Given the history of hostility toward and misunderstanding of Native religions, NARF works hard to protect religious freedoms. We helped pass the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act. We assist Native students being prohibited from wearing sacred eagle feathers at graduation. All the while, we wage legal battles on issues like the use of peyote, possession of eagle feathers, and the rights of Native inmates.

Related Cases & Projects

Protecting Oak Flat and Tribal Religious Practices (Apache Stronghold v. U.S.)

Eagle Feathers at Graduation (Black v. Broken Arrow School District)

Winnebago Repatriation Request to Carlisle Boarding School (Winnebago v. Department of Army)

Protecting Native Students’ Rights at Graduation

SWO Sought Return of Child from Carlisle Cemetery

Eagle Feathers at Graduation (Waln v. Dysart School District)


See Older News Posts


Wearing Eagle Feathers at Graduation

Resources for graduating high school students and families to help ensure that they can wear eagle feathers during their commencement ceremony.

Repatriation Foundation Collection

The American Indian Ritual Object Repatriation Foundation donated its collection of online resources to NARF. Those resources are available at the National Indian Law Library's research guide on repatriation and reburial.
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