Several of our supporters have expressed interest in fundraising for NARF through social media. We thank you. Here are some quick instructions and ideas for using Facebook’s fundraiser feature.
(1) Start Your Facebook Fundraiser With One Click
Go to:
(2) Tell Your Story
This is your chance to tell family and friends why you’re fundraising and what inspired you to raise money to fight for Native American rights. Some ideas to get you started:
- NARF has a Native led board, who identified these five priorities for the firm: preserve tribal existence; protect tribal natural resources; promote Native American human rights; hold governments accountable to Native Americans; and develop Indian law and educate the public about Indian rights, laws, and issues.
- The United States has broken more than 500 treaties that it has signed with Native Nations. NARF is the oldest and largest nonprofit law firm dedicated to asserting and defending the rights of Indian tribes, organizations and individuals nationwide.
- “We ask for nothing more, and will accept nothing less, than the US government keeping the promises made to Native Americans.” —NARF Executive Director John Echohawk
(3) Pick a Pic
You can use one of the images that Facebook provides, but here is a version of the NARF logo as well:

(4) Make it Personal and Lead by Example
Once your page is done, you’ll have the opportunity to invite people to give and share your fundraiser to your timeline with a brief message explaining why you want people to give.
Asking family and friends individually is a great way to motivate people to donate. A personal invitation is much more effective than a group message
Sometimes people don’t want to go first. Make the first donation to your fundraiser yourself. This shows that you’re committed, and they should be too! Or…
(5) Make a Match
Another way to inspire your friends to give is by committing to match their donations with your own gift! Once your fundraiser is created, you will have the option to pledge to match donations. You can pledge any amount that fits your budget. (The minimum pledge amount is $5 and the maximum is $2500.)
(6) Remind People to Give and Give Thanks
Don’t be afraid to follow up with the people you’ve asked to give who haven’t donated yet. We all get busy and need reminding sometimes.
Know that 100% of the funds that you raise through Facebook come directly to NARF, but we may not receive the donor’s contact information and may not be able to thank your friends and family as much as they deserve, please let them know that we are grateful for all of the modern day warriors who are standing firm for justice! A very simple thank you message goes a long way.
Speaking of which, THANK YOU, for being a NARF supporter and a partner in our fight for justice!