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First-of-its-Kind Tribal Water Institute

Walton Family Foundation commits 1.4 Million On November 13, the Native American Rights Fund and the Walton Family Foundation announced the creation of the Tribal Water

National Native Organizations Oppose Federal Shutdown

A coalition of national Native organizations, collectively serving the interests of Tribal Nations and their citizens, joined in unison to oppose a federal government shutdown, spending cuts for tribal programs, and to remind Congress that Native lives are not a political bargaining chip.

Right Now You Can Double Your Impact

The rights and sovereignty of America’s First Peoples are under constant threat. Thankfully, dedicated people like you are determined to fight back. Right now, the Shakopee

Summer 2024 Opportunity to Clerk at NARF

Second-year law school students have until September 15, 2023, to submit their Summer 2024 Law Clerkship application to the Native American Rights Fund (NARF). Law clerks

Protect Your Legacy & Loved Ones

August is Make-A-Will month, which makes it a great time to take care of this very important, if not very fun, task. Wills are not only for wealthy people. Without a will,

Retired Illinois Mascot Still Causing Harm

The Native American Rights Fund (NARF) recently contacted the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign about their mascot and the effects of stereotyped Native imagery
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