In March 2024, the Tribal Education Departments National Assembly (TEDNA) held its Board of Directors meeting at the Native American Rights Fund (NARF) Boulder office. TEDNA creates and sustains vital connections among American Indian and Alaska Native tribal education departments.
“Tribal Nations forge unique paths to take their community to a place where education helps them reclaim sovereignty,” said TEDNA Executive Director Quinton Roman Nose. “TEDNA ensures tribal education departments have help on that path and hear about resources and strategies that they can adapt to work in their community.”
Since 2003, the nonprofit assembly has provided tribal education departments with access to resources and technical assistance. Attendees at the board meeting discussed issues, opportunities, and solutions for furthering tribal education programs.
“TEDNA creates a forum where tribal education experts come together to learn and share, which creates a bird’s eye view of what’s happening in tribal education elsewhere,” said Roman Nose. “Something one department is struggling with, may be creating obstacles for many other Tribal Nations, too, or one team may have developed a solution that could help many tribal education departments achieve their goals.”

The U.S. Department of Education Office of Indian Education and NARF both supported the founding of TEDNA. The assembly now offers resources for students, families, and tribal colleges and universities. To learn how to donate to TEDNA or join the assembly, visit: https://tedna.org/
More: About TEDNA
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