303)447-8760 between 8:30am and 5:00pm (Mountain) Monday through Friday.
Donate by mail at 250 Arapahoe Ave. | Boulder, CO 80302. For your convenience, you can download our print donation form and include it with your mailed donation.
NARF is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. Contributions to NARF are fully tax deductible as allowed by law.
NARF Tax ID# 84-0611876
Tsanáhwit Circle: Give Monthly
Tsanáhwit is a Nez Perce word meaning equal justice. Tsanáhwit Circle members provide a regular source of income to NARF by making monthly contributions . Sign up now at our online donation form!
Otu’han: Give in their honor
Otu’han is the Lakota (Sioux) word translated as “giveaway.” The Otu’han gift program is modeled after the tradition of the Indian giveaway in which items of value are gathered over a long period of time to be given away in honor of birthdays, marriages, anniversaries, and in memory of a departed loved one. Make a tribute gift at our online donation form.
Circle of Life: Plan a Gift
Circle of Life members include NARF in their estate planning or deferred gifts. To Native Americans, the circle represents unity, strength, and the eternal continuity of life. These lasting gifts help ensure the future of NARF and our Native clients nationwide. Discover your planned giving options.
Contribute to a NARF Endowment
NARF has two endowments: (1) the 21st Century Endowment, a permanent fund in which the principal is invested and interest income is used for NARF’s programs, and (2) the Living Waters Endowment, which enables donors to honor loved ones by making an endowment gift of $10,000 or more. To discuss your options, contact Julia Manypenny at (720) 647-9645.
Give to NARF Every Day
Did you know that you also can support NARF through everyday choices? Some companies allow consumers to support the Native American Rights Fund through purchases and participation in their give-back programs.
Be a Fundraiser
Some kind supporters donate proceeds from their shops or sponsor NARF fundraisers for their birthdays, Thanksgiving, Indigenous Peoples’ Day, or Native American Heritage Month. To help, we created some quick instructions and ideas for using Facebook’s fundraiser feature.
Be an Ambassador
Thank you for being our ambassador and telling others about NARF and our fight for Native rights! Below is information that you can share anytime about NARF and our ongoing efforts to undo centuries of racist policy and ensure justice for Native Americans.
If you’d like to download banners (shown below) to show your support, download them here.

NARF’s Mission: The Native American Rights Fund (NARF) holds governments accountable. We fight to protect Native American rights, resources, and lifeways through litigation, legal advocacy, and expertise.
NARF is a nonprofit organization governed by a board of directors composed of thirteen Native Americans from tribes throughout the country and with a variety of expertise in Native American matters. Early in NARF’s existence, these directors identified five priority areas for the organization:
- Preserve tribal existence
- Protect tribal natural resources
- Promote Native American human rights
- Hold governments accountable to Native Americans
- Develop Indian law and educate the public about Indian rights, laws, and issues
Since 1970, NARF has successfully asserted and defended some of the most important rights of Native Americans and tribes in hundreds of major cases in critical areas such as tribal sovereignty, treaty rights, natural resource protection, voting rights, and Indian education.
NARF continues to engage in high-impact legal actions and projects that move us towards a world where Native Americans thrive as their rights, resources, and lifeways are intact and protected; promises made to them are upheld; and they exercise their sovereign right to manage their own affairs while tribes exercise their sovereign right to manage their own affairs as governments.